满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Though the great progress has been made ...

Though the great progress has been made in medical science, human beings are often attacked by cancer, which means death. A woman named Bonnie suffered a    of discomforts caused by the treatment of cancer. She didn't regard cancer as a deadly illness, but a laughing matter. She treated it In a humorous way. To put it in      way, she is teaching people that even though cancer isn't      ,we can treat it in a humorous way.

Her second child was going to be born three months away      she was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer. Suddenly, a happy mother turned into a helpless woman afraid for her own     .It was after she had had her baby that she had an operation. Then came chemo(化疗)and her life seemed to be made up of fears and tears. But the      moment in her life came after she lost all her hair and a free wig(假发)arrived. She tried i c on as her older son Kyler watched.

"That was when I decided how to deal with it: crying over this bad wig or laughing about it. Either way would make      remember it," Bonnie said. She spent a lot of time looking for anything funny from cancer patients. She got a lot out of collecting      stories. She started laughing a lot, finding it the perfect medicine. Using herself     a bald model, Bonnie set out to design her own greeting cards and calendars, making fun of the sufterings of chemo.

"     joy, we badly need to laugh." she said.

Clearly, you can increase your confidence to get over any disease and trouble by means of


1.A. set    B. series    C. way    D. pack

2.A. another    B. the other    C. other   D. others

3.A. serious    B. terrible    C. fun    D. bad

4.A. before    B. until    C. while    D. when

5.A. son    B. illness   C. operation    D. life

6.A. lowest    B. highest    C.great    D. ugly

7.A. myself    B. everyone    C. my son    D. my husband

8.A. detective    B. romantic    C. different    D. humorous

9.A. as    B.be   C.is   D.to

10.A. Had    B. To have    C. Have had    D. Having


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了如何对抗癌症的故事。通常的人遇到癌症或惊慌失措,难过。但是邦妮为了自己的孩子,转变心情,让自己快乐,幽默的度过每一天,和癌症抗争。 1. 2. 3.She didn't regard cancer as a deadly illness, but a laughing matter.她没有把癌症当做严重的疾病,而是一个可笑的问题。故选C。 4.a happy mother turned into a helpless woman 一个快乐的母亲变成了一个无助的女人,可知孩子已经出生了。while常常跟延续性动词。when后面可跟短暂性动词。故选D。 5.担心自己的生命的的女人。A 儿子 B 疾病 C 手术 D 生命。根据:Then came chemo(化疗)and her life seemed to be made up of fears and tears. But然后化疗和她的生活似乎是由害怕和眼泪组成的,说明她很担心自己的生命,故选D。 6.in her life 在她的生命中,所以应该用最高级,生病时肯定是低潮期,故选A。 7.She tried i c on as her older son Kyler watched. 她尽力努力因为她的大儿子正看着她。故选C。 8.She spent a lot of time looking for anything funny from cancer patients她花了很多时间从癌症病人身上寻找有趣的故事,故选D。 9. 10. 考点:人生百味类短文阅读。

College is _______ time when you can learn many new skills, including how to live and work with_______ people from different backgrounds.

A. a:/    B. /:/

C. the: the    D. a: the



- Mum, we must have the computer_______. I want to send an e-mail to my friend.

- OK. I'll have Uncle Li_______ it this afternoon.

A. repair; repaired    B. repaired; repair

C. repairing: repaired    D. repaired; repairing



The new law says that people_______ drive after drinking wine.

A. won't    B. needn't

C. mustn't    D. wouldn't



Why not_______ to see the horror film tonight since you don't mind_______?

A. to go; feeling scared    B. to go: feel scared

C. go; feel scared    D. go; feeling scared



The old man lived alone all his life and he_______ a rainy winter evening.

A. past away in    B. past away on

C. passed away in    D. passed away on



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