满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in ...

—Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match ?

—Yes, they have better players, so they _____ to win.

A. are expected       B. expect      

C. are hoped          D. were hoped


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意为:---你认为下场比赛巴西会打败日本吗?---是的,他们有最好的球员,因此人们都期望他们会赢。are expected to是被动语态后面加不定式,表达“被期许(预期)会做某事…… ” 表示“人们期望”、“期望他们”、“外界预计”、“人们都期待”等意思。故选A。 考点:考查被动语态。  

Earth is becoming more and more polluted. ______, people will move to Mars one day.

A. In order to      B. So that       

C. As a result      D. Because of



_______ of the furniture in the museum ______ from Ming and Qing Dynasty.

A. Two-thirds; is           B. Two-thirds; are

C. Two-third; is             D. Two-third; are



—Why do you speak in ___ a loud voice?    —Because I want to make myself ___ clearly.

A. such; hear       B. so; heard        

C. such; heard          D. so; hear



—TV and computer are so popular these days.

—Yes, they can______ our eyes to the outside world.

A. call up         B. open up          

C. turn up           D. take up



______ to improve our environment?

A. What do you think we should do     

B. Do you think what we should do

C. What do you think should we do     

D. Do you think what should we do



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