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New changes have taken place in Paris in...

New changes have taken place in Paris in recent years. Paris used to be among Europes busiest cities. Traffic jams could be seen all the time. But now there is a new 2.5 kilometre-long car-free area inside the city. The Louvre(卢浮宫) attracts world tourists. People visit there not just for the art works, but also enjoy the roof of the building which is like a flying carpet. The worlds most beautiful city is now even more beautiful.

Lijiang River National Park, China.

Lijiang River is in Guilin. It is well-known for its clear water, limestone(石灰岩洞) and green hills. The hills have beautiful names depending on different shapes, such as Elephant Trunk. These attract many Chinese poets and artists. The best way to enjoy Lijing River is to take an 83 km boat trip from Guilin to Yangshuo in summer.

Zurich, Switzerland

What do you think Zurich is famous for? Great banks? Yes. People can find many Swiss banks and foreign banks here. But the city is of great interest to many people for another reason. Zurich hosts Europes largest street party each year. Its Street Parade has overtaken Londons Notting Hill Carival. Whats hot in the city in 2014? In August, Zurich will host the European Athletic Championships. This gives tourists a chance to see the worlds top athletes making new records.

Adelaide, Australia

Many people may know Sydney or Melbourne. They are big cities in Australia. But Adelaide wins peoples hearts with great festivals and tasty food. Adelaide Fringe Festival is the largest art festival in Australia. Every February and March, people celebrate with outdoor art works, dance performances and live music. Adelaide has many kinds of foreign foods. British fish and chips, Italian pizza and German pork can be found in most restaurants.

1.Tourists enjoy the art works as well as _______of the Louvre.

A. the busy street              B. the shape of its roof        

C. the car-free area            D. the flying carpet

2.Many Chinese poets and artists are attracted by________ in Guilin.

A. elephant trunks              B. warm weather     

C. the highway to Yangshuo      D. the green hills and limestone caves

3.Compared with Londons Notting Hill Carnival, the Street Parade in Zurich is _______.

A. even worse        B. exactly the same         C. much better        D. less popular

4.When and where will the 2014European Athletics Championships be held?

A. In August, Paris              B. In February, Europe        

C. In March, Adelaide           D. In August, Zurich

5.Betty is studying art at college. Shes travelling to some place to enjoy art work and taste foreign foods. She could go to_____

A. Adelaide                  B. Lijiang River National Park     

C. Zurich and Paris            D. the Louvre


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了四个备受游客青睐的游览胜地:1.法国的卢浮宫;2.中国的丽江国家公园;3. 瑞士北部的苏黎世;4. 澳大利亚的阿德莱德。 1.细节理解题。根据People visit there not just for the art works, but also enjoy the roof of the building which is like a flying carpet.可知 人们去参观卢浮宫,不仅仅是看艺术品,还可以看到像飞毯一样的屋顶。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据Lijiang River National Park, China.可知,许多中国的艺术家和诗人都是被桂林的青山绿水和石灰岩洞。故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据Its Street Parade has overtaken London’s Notting Hill Carival.可知,与伦敦的诺丁山艺术家相比较,苏黎世的街道狂欢节更胜一筹。故选C。 4.4】细节理解题。根据In August, Zurich will host the European Athletic Championships. 可知,2014年八月在苏黎世将举办欧洲田径运动锦标赛。故选D。 5.5】细节理解题。根据Adelaide wins people’s hearts with great festivals and tasty food. Adelaide Fringe Festival is the largest art festival in Australia. 可知,Betty可以到澳大利亚的Adelaide这个地方去欣赏艺术品和享受世界各地的美食。故选A。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Thomas Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be in the dark. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the motion picture camera and 1200 other things. About every two weeks he created something new.

Thomas Edison was born in 1847. He attended school for only three months. His mother taught him at home, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. He started experimenting at a young age.

When he was 12 years old, he got his first job. He became a newsboy on a train. He did experiments on the train in his spare time. Unluckily, his first work experience did not end well. They fired him when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the train. Then Edison worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time in experimenting his first patent(专利权) in 1868 for a vote recorder run by electricity.

Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but he thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He always worked 16 out of every 24hours. Sometimes his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.

Thomas Edison died at the age of 84. He left a great many inventions that greatly improved the quality of life all over the world.

1.How often did Edison make a new invention?

A. About every fourteen days       B. About every seven days

C. About once a week             D. About twice a week

2.The underlined word fired in the passage means __________

A.Gave somebody a job         B. Set fire to somebody   

C. Let somebody down         D. Forced somebody to leave his job

3.Edison considered his deafness as______.

A. something bad        B. a gift from god      C. a kind of ability       D. a disadvantage

4.which of the following sentence is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Edison had only 8 hours rest each day after his deafness       

B. Edison got his education mostly by self-teaching

C. Edison had his first job in 1869                 

D. Edisons inventions greatly improved the quality of peoples life

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The function of the electric light                 B. Edison and his experiments

C. The importance of inventions                   D. The whole life of Edison.



Friends play an important role in our life. Most people hope that their friends will always be there. They _____ friendship to last forever. ____, even the best friendship can end.

As time goes by, many friendships end because of a(n) ______ in personality or way of life. The friendship slowly loses importance and finally_______.

Tommy wrote, I didnt even know the friendship was over until I caught myself thinking of Alan as a former friend.

Peter explained. We _____ seeing each other less and less. The friendship was just over.

Sometimes friendships______ suddenly from a disagreement or move to another place.

Alice said,  The end of our friendship was a gradual thing. I moved from one side of the city to the other. Since then we _____ made a phone call. We met less and less. At last our friendship ended.

Jack said, When I moved to Seattle after college, our friendship died. Both of us were always____ with new jobs, so we didnt keep _____ touch with each other. Our friendship was so dead that I didnt call him_____ I went home.

Yet the biggest problem to a friendship is change. Lillian Rubin in her book Just Friends say, Generally its______ that friends will accept each other if they both remain what they were when they met, or change in similar directions. If they change or grow in different ways, the friendship most likely______ lost.

No matter why, when, or how friendships end, there is always_____ pain of loss.  When nothing can be____ to keep the friendship, it is important to forget the pain. Then move on_____ new friendships.

May new friendships bring you pleasure and happiness!

1.A. hope             B. expect           C. decide           D. prefer

2.A. Unfortunately      B. Luckily          C. Then            D. So

3.A. interest           B. experience        C. change          D. Suggestion

4.A. forgets           B. disappears         C. appears          D. improves

5.A. finished          B. practiced          C. continued         D. started

6.A. break down       B. break away        C. break off          D. break in

7.A. often            B. seldom            C. always           D. never

8.A. struggling        B. satisfying          C. pleased          D. fed

9.A. at               B. by               C. on               D. in

10.A. even if          B. while             C. before           D. since

11.A. strange          B. true              C. false            D. impossible

12.A. will be          B. is                C. will             D. to be

13.A. little            B. some             C. any             D. no

14.A. thought          B. checked          C. carried           D. done

15.A. to ask for        B. forming          C. to build          D. beginning



---Would you mind not_____ noise? Alice is sleeping. 

---Sorry, I didn’t know. I________ she was awake.

A. make, think          B. making, thought       C. making, think       D. make, thought



Father wont allow me to play outside_______ I wash up the dishes.

A. if not        B. if          C. unless          D. because



---Can you come on Monday or Tuesday, Scott?  

---Im afraid_____ possible. Ill be on business on those two days.

A. either          B. neither         C. every        D. each



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