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Is money everything? At present some peo...

Is money everything? At present some people think that         is everything. Some of them even         their lives for it. Money has its most useful          on the poor, but once a person has a rich life, a lot more money doesn’t mean more        .


If money was        , all millionaires would have true love, true friendship, good health and a long life.        , this is not always true. Nothing else is more         than the three words “I love you”. But can         be bought?I’m afraid not. Love means to give, not to take. To every person, health and long life are         the most valuable things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “No”.

    Of all the longest living people in the world,          of them are millionaires. True friendship can’t be bought        . Many other things         be bought with money: knowledge, life and happiness and so on. Just think, if a person         these things at all, is the money still useful? No matter how much money you have, it is still not enough         you a happy person if you have no one to laugh      , no one to cry for. Now, do you think money is everything?

1.A. time B. health C. friend D. money

2.A. lose B. like C. save D. affect

3.A. affect B. effect C. effort D. influence

4.A. stress B. sadness C. happiness D. problems

5.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

6.A. If B. But C. While D. However

7.A. politeB. generous C. pleasantD. boring

8.A. life B. love C. health D. friends

9.A. probablyB. perhaps C. maybe D. impossible

10.A. all B. few C. each D. none

11.A. also B. too C. yet D. either

12.A. cannot B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

13.A. has B. doesn’t have C. will have D. won’t have

14.A. make B. makes C. to make  D. making

15.A. at B. to C. for D. with


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:钱是一切吗?答案是否定的。金钱买不来爱、知识、健康、幸福。无论你有多少钱,如果没有一个人与你一起欢笑,一起哭泣,都不足以让你成为一个幸福的人。因此,钱不是一切。 1.A. time “时间”;B. Health“健康”;C. Friend“朋友”;D. Money“金钱”。句意为:目前有些人认为金钱就是一切。结合题意,故选D. 2.A. Lose“失去,丢失”;B. Like“喜欢”;C. Save“拯救,节省”;D. Affect“影响”。句意为:有些人甚至为了钱失去了生命。结合题意,故选A。 3. 4.A. Stress名词“压力、紧张”;B. Sadness名词“悲伤”;C. Happiness名词“幸福”;D. Problems名词“问题”。句意为:一旦一个人拥有了富裕的生活,更多的钱并不意味者更多的幸福。结合题意,应选C。 5. 6.A. If“如果”用来引导条件状语从句;“是否”用来引导宾语从句;B. But“但是”,表示转折关系;C. While“当……时”,引导时间状语从句;“然而”表示转折关系;D. However“然而、但是”,表示转折关系,多用于句子开头,并用逗号隔开。句意为:然而,这个并非总是对的。 7. 8.A. Life“生活,生命”;B. Love“爱”;C. Health“健康”;D. Friends“朋友们”。句意为:但是爱是可以买的吗?上文说爱是比别的任何事都令人高兴的,所以应该选B。 9.。A. probably “可能,大概” ;B. Perhaps“可能”,常用于句首;C. Maybe“也许,可能”,常用于句首;D. Impossible“不可能”。句意为:对每个人而言,健康和长寿可能就是最为珍贵的事情了。根据词语用法应该选A。 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.……一起欢笑”,Laugh with“嘲笑”。故选D。 考点:人生百味类短文。

—I’d like to take a week’s holiday, Mr. Smith.     

—_______, we’re too busy these days.

A. Don’t worry    B. Don’t mention it      C. Forget it      D. Pardon me



—What did he say just now?   —He said ___________________________.

A. what time the library was build.

B. he has made many mistakes in the exam.

C. if the teacher would ask him to go to the office the next day

D. his mother had waited for him for 20 minutes at the school gate.



The book _______ I found on my way home is my brother’s.

A. that 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!            B. who         C. this           D. What



Armstrong became interested in _______ ever since he took his first _______ at the age of six.

A. fly; flying       B. flight; fly     C. flight; flying    D. flying; flight



How many times have you          the Science Museum?

A. gone to B. been in C. been to D. went to



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