满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I will never forget that unusual day!I k...

I will never forget that unusual day!I kept hearing a strange noise while I was driving down a mountain in my car,so I stopped on the dirty road to check.There was a little green head looking at me in my backpack.“What are you doing there,little frog?’’I said to myself.Well,you can imagine my surprise when I heard this frog answering me in the voice of a frog.“Madam.I love to travel so much that I just can’t control myself when I see a backpack.”

I just looked at him with my mouth open and didn’t know what to say.

“Oh, dear Madam,”continued the frog,“I am Mongy.Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you,too!You can call me Christa.How is it possible that I can hear you,Mongy?”

“You wanted to get to know nature and the living things in the world,and you started paying attention to nature.Most people never pay attention to nature,so they only listen when they are young.But you heard the voices of nature calling you.You went even further than that and you tried to get along well with nature.That’s why you can hear me now.’’

It was at this moment that my life changed and I suddenly knew what my destiny(命运)would be from that day on.

1.The writer was             when she heard the strange noise.

A.driving down a mountain            B.checking her car

C.looking at a frog                   D.talking to a frog

2.The writer looked at the frog with her mouth open because                  .

A.it was making a strange noise        

B.it looked at her like a human

C.it answered her in the voice of a frog 

D.it loved to travel

3.The writer could hear the frog for all of the following  reasons,EXCEPT because.

A.she wanted to get to know nature   

B.she paid attention to living things

C.she tried to get along well with nature

D.she had a special ability to talk to frogs

4.What does the writer want to tell us?

A.What her unusual day was like. 

B.About her special ability to talk with flogs.

C.To protect small animals.      

D.To build a friendly relationship with nature.


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 【解析】 试题解析:本文大意:我永远不会忘记那个不寻常的日子。我一直听到一个奇怪的声音当我开车下山时,你能想像得到我的吃惊当我听到用一个青蛙的声音回答我时,它说我能听到它声音,是因为我想了解世界上的自然和生物,我开始关注自然,甚至走的更远去与自然和谐相处。 1. 2. 3. 4. 考点:故事类短文阅读

Making mistakes

It’s good to make mistakes.And here’s why.

First of a11.mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things.It’s always good to try new things because when you’re trying new things you are growing.If you never try anything new,how can you improve and develop?The simple answer is,“You can’t.”

Another good thing about mistakes is this:When you are making mistakes,you are learning.Consider this:Edison failed 1 0,000 times— before he perfected the light bulb.When he was asked how it felt to fail that many times,he replied that he hadn’t failed 1 0,000 times,but rather had learned 10,000 things that didn’t work.

Finally,when you make a mistake,you are much closer to success.Why?Because every time you make a mistake,you are one step closer to success.But it doesn’t mean that you can make mistakes without thinking.Instead,when you try something new,you have to think it over,so that you can keep away from some unnecessary mistakes.

There is an old saying that goes.“If you are not making mistakes.you are not trying hard enough.’’ So go forward and make mistakes.And learn.And grow.And succeed.

1.According to the passage,when you are making a mistake,that means           

A.you’re thinking          B.you’re growing

C.you’re falling behind    D.you’re wasting time

2.According to the passage,if you try new things,you can           

A.move forward   B.never fail   

C.1earn nothing  D.make no mistakes

3.From Edison’s story we can learn                 .

A.we are learning when we make mistakes

B.we should spend lots of time making mistakes

C.when we try new thjngs,we should think them over

D.the more mistakes we make,the further we are from success

4..The passage mainly tells us                .

A.not to make mistakes often      

B.how to become successful quickly

C.it’s good to make mistakes       

D.how to stay away from mistakes



Learn how to relax

Learn to relaxi. Overwork is the main reason why so many students feel tired and stressed.Cut down some of the jobs and focus on the most important things.Leave time for activities that are relaxing and fun.This might mean reading a good book,listening to music,going for a walk or taking a relaxing bath.

Get a good night’s sleep.Getting enough sleep will help you keep your body and mind in the best state.

Exercise often and eat well.Don’t rush through your meals.Eat less junk food or fast food.Eat healthy food instead.

Get to know pleasant people. Some people are optimistic,while others are not.Choose optimistic people as your friends and spend more time with them and you’11 be as happy as them.

Learn to be calm when you face any problem.Knowing  that you’are able to solve problems is a good way to build up your  self-confidence(自信).

