满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once there was a man traveling in a fara...

Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village. As he was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains(锁链), no cages. It was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn’t try to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that rage, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they still believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free.”

How could it be? These animals could at any time break free from their ropes. But because they always stuck right where they were, they believed they couldn’t.

Just like the elephants, how many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something, just because we failed at it once before?

___________________. We should never give up the struggle(挣扎) in life.


1. What did the writer see in the village?

A. Chains    B. Elephants     C. Cages      D. Farmers

2.Why do the elephants never try up to break free from the ropes?

A. Because they think they can not.

B. Because they are too old to do it.

C. Because they like their living places.

D. Because they get on well with the trainer.

3.How did the man feel after he heard what the trainer said?

A. Moved      B. Surprised     

C. Angry      D. Nervous

4.Which of the following is the missing part in the last paragraph?

A. Failing is part of learning.

B. We should be different from others.

C. Helping animals is helping ourselves.

D. Traveling always makes people relaxed.

5.What is the best title for this test?

A. Pleasant trip         B. A Cruel Trainer   

C. Elephant Training     D. The Elephant Rope


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文通过讲述大象鼻子上的绳子来告诉我们面对失败,不要放弃,要坚持斗争。当作者在村里看到大象鼻子上系着一根细绳,大象却不会挣脱,他感到惊讶。驯象师告诉他这是因为大象在很小的时候,因为挣脱不了这个绳子,他长大了仍然以为挣脱不了,所以就放弃努力了。这告诉我们,失败是生活中的一部分,应该不要放弃争扎。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:人生百味类短文阅读。

“It’s raining cats and dogs!”Grandpa shouted.

Little Richie came running to the window. He wanted to see the ____falling from the sky. He looked out of the window, but is was ____that there were no cats or dogs. He only saw small pools of water on the ground.

“Man, it’s really coming down out there!” Uncle Bob agreed____he looked out of the window, too. Richie scratched his head(挠头). What was coming down? First they talked about cats and dogs that ____ be seen. Now someone said it “it”. What was going on with these ____?

“Wow!” Aunt Susie shouted as she looked out of the window. “It’s raining really hard.”

Richie____his aunt. “It is raining hard,” he agreed, “but ____are the cats and dogs?”

Grandpa laughed. “Richie, that just____it’s raining really hard.”

“So why didn’t you just say that?” Richie ____. It was irritating (恼人的) when people like they were not speaking English at all.

“We did. You just didn’t understand these____.” Richie’s cousin said with a big smile.

“Well, now I do.” Richie said.

1.A. tigers and lions     B. pigs and sheep   C. cats and dogs   D. chickens and ducks

2.A. important         B. possible         C. necessary      D. strange

3.A. unless            B. after            C. till           D. though

4.A. couldn’t           B. shouldn’t       C. needn’t       D. mustn’t

5.A. days              B. animals         C. ideas        D. people

6.A. shouted at          B. looked at       C. laughed at     D. pointed at

7.A. what              B. how           C. where         D. who

8.A. explains           B. proves          C. means        D. shows

9.A. ordered            B. thought         C. repeated      D. asked

10.A. saying             B. questions       C. objects        D. stories



—Excuse, can you tell me ____?

—Sorry, I don’t. You can go to the information desk.

A. that there is a train        B. when the train goes   

C. which train can I take       D. where does the train go.



He’s not a perfect child. He sometimes talks back ____ his parents talk with him.

A. if      B. before      C. when       D. until



—Does this bus go to the beach?

—No. You_____ the wrong way. You want the Number 11.

A. go          B. were going  

C. are going   D. would go



—Do you climb mountains every day?

—Yes, ___ a little exercise. I’m so out of shape.

A. getting     B. get      C. got      D. to get



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