满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. Smith is an old shopkeeper. He has a...

Mr. Smith is an old shopkeeper. He has a lot of   but he never buys anything expensive. He and his wife live in    old house outside the town. He often goes to the shop    because he wanted to save some   . In the evening , when it’s dark in the room, he goes to   . He has no wanted TV but bought a cheap radio and often listens to it.

The old man has no children. Sometimes, his wife is     . He doesn’t want to send her to the hospital. He thinks he will    much to the doctors if they look her over. So he busy some pill (药)    her.

One night Mrs. Smith felt ill. She got a     headache. She asked her husband to find a      , but he didn’t agree. He brought out some pills and made her     them. But it was no use. The old woman began to       at home. He locked the door and went in another room and     there. The next morning, when he got up, he came      her bedroom to see if she was all right., and he found the    died. He ran to the telephone, but changed his mind at once. He ran out and shouted to the nurse (保姆) , “ Don’t cook breakfast for Mrs. Smith this morning, Linda ! ”

1.A. books        B. money          C. clothes           D. shoes

2.A. tenth       B. one            C. an               D. zero

3.A. on foot     B. by car          C. by taxi            D. by motorbike

4.A. money        B. hand           C. basket            D. pocket

5.A. shop        B. dance          C. bed              D. hospital

6.A. mad          B. angry          C. good             D. ill

7.A. pass          B. tell            C. pay               D. sell

8.A. to            B. for            C. with              D. about

9.A. bad           B. more          C. many             D. much

10.A. worker       B. babysitter       C. policeman         D. doctor

11.A. take         B. drink           C. to take            D. to drink

12.A. slower       B. slow           C. cry               D. faster

13.A. slept        B. played          C. sang              D. drank

14.A. into         B. help           C. love               D. hope

15.A. nurse        B. worker         C. policeman          D. Woman


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述史密斯先生是个店主,但是生活比较吝啬,即使妻子病了也不愿花钱请医生。一天晚上,他的妻子头疼得厉害并在房里哭,他把门锁上自己到另一个房间睡觉,第二天早上,他发现妻子死了,他也不忘告诉保姆少做一份早餐。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 考点:故事类短文。

If he       harder, he’ll catch up with us.

A. work      B. works        

C. worked         D. will work



I will visit Chengdu        is a warm and beautiful place.

A. where       B. that          

C. when          D. Why



Peter isn’t coming to the party       he has got too mach work to do.

A. because      B. until         

C. although       D. So



Moyan is the       of the great book “ Hong gao liang ” .

A. theme       B. price        

C. owner       D. Writer



Mum, I’m hungry. Could I have something to       ?

A. do          B. use           C. eat           D. Drink



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