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We know ______ about the new teacher exc...

We know ______ about the new teacher except that she just came back from the US. We hope to know her better.

A. everything   B. nothing       C. something       D. anything


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们除了知道这位新老师刚从美国回来对其他一无所知,我们希望更好地了解她。根据句意“一无所知”应该用不定代词nothing。 考点:考查不定代词的用法  

If you buy ________ MP4 player in our store, you can get a watch for ________ free.

A. a; /        B. an; the    C. an; /     D. the; the



Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Italy. He is best k  1.    as an artist today. One of his famous paintings is called Mona Lisa. However, Leonardo had many other natural abilities. He was Also a great inventor.  Many of his   i   2.  have become important in modern day life.

A   3.   Leonardo hated war, he invented many different machines used for war. His most special invention was the machine gun, which was produced and u  4. in war many years later.

By watching the way birds fly, Leonardo tried to find out the secret of   f   5.  . Among his drawing we can see several objects. We c  6.   them as modern flying machines.

Leonardo s   7.   many hours thinking about how to make good use of time. He developed ideas for labor-saving(节约劳动力) machines like cutting machines.

Leonardo was a strange man. He didn't eat any meat, which was u   8.    in those times. He never published(发表) his ideas and scientific discoveries. He usually used mirror writing, which looks like writing in a m   9.   , starting from the right side of the page and moving to the left.

We have very little of his work today. Leonardo f   10.   only a few of his paintings. He left many unfinished because he thought they were not perfect. No one in his life time knew how great Leonardo was. We now believe, however, that he was one of the cleverest men the world has ever known.

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Are people less happy or happier when they get older? If your answer is “happier”, then you are right, based on a study published five years ago. It found that people generally become happier and experience less worry after age fifty. In fact, it found that by the age of eighty-five, people are happier with their life than they were at eighteen.

    The findings came from a Gallup survey of more than three hundred and forty thousand adults in the United States in 2008. At that time, the people were between the ages of eighteen and eighty-five.

    Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were the highest among adults between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-five. Stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties.

    Levels of happiness were the highest among the kids and those in their early seventies.

The survey also found that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older. However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men did.

So why would happiness increase with age? One theory is that, as people get older, they become more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions. They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences.

Title: Relationship Between Age and    1.

The elements of the survey

Time: 2008

Place: in the United States

Researcher: Arthur Stone and his    2.

Targets: 340,000 adults

The    3.   of the survey

Generally people become happier and feel

【小题4 worried after age 50. By the age of 85, people are happier with their life than they were at 18.

Adults between the ages of 22 and 25 have the          __4.   stress.

The kids and those in their early   5. feel the happiest.

Men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older. However, women feel sadder, more 6.  and worried than men do.


Happiness    7.  with age. That’s because people become more thankful for what they have and control their emotions    __8.  as they get older. It also   9. them less time to think about bad experiences.




stop smoking;  because of;  are made to;  such as;  have no choice

From January1, 2009 Hong Kong banned(禁止)smoking in most public places. The places include restaurant, workplaces, schools or karaoke bars. And from July1, 2009, it banned some other public places 1.    nightclubs, bars or bathhouses. Even smoking in some outdoor places is against the law. For example, beaches, sports ground, museums and most areas of public parks. Hong Kong hopes the ban can prevent people from smoking passively. What’s passive smoking? When people smoke in a restaurant or on a bus, others    2.   breathe the smoke too. They don’t want to smoke but they    3.   . It does harm to people’s health. And it’ll be better if more people in Hong Kong give up smoking 4.    the ban.

If someone breaks the ban, he will have to pay up to HK$5, 000. Now more and more citizen begin to    5.   . Today’s Hong Kong is becoming more and more attractive.




1. The teacher devoted his lifetime to       (teach) his students.

2. While        (watch) the programme, the children felt excited.

3. When we got to the cinema, the film        (begin). We missed the first part.

4. When I was young, my teacher told me that the earth        (go) around the sun.

5.Titanic is a romantic film        (direct) by James Cameron

6.We all know there are lots of        (advantage) of living on Mars. So we won’t move out of Earth to Mars.

7. I love watching foreign films, because they always have        (surprise) endings.

8.Many people mourned the        (lose) of Mandela, who used to be a famous leader of South Africa, on December 6th.

9.The        river smells terrible.  (pollute).

10.In some ways,        are equal to animals. (human)



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