满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Billy is a boy of fifteen. His parents d...

Billy is a boy of fifteen.  His parents died three years ago.  One day when he was walking in the street, he       a wallet.  He returned it to the owner, Mr Baker. He gave his   to the boy. As the boy had no job, Mr Baker made him work for him in his   . Billy worked so hard that Mr and Mrs Baker were    with him.

Mr Baker loved planting   . The week before last, he brought a few trees home, planted them in the   himself and watered them every day. Several days   , he had to leave for another city. Before he started, he said to Billy, "Take good care of these trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal them. ""Don't   about them, sir. "answered Billy, "I'll try my best to watch them. "Six days passed and Mr Baker came back. He asked,   anyone ever come to steal the trees?""No, sir. "said Billy. "To stop someone from stealing the trees, I     them up six days ago. I have hidden ( ) them for almost a week!"

1.A. bought       B. found      C. carried    D. wanted

2.A. wallet       B. pity        C. thanks     D. excuses

3.A. office       B. factory    C. town     D. home

4.A. pleased      B. angry      C. bored   D. sad

5.A. grass       B. flowers    C. vegetables  D. trees

6.A. garden     B. office      C. city     D. room

7.A. ago         B. later          C. before   D. after

8.A. think      B. talk       C. learn     D. worry

9.A. Did         B. Does     C. Has     D. Will

10.A. sent      B. pulled      C. put         D. picked


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了贝克为了感谢比利归还自己的手表,让比利在自己家工作。一天他要去另一个城市,所以他让贝利照顾他的树木不要让小偷偷走。一周后回来发现贝利怕小偷偷树把树拔掉了藏了起来。 1.1】考查动词及语境的理解。A. bought 买B. found找到,发现C. carried 搬运D. wanted想要。一天当他在街上走着时,发现了一个钱包。根据句意,故选B。 2.2】考查名词及语境的理解。A. wallet钱包B. pity遗憾C. thanks 谢谢D. excuses借口。根据上文比利把钱包给了失主贝克先生,可知该句的主语是贝克先生,所以应该是贝克先生向比利表示感谢,故选C. 3.3】考查名词及语境的理解。A. office办公室B. factory工厂C. town 城镇D. home家。根据下文可知因为这个男孩没有工作,所以贝克先生让他在他的家,故选D. 4.4】考查形容词词及语境的理解。A. pleased高兴的B. angry 生气的C. bored无聊的D. sad悲伤的。比利工作很努力以至贝克夫妇对他很满意,根据句意,故选A。 5.5】考查名词及语境的理解。A. grass 草B. flowers花C. vegetables蔬菜D. trees树。根据下文可知贝克喜欢种植树,故选D。 6.6】考查名词及语境的理解。A. garden花园B. office办公室C. city城市D. room房间。上上周,他买了几棵树,亲自把他们种在花园,故选A。 7.7】考查介词及语境的理解。A. ago在……之前,一段时间+ago。B. later稍后,时间段+later,C. before在……前,before+时间点D. after在……后,后加时间点或段。几天之后,他不得不启程去另一个城市。根据句意,故选B。 8.8】考查动词及语境的理解。A. think想B. talk谈论C. learn学习D. worry担心。根据后文可知比利说不用担心他们,故选D。 9.9】考查动词及语境的理解。A. Did助动词,过去时态B. Does第三人称单数的助动词形式C. Has 现在完成时态的第三人称单数的助动词D. Will将来时态的情态动词。有人曾经来偷树吗?根据情景可知,在强调对现在的影响,故用现在完成时,故选C。 10.10】考查动词及语境的理解。A. sent 派寄送B. pulled拉C. put放D. picked捡。为了阻止其他人偷树,我把他们刨出来了,根据短文描述,故选B。 考点:幽默故事类短文。

Would you please tell me _______ next, Mr Zhang?

A. what should we do    B. we should do what

C. what we should do     D. should we do what

How long can I keep it?

Who wrote it?

Let’s go into that room.

You should be quiet. No shouting in the library.

E.  Oh, here, it says the book is on the second shelf.



---What a nice MP3! How long ______ you ______ it?  ---Only two days.

A. have, bought    B. did, buy  

C. have, had     D. are, having



Chinese _______ by more and more people in the world now.

A. speaks       B. spoke      

C. is speaking  D. is spoken



If he ______ harder, he will catch up with us soon.

A. study       B. will study    

C. studies     D. studied



---May I smoke here?

---No, you ______. Look at the sign, it says, “No smoking!”

A. couldn’t      B. needn’t     

C. mustn’t      D. won’t



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