满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It’s spring now. New leaves come out fro...

It’s spring now. New leaves come out from the tree. Everything begins to turn green. It makes us feel happy.

I watch the apple trees and remember a little story.

A long time ago, there was an apple tree and a little boy. The boy came and        around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the        , and rest under the shadow (树荫). He loved the tree and the tree loved him. Time went by … The little boy        up and no longer played around it. The old tree was very sad. It didn’t know        . The boy said, “I am not a kid. I want to play with toys. But I don’t have money.”

“You needn’t          about it. Pick all my apples and sell them, you will have money.” After that the boy didn’t come back. Years later, the boy returned and the tree was happy. But        its surprise, the boy cut it down to build a house. Many years later the boy returned again. The old tree was happy and said to him “Sorry, my boy. I can’t give you          more. The only thing left is my dying roots. But you can sit down and rest here. This is your forever        .

This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parents. When we were young, we loved playing with them. When we grow up, we        them, and only come to them when we need something or are in trouble. No matter what happens, parents will be there and give what they have to make us        .

We may say the boy is cruel (冷酷的) to the tree but that’s how we are treating (对待) our parents. Nowadays, many old people feel lonely because their children don’t live with them. We hope all of us try to help those old people and manage to make the old have a happy life.

1.A.rest      B.played   C.play        D.eat

2.A.apples   B.leaves     C.food         D.birds

3.A.got     B.set      C.grew  D.took

4.A.what       B.who      C.how  D.why

5.A.worry   B.feel     C.talk      D.dream

6.A.in      B.to           C. on           D.of

7.A.something     B.everythingC.nothing D.anything

8.A.home     B.tree   C.bed      D.place

9.A.love          B.leave  C.bring   D.hate

10.A.angry B.tired      C.happy  D.sad


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲了苹果树和小男孩的故事,通过这个故事告诉人们, 我们希望我们都帮助那些老人过快乐的生活. 1.” 每天这个小男孩来到树旁玩. A.rest休息; B.played 玩; C.play 玩; D.eat吃. And连接两个并列成分,came是过去时,故选B. 2.他爬到树顶,吃苹果,在树荫下休息. 故选A。 3.小男孩长大了,不再围着树玩了.grow up长大,是固定词组 . 故选C。 4.老树很悲伤,他不知道小男孩为什么不围着树玩了. A.what什么; B.who 谁;C.how怎样; D.why为什么故选D。 5.你不必担心. Worry about 担心. 故选A。 6.但是,另他惊奇的是,小男孩把树砍到了, 建了一座房子. To one’s surprise令人惊讶的是. 根据句意,故选B。 7.很抱歉,我不能再给你更多的东西了. 在否定句中用anything . 故选D 8.这是你永远的家. A.home家; B.tree 树 C.bed 床;D.place地点,地方故选A。 9.当我们长大后,我们离开他们, A.love喜爱; B.leave 离开; C.bring 拿来,D.hate讨厌. 故选B。 10.无论发生什么,他们总是把他们所有的给我们,使我们高兴. A.angry 声汽的;B.tired劳累的; C.happy 高兴的; D.sad悲伤的;故选C。 考点:故事类短文

I met Jerry in the hotel yesterday, but he didn’t tell me________.

A.which floor did he liveB.which floor he lives on

C.which floor he lived onD.which floor does he live



We don’t believe he will come here on time, ________?

A.will heB.won’t he

C.does heD.is he



A new bridge from Zhongshan to Macao          in five years.

A.are builtB.were built

C.have built     D.will be built



— Sam, be quiet! My grandmother          in the next room.

— OK. Sorry.

A.is sleeping    B.sleepC.sleeps    D.slept



By the time I got to the cinema, the movie          for half an hour.

A.started        B.will start

C.had startedD.had been on



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