满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

B. Love is a two - way street A father s...


Love is a two - way street

A father sat at his desk and looked at his bills when his young son rushed in and announced: "Dad, because today is your birthday and you're 40 years old, I'm going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!" When the boy started making good on his word (履行诺言 ) , the father shouted:  "Andrew, don’t do it now. I'm too busy! "

The boy soon fell silent as tears fell from his big blue eyes. Feeling sorry, the father said: "You can finish later.  The boy said nothing but quietly walked away." That evening the father said:  "Come and finish the kisses now,  Andrew!" But the boy didn’t.

Unfortunately, a few days later after the father's birthday, the boy had an accident and died.  His sad father wrote: "If only(要是...,该多好)i could tell him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words,  and how much my heart is hurting."

Love is a two-way street.  We must warmly accept any loving act,  or others will take it as a "NO" and it can leave a scar(伤痕). If we don't receive love, our life will lose its true meaning.  Nothing is more important than accepting love from those who are near and dear to us .

1.On his father's birthday, the boy wanted to

A. help pay the bills                              B. have a talk with his father

C. buy his father a gift                           D. give his father kisses

2. The boy felt _         when his father refused him.

A. sorry        B. surprised     

C. sad           D. excited

3.A few days after the fathers birthday, the boy      _

A. was badly hurt in an accident                 

B. was killed in an accident

C. had to go back to school                     

D. became unhappy with his father

4. The headline "Love is a two-way street" means

A. love keeps one busy all the time          

B. love can make people happy and unhappy

C. we should learn to give and receive love   

D. it's important to love people around us

5. We can know from the story that

A. the father is busy with his work             

B. the boy is hard -working

C. the father doesn’t like the boy              

D. the boy is too careless


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文给我们讲述的是一个故事,故事中的男孩想送给他的爸爸40个吻作为生日礼物,但是他的爸爸工作很忙拒绝了。没想到这之后男孩就在一次事故中死去了,父亲非常的后悔。从这个故事作者想要告诉我们,爱是双行道,我们不只要学会给予爱,也要学会接受爱。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

When you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak. When you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory (记忆 )  works in the same way.

When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it.  When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.

If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault (过错).  But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents may be blamed (责备 ) , and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people can’t read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write but they have to remember things, they cannot write them down in a small notebook.  They have to remember days, names, songs and stories, so their memory is being exercised the whole time.

So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practice remembering things in a way as other people do.

1. Someone can’t have a good memory if _     

A. his parents don't have a good memory

B. he can't read or write

C. he doesn’t use his memory

D. he doesn't use his arms or legs for some time

2. If you do not use your arms or legs for some time,                    _

A. they become weak and wont become strong until you use them again

B. they will become stronger

C. they become weak but they slowly become strong again

D. you cant use them any more

3. Which of the following is true?

A. Your memory works in the different way as your arms or legs.

B. Your memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you do not give it enough chance

to practice.

C.  Don't learn how to read or write if you want to have a better memory.

D. A good memory comes from less practice.

4. Few people know that it is only _      if a friend has a poor memory.

A. his grandmother's fault                      B. his parents fault

C. his teachers’ fault                          D. his own fault

5. The writer wants to tell us________ .

A. how to have a good memory                 B. how to read and write

C. how to use our arms or legs                D. how to learn from the people



Hearing is very important to all of us. We can        beautiful music, nice songs of birds, the laughter of people or other different kinds of              in the world with our ears.             we must try to protect our ears. The following will tell you         protect ears.

Listening to       music a lot can be bad for ears,         when headphones (耳机) are used. So        the volume(音)when you're wearing headphones or try not to wear headphones. You should give your ears a rest if you like wearing headphones.

Before swimming, remember        earplugs (耳塞) into your ears or wear a swim hat

to stop water       into your ears.

If you are going to a concert, wear earplugs to protect your ears       the terrible music!             , special earplugs can be made for you if you go to concerts a lot or if you are a musician yourself.

See a doctor if your ears        .         some medicine if the doctor asks you to do so.         the advice above now and you won't be saying “what?" when you are getting        .

1.A. listen       B. hear                C. listening          D. hear of

2.A. sounds      B. noise               C. voices           D. barks

3.A. Because     B. Although            C. So              D. But

4. A. what       B.  how               C.  what to         D.  how to

5.A. loud        B. aloud               C. loudly            D. quiet

6.A. specially     B. especial             C. special           D. especially

7.A.  turn on     B.  turnoff            C.  turn down       D.  turn up

8.A.  put        B.  to put             C.  putting         D.  to putting

9.A.  get        B.  to get              C.  with getting      D.  from getting

10.A. for         B. from                C. with              D. at

11.A.In fact       B.  In short            C.  In general        D.  In a word

12.A. break       B. sick                C. ill                 D. hurt

13.A. Drink       B. Eat                C. Take            D. Have

14.A. Listen       B. Hear              C. Follow           D. Fetch

15.A. young       B. old               C. sick              D. tired



If I             a bird, I                  _ fly in the blue sky.

A. was; would        B. am; will         

C. will be; will       D. were; would



-Jack went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday.       -_

A. So did he          B. So he did        

C. He did so        D. Did so he



Spring has come.  We can't____ the plan. The trees must be planted this week.

A. put off              B. make up          

C. come up with         D. look up



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