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Brave Type: 3D cartoon Comedy Running t...



Type: 3D cartoon  Comedy        Running time: 95 minutes

Merida, a princess, refused to marry a person that she dislikes. This causes trouble for her family and the whole country. Merida turns to a witch(女巫) for help. In doing so, her family and the country are in danger. Merida must save her family and the country before it is too late. X K b1.C  om


The Grey

Type: Action         Running time: 117 minutes

The Grey is based on the short story “Ghost Walker” written by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers. It’s about a number of oil men who are in trouble in Alaska after a plane crash(空难). They have to fight against grey wolves that threaten their lives.


Mirror Mirror

Type:          Running time: 106 minutes

You must know the story of Snow White. Would you like to see this story again? Come to see Mirror Mirror. It’s a comedy about Snow White. Lily Collins and Julia Roberts are the main actresses in this interesting movie.



Type: Documentary      Running time: 78 minutes

This movie is directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield. It’s a 2012 nature documentary film about a young chimpanzee named Oscar. He is alone in the African forests until he is raised by another chimpanzee. The chimpanzee takes care of Oscar like his own child.



1. How many documentaries are mentioned in the passage?

A. One.  B. Two.   C. Three.    D. Four.

2.Which movie lasts the longest time?

A. Brave.     B. The Grey.   

C. Chimpanzee.D. Mirror Mirror.

3.Which statement about the movies is true?

A. Mirror Mirror is directed by Lily Collins and Julia Roberts.

B. The Grey directed by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers is based on a short story.

C. You can’t see many beautiful nature sights in Chimpanzee.

D. Brave is about a princess who obeys her heart.

4.Who starred in(主演) one of the movies?

A. Lily Collins and Julia Roberts. 

B. Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield.

C. Ian Mackenzie Jeffers.          

D. Merida.

5.Where can you probably read this passage?

A. In a nature magazine.          B. In a storybook.

C. In an entertainment newspaper.  D. In a science book.


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了几部电影的情况类型,用时多少以及内容。可知Brave是3D卡通喜剧,用时117分钟,讲述的是一个公主拒绝嫁给她不喜欢的人;The Grey是动作片,用时117分钟;Mirror Mirror是喜剧,用时106分钟,由Lily Collins 和 Julia Roberts主演;Chimpanzee是纪录片,用时78分钟。 1. Documentary 可知Brave是3D卡通喜剧,The Grey是动作片;Mirror Mirror是喜剧;Chimpanzee是纪录片,故文中只提到了一部纪录片。故选A。 2.推理判断题。根据Brave,95 minutes The Grey, 117 minutes Mirror Mirror,[ 106 minutes Chimpanzee78 minutes可知Brave用时95分钟;The Grey用时117分钟, Mirror Mirror用时106分钟,[ Chimpanzee用时78分钟,故推断The Grey的时间最长。故选B。 3. 4. 5. 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。

Yesterday my son and I went to the grocery store. In front of us         was a little girl with her mother. The little girl was asking her mother for a box of Smarties. The polite way she was asking         broke the mother’s heart. “I’m sorry, honey, but we have no money to buy it.”

My son was watching that dialogue. By the way, he had been raking leaves in our garden to         himself some money to buy a bike. As he watched the mother and daughter leave the         , he ran to the candy counter and bought a box of Smarties with his money. Then he ran out after the little girl and her mother, and gave them the         . He came back and told me what he told them, “Every kid should have a pack of Smarties because they can make you         .”

I was so excited         I bought a pack of Smarties for my son. I told him that I was proud of him, and that was for his act of generosity because he gave his own Smarties to others. Quickly, he         , “But you do nice things for people and you never get anything for it.” I explained, “When you do something nice for someone, you shouldn’t         get anything, but when you do get something you should be very         .”

1.A. in order  B. in line      C. in place    D. in control

2. A. almost      B. hardly        C. seldom       D. never

3. A. buy        B. pay         C. provide    D. raise

4.A. store        B. house       C. mall        D. centre

5.A. money      B. box        C. leaves      D. bike

6.A. happy       B. smart       C. sweet      D. lovely

7. A. and        B. as          C. that        D. but

8.A. replied      B. told         C. lied       D. talked

9.A. answer to    B. apply to     C. expect to    D. turn to

10.A. hopeful     B. wonderful    C. thankful    D. helpful



— She sold her treasures to cure her mother’s illness, even though it was

her own wishes.

— It’s so kind _____ her.

A. against; of B. above; of

C. on; for  D. for; for



— He has to stay in Thailand for one more week because his passport and ID card were stolen.

— ___________________.

A. Forget it         B. It doesn’t matter

C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Great



— It’s convenient to travel from Ezhou to Wuhan by taking the newly-built green railway.

— Yes. It’s said that ________________ is enough.

A. fifteen minutes drive      B. fifteen-minutes drive

C. fifteen minute’s drive   D. fifteen minutes’ drive



— A new shop ____________ for a week nearby. Let’s have a look there.

— Good idea. But it doesn’t ______ on Mondays.

A. opened; opened      B. has been opened; open

C. has opened; openedD. has been open; open



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