满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The little child was too________ to hear...

The little child was too________ to hear the end of the long story.

A. sleepy                      B. asleep                C. sleep                     D. sleeping


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:那个小孩子实在是太困了没能听到这个长故事的结尾。A. sleepy  形容词,困乏的,睡着的的  , B. asleep 表语形容词,睡着的,C. sleep 动词,睡,睡眠,睡着, D. sleeping形容词,睡着的;睡眠用的。由句意可知选A。 考点: 考查形容词的用法。  

If it were Sunday today, I________ go to school.

A. shan’t                       B. would not                C. can’t                        D. won’t



____Have you ever heard of Xiao Shenyang ?  _____Yeah. _______funny person he is !

A.How                B.How a                C .What              D.What a



A professor from _______university said that he would think out _______unusual way to face the serious problem .

A. a ; the             B.an ;a             C. a ; an            D. an ;the













How to Collect Stamps

Do you want to collect stamps? Do you know 1.  to start? Just follow this easy five-step Guide to Collecting.

Step 1 What do you like?

A good idea is to start by  2.  stamps that are related to(与……相关) your other interests. Make a list of your favorite 3. and then see what stamps your can collect.

Step 2 New or used, home or away.

People collect both used and new stamps, so since you have chosen the theme or subject, you can  4. if you want to collect both or just one.

Step 3 Where to get your stamps?

There are lots of places where you can get stamps—and you won’t have to 5.  all your pocket money on them.

For starters, if you tell all your friends and family you’re starting a collection and ask them to6. all their used stamps, in no time you’ll have stamps from people’s holidays and from relatives living in  7.towns or countries.

Step 4 Look after your stamps.

Keeping your stamps in a shoebox—or somewhere 8. where you won’t lose them—is OK, but as your collection gets bigger, you’ll need to put them into an album to keep them9.  , tidy and dry.

Step 5 Join a club.

There are  10.of stamp clubs across the country that can give you help and advice.



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