满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

This bus doesn’t go to the rain station....

This bus doesn’t go to the rain station. I’m afraid you’ll have to ____ at the library and take the A52.

A. take off        B. put off   

C. get off         D. turn off


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这辆公交车不去火车站。恐怕你将不得不在图书馆下车,然后乘坐A52路公交车。A. take off起飞; B. put off 推迟; C. get off 下车;D. turn off关上。根据This bus doesn’t go to the rain station.可知这来给你公交车无法到达目的地,因此需要中途下车在转乘其他公交车。故用动词短语get off. 故选C。 考点:考查动词短语词义辨析的用法。  

—Where shall we eat tonight?

—Let’s call Harry. He ____ knows the best places to go.

A. only       B. nearly      

C. seldom      D. always



Choosing the right circle of the friends will ____ us a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.

A. save     B. share   

C. keep     D. bring



It’s possible to get $100 a day in this company, and some days you can get ______.

A. much         B. more     

C. little       D. fewer



At present, children mean____ to most parents in China.

A. everything     B. nothing    

C. anything    D. something



—Are you going anywhere?

—I ______about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind.

A.think         B. have thought   

C. will think    D. thought



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