Have a happy attitude (态度). Your attitude decides the way you see things.Is your cup half full or half empty?Learn to think more positively (积极地)about the difficulties you face.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Don’t work or study too hard.            

B.Learn relaxing activities.

C.Getting enough sleep,exercising often and eating healthily are very important.

D.How to feel relaxed and happy under the stress of study and work.

2.The meaning of the underlined word “optimistic” is “       ”in Chinese.

A.主动的    B.认真的 

C.乐观的  D.轻松的

3..Which statement below is TRUE according to the passage?

A.We need to do as many things as possible each day.

B.Enough sleep is very necessary for keeping us in the best state in both body and mind.

C.We should save our time in eating.

D.We should try to make as many friends as possible.

4.To be away from worries,which point is NOT mentioned(提到) in this passage?

A.Going to a psychologist (心理学家)for help.

B.Finding time to do the favourite things.

C.Making sure which things are the most important and which people can make us relaxed and happy.

D.Having an active attitude towards life.



Woodland School Picnic Notice

Dear Parents

The school is planning a picnic for Grade 2 students.They will have an exciting experience on a nearby farm.6 experienced teachers will be there to take care of the children.Parents need to pay$20 for the picnic.Let us know if you want your children to go for the picnic by 21st October 2013.

After Monday,21st October 2013.the confirmation will not be accepted.

Important information:

Parents will drop and pick up the children from Woodland Scool

Date:Saturday,26th October 20 1 3

Time:9.00 a.m.一5.00 P.m.

Lunch:It will be offered by the schoo1.

Dress:Comfortable dress and sports shoes

Things to be carried:Water bottle&towel

1.Where will the picnic take place?

A.In a park.    B.In a zoo.     

C.On a farm.    D.On a mountain.

2.How long will the picnic take?

A.4 hours.     B.6 hours.       

C.8 hours.      D.10 hours.

3.What can we leam from the material?

No teacher will go for the picnic.

B.Parents don’t need to pay for the picnic.

C.  Children will have a class after the picnic.

D.Children will go for the picnic on weekends.



Everyone wants to live a healthy life.In fact,taking on a healthy lifestyle      a level of commitment(保证).You need to make   that are good for your mind and body.But,making the decision to be healthier doesn’t      changing your whole life.Here are some suggestions      how to become healthier overall

Reduce your stress.As we know,stress appears when you meet with      in your daily life.It is a      reaction(反应).However,too much stress can lead to health problems.So,it’s important for you to start dealing with stress by finding out      causes your stress.School,work,money and relationships can all be       of stress.Once you’ve found them out,you can change the way you react to them.

Do everything properly.When it comes to being healthy,it is too        to pay much attention to one aspect (方面)of eating and think all foods of a particular group “bad”.It is possible to 10  your favourite food.but in smaller portions.Eat when you’re hungry and      when you’re full

Drink plenty of water.Most of our bodies are      water, So it shouldn’t be surprising that water is necessary for health.You     drink all your water because your body also takes it from foods and other drinks.Don’t wait to drink    you are thirsty.Drink water regularly,and drink extra water when you are in the heat or exercising.

Perhaps the        part of a healthier lifestyle is learning to think positively.The way you treat yourself and your world can either help or hurt you.Making the decision to think positively call improve your overall health.

1.A.achieves     B.destroys          C.requires     D.influences

2.A.decisions    B.choices          C.plans        D.suggestions

3.A.allow       B.finish            C.keep        D.mean

4.A.at          B.in               C.for         D.on

5.A.strangers    B.difficulties        C.chances     D.mistakes

6.A.funny       B.correct           C.natural      D.regular

7.A.when       B.what             C.why        D.how

8.A.causes      B.1evels           C.results      D.ways.

9.A.good       B.easy             C.hard       D.wrong

10.A.enjoy      B.save             C.share       D.refuse

11.A.continue    B.start             C.stop       D.suffer

12.A.made into   B.used for          C.used as    D. made up of

13.A.can’t       B.mustn’t           C.don’t have to D.had better not

14.A.because    B.When            C.until       D.though

15.A.biggest        B.most interesting    C.longest     D.most popular



--I’v got a problem,Peter. I always feel unhappy and stressed.

----         . Let’s have a talk after school.

A. I hope not       B. Bad idea     

C. I don’t think so   D. I’m sorry to hear that



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