满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据所给图画,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容。 ______...













One day, Linda was on her way home. She saw a man ride a bike in front of him. Suddenly, a car ran against him at a high speed. The man fell to the ground and was hurt badly. But the driver didn’t stop to save the man. Instead, he drove his car away quickly. Linda ran fast to catch up with the car. And she called the police. Soon the policeman came. He scolded the driver. At last, the driver apologized to the man. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇看图作文,这样的作文我们必须要仔细观察图片,看清图片想要表达的意思,要对每一张图片所 表达的内容有正确的理解。这是写好作文的前提。通过观察可知,这四张图片讲述了一次交通事故,是一个骑自行车的人和一辆汽车。从图上可以看出,是这辆汽车的速度太快了。而且,这名司机在撞人后还逃跑了。所以这些细节的内容我们要表达清楚,将这个事故发生的时间、地点、人物、原因、结果等交代明白,完整的表达出来。通过分析可知,这篇短文我们应该主要使用一般过去时,所以要注意每句话中的动词,都要用过去式的形式。 【亮点说明】这篇作文写得还是比较优秀的。它以Linda为角度,把看到的一场交通事故叙述了下来。首先,作者交代了事故发生的时间和地点,One day, Linda was on her way home;接下来是这次事故中的双方以及事故的过程,She saw a man ride a bike in front of him. Suddenly, a car ran against him at a high speed. The man fell to the ground and was hurt badly.;然后是司机逃跑,Instead, he drove his car away quickly,这个句子中作者使用了一个单词instead,运用非常准确。最后是这次交通事故的处理,And she called the police. Soon the policeman came. He scolded the driver. At last, the driver apologized to the man。这篇作文对这次事件的叙述比较完整,表达比较准确。 考点:看图作文。  

任务型阅读   阅读短文,按照要求完成各题。(5分)

At the moment, it may be difficult to imagine, but many people believe that, by the year 2100, we will live on the planet Mars. Our own planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. Luckily, we can start again and build a better world on Mars.

        First of all, transport should be much better. At present, our spaceships are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars—it takes months. However, by 2100, spaceship can travel at half the speed of light. It might take us two or three days to get to Mars! Secondly, humans need food, water and air to live. Scientists should be able to develop plants that can be grown on Mars. These plants will produce the food and air that we need. However, can these plants produce water for us? There is no answer now.
   There is a problem for us to live on Mars. Mars suck(吸力) us much less than the Earth does. This will be dangerous because we could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space. To prevent this, humans on Mars have to wear special shoes to make themselves heavier.

       Life on Mars will be better than that on Earth in many ways. People will have more space. Living in a large building with only 10 bedrooms is highly possible. Many people believe that robots will do most of our work, so we have more time for our hobbies.

   There will probably be no school on Mars. Every student will have a computer at home which is connected to the internet. They can study, do their homework and take exams in online schools. Each student will also have their own online teacher called “e-teacher”.

       However, in some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth today. Food will not be the same—meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also, space travel will make many people feel ill. The spaceship will travel fast, so the journey to Mars will probably be very uncomfortable.


In the first paragraph, we can know _________ and _________ people will live on the planet of Mars.


In order to live on Mars, people need faster _________, _________ that can produce food or air for people, and special shoes.


Write down an example that is given in the passage about the disadvantages living on Mars. 





What’s the passage mainly about?




完成句子   根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)


Our school _________ _________ Green Bank to urge students to recycle the rubbish several years ago.


More and more stars have _________ _________ in the program Voice of China since it began.


Many traffic accidents happened _________ _________ the heavy smog.


Michelle, the wife of American president Obama, visited Mutianyu Section of the Great Wall_________ _________ Badaling in Beijing some days ago.


China will never_________ _________searching the lost airplane MH370.



改写句子   按照括号中的要求完成改写后的句子每个空格填一个单词。5分

1.Many students liked to watch the program “Dad, where are we going?”.  (改为一般疑问句)

________ many students ________ to watch the program “Dad, where are we going?”?

2.I was talking with my deskmate when the teacher came in.   (划线部分提问)

What ________ you ________ when the teacher came in?

3.“I’m good at sports,” her brother said. (改为间接引语)

Her brother said ________ ________ good at sports.

4.He is very busy. He can’t write to you every week.   (改写句子,句意不变)

He is________ busy ________ he can’t write to you every week.

5.We are proud of Lina. She is a good tennis player.   (合并为一句)

We are proud of Lina ________ ________a good tennis player.




work   regard   help   buy   study

All of my students think I’m a good teacher. I 1._________ in the school since 1999. I am always nice to my students. I often 2.___________ them with their school work. So I 3._________ as their best friend. They love me very much and they often do something nice for me. One day before Teachers’ Day, some of my students 4.__________ me some presents. When they gave me the presents, they said “Thank you for teaching us so well and we5.__________ harder than before.” How nice my students are!




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Dear Jenny,

Thank you for 1.___________ me the movie ticket. In fact, I started collecting tickets when I was a child. I have had 2.__________ than 68 tickets so far. I like them and I 3._________ like the ticket you send me. I have 4.__________ them in the box in my drawer. To collect a ticket I like, I ran out of my money. But I want 5.___________ money to start a movie ticket collector club. Would you like to join it? By the way, what’s your hobby?

If you know anyone else who collects them, please let me know.





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