满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— May I use your dictionary for a while?...

— May I use your dictionary for a while?

— ______ . It’s on the desk.

A. Yes, sure                   B. Take it easy

C. You’ve got it                 D. Sorry, you can’t


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——我可以使用一会儿你的字典吗?——当然了,它在桌子上。A. Yes, sure是的,当然了;B. Take it easy 别紧张;C. You’ve got it你已经拿到它了;D. Sorry, you can’t 对不起,你不能。根据It’s on the desk.可知允许,故选择A。 考点:考查情景交际。  

-Could you tell me ______ ?

-At 9:20 tomorrow morning.

A. what time you arrived      B. who you are coming with

C. when will you be here      D. what time you are arriving



Laura opened the door and rushed into the rain _______ I could stop her.

A. until         B. after         C. before         D. unless



-__________ are you always staying up so late these days?

-To prepare for my final exam.

A. How          B. Why            C. When          D. Where



Across from my home, ______ a shop which sells things from foreign countries.

A. it is         B. it has         C. there is       D. that is     



Taobao.com is one of ________ shopping websites in China.

A. large           B. larger           C. largest             D. the largest



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