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足够的睡眠时间对学生来讲很重要,然而调查显示,许多学生睡眠不足。请根据图示 内容...



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Its important for students to have enough sleeping time.However,






One possible version: It's important for students to have enough sleeping time. However ,many of them don’ t have enough time to sleep. There are different reasons for it.Some students often spend too much time on computer games so that they don’t go to bed early.Some students have bad sleeping habits.They often drink too much tea or coffee before going to bed.This makes them too excited to fall asleep .. In order to get enough sleep ,we should keep away from computer games.We shouldn’t stay up too late . What’s more ,we can drink hot milk instead of coffee or listen to soft music before we go to bed ,which can help us have a sound sleep. In a word , if we make good use of time and form good habits , we’ll have enough sleeping time . Then we’ll be happier and healthier . 【解析】 试题分析:提示:足够的睡眠时间对学生来讲很重要,简要指出学生睡眠不足的原因,叙述这些内容的时候句子的时态必须用一般现在时,主语是第三人称;最后并提出建议的内容应该用一般将来时,表示学生今后应该如何做的事情。 【亮点说明】短文用了一些短语和句式,增加了文章的色彩,如:it is+形容词+to do sth;spend too much time on sth;instead of;help sb do sth;make good use of;keep away from等;还用了一些连词如:before,which,if等,使句子结构不再单一。 考点:看图作文。  


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As we all know. soccer is one of the most popular sports in the wor1d. The biggest international soccer1._____ is the World Cup. Every four years, almost2. _____ of the population in the world watch the World Cup.

Uruguay won the first World Cup in l930. Brazil is the3.______ nation to play in every World Cup final stage. It has 4.______ won the World Cup five times. The Brazilian style of soccer is beautiful to watch-- 5.________ of tricks and skills.

The 2010 FIFA World Cup 6. _______place in South Africa. It was the first cup hosted in Africa. The 20l4 FIFA World Cup began 7._______ June l2 in Brazil, and it lasts about one month. The national 8._______ of 32 countries are competing in 64 matches. New technology is used in the Brazil World Cup. For example, it uses electronic sensors (电子感应器) to check 9. _________the ball has crossed the goal line or not.

Although the Chinese national team didn't make it to the World Cup, it doesn't 10.__________ Chinese soccer fans watching the matches in the early morning. (Brazil is 10 hours behind China. )




Waiter:Welcome to Yangguang Restaurant .This way , please

Mr.Lee:1.________________________ .

Waiter:Take a seat,please.Heres the menu.

(A few minutes later) 2.________________________

Mr.Lee:I'd like fish with vegetables and a bottle of beer.

Waiter:3._____________________ .

Mr. Lee:A bowl of rice.

Waiter:OK.Thanks for your order.

Mr.Lee:(Half an hour later)May I have the bill,please?

Waiter:Let me see.Its 35.

Mr.Lee:4.___________________ .

Waiter:Heres your change.Thanks for coming!




要求:1.使用全部的提示词;    2.写出完整的句式结构。




1.Kate is a_____(高的)girl with a round face.

2.The_______(老板)used to support poor children

3.Walk _______(沿着)the road and turn right at the first crossing

4.They usually have some milk and________(面包)for breakfast.

5.Young people should_______(掌握)English and computer technology.

6. The children were so happy that they could_______(几乎不)speak.

7.Zheng He even_______(航行)to the east coast of Africa during the Ming dynasty



Students get a taste of the adult world

For some teenagers,being an adult is the coolest thing in the world.Adults dont do homework or take exams.They do what they like and earn money.How wonderful !But is it true?

Last month.Grade 7 students at Qiaoyi Middle School in Wuxi,Jiangsu,had a taste of the adult world.They had the homework called“Working with your parents for one day”.

What did they find?

Wu Jings mother works as a ticket collector in a park.At 6:00 a.m.,the 14一year—old gir1 went

to work with her mother.It Was dark and cold.Before the park opened,they did the cleaning , checked tickets and counted change.when the visitors came,they greeted them with a smile.After standing for the whole day.Wu was worn out.

“Every day Mom makes dinner for me and I take it for granted(认为理所当然) ,said Wu,“Now I know how tired she must be ,I should help her more.”

Li Shiyi,14,spent her day in a car.Her father is a taxi driver.She picked up call and gave change back.  Li thought itd be easy to sit in a car and tour the city.But soon she found that her father didn't even have time for lunch.

“Now I know how hard it is to earn money , Li said,“We should do what we can for our parents and never waste money.”


1.Some teenagers think that it is_______to be adults because the adults can do what they ______ and earn money.

2.The students were given the homework_______“Working with your parents for one day’’to have a _______ of the adult world.

3.As a ticket collector in a park,Wu Jings mother must be________because she has to go to work_________     and stand for the whole day.

4.Li Shiyi found her fathers job was not as_______as she had thought and her father was even too______ to have his lunch。

5.From the passage,we know that the teachers wish the students to______their parents more and never_________money.



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