满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Could I have a rest, Sir.? —________, w...

—Could I have a rest, Sir.?    —________, we have little time left.

A. Of course, you could                 B. Of course, you can

C. Sorry, you can’t.                    D. Sorry, you couldn’t


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意为:---先生,我可以坐一下吗?---对不起,不行。我们没有时间了。根据语境,因此时间有限,所以这里拒绝表示不可以。故选C。 考点:考查情景交际。  

—Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match ?

—Yes, they have better players, so they _____ to win.

A. are expected       B. expect      

C. are hoped          D. were hoped



Earth is becoming more and more polluted. ______, people will move to Mars one day.

A. In order to      B. So that       

C. As a result      D. Because of



_______ of the furniture in the museum ______ from Ming and Qing Dynasty.

A. Two-thirds; is           B. Two-thirds; are

C. Two-third; is             D. Two-third; are



—Why do you speak in ___ a loud voice?    —Because I want to make myself ___ clearly.

A. such; hear       B. so; heard        

C. such; heard          D. so; hear



—TV and computer are so popular these days.

—Yes, they can______ our eyes to the outside world.

A. call up         B. open up          

C. turn up           D. take up



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