满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I was recently invited to dinner by a fr...

I was recently invited to dinner by a friend. During the meal, the manager came over and said that our meal was free. He stood there     at me, he seemed to know me.     I asked if he knew me. He laughed and said I had probably     him, but I had changed his life. He said that twelve years ago he was in     stress management class. I asked the group what their number one stress was and        of them, including him, said it was their     .

   He said I listened carefully and then took a chair and placed it in the center of the room. I     on the chair for a few minutes and then I invited everyone to do the same. I wanted them to look at the room from     there. After everyone had done it, I asked the group to think about how     the room looked when they changed their perspective(角度).

Then I asked them to     their bosