满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

. ---Which is _______, the sun, the eart...

. ---Which is _______, the sun, the earth or the moon?   ---Of course, the sun.

A. big        B. bigger   

C. biggest    D. the biggest


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:哪个最大,太阳,地球还是月球?当然是太阳。三者比较用最高级,形容词的最高级前面加定冠词the,根据句意,故选D。 考点:考查最高级的用法。  

--When will you come back?    ---_______ July 5th.

A. On        B. In       C. At     D. To



---Can I help you, sir?    ---Yes, I’d like five _______.

A. meat       B. potato      

C. potatoes      D. banana



Mary, please pass ______ the ruler.

A. my       B. me      C. I       D. mine




很多城市都正在创建文明城市。 文明城市的创建需要靠每个人的努力。 你在公共场所有没有看见一些不文明的行为呢?请你写一封倡议书,内容包括:




作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。

2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。 开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Citizens,

As we all know, our city is aiming at being a civilized one. Everybody should make an effort.







Thank you all.



Anne Zhang is a 21-year-old girl from Hangzhou, China. Now she studies in Britain. One day, when she was taking a train from London to Oxford, she heard loud noises on the train.

Before, the train had been very quiet. Some people were resting while others were reading books or listening to music. Suddenly, a group of Chinese people laughed loudly as they played a game of cards.

“ I would usually be very happy to meet people from my own country. But at that moment, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow ( 吞没 ) me.” Zhang said.

As it becomes easier for Chinese people to get visas( 签证) to foreign countries, more and more of them are traveling abroad. However, their bad manners have given them a bad reputation (名声).

A recent U.S. survey of 5,600 people five countries showed that Chinese people are the second worst tourists. The worst are American tourists.

Chinese always talk loudly in places like cafes and museums. They also spit (吐痰 ) and litter whenever they want and jump queues. Some Chinese tourists also like to write or draw pictures on famous buildings. In Singapore, Chinese tourists are fined( 罚款) because they were smoking in Non-smoking areas.

Some people may say that they can do everything that they want because they spend money in the country. In fact, this is not true. Besides enjoying ourselves, we should respect local customs and take care of the environment.

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Information Card

The country which Anne Zhang studies



The game that the Chinese people played on the train



The thing that gives Chinese tourists bad reputation



The worst tourist in those five countries



The reason why Chinese tourists were fined in Singapore





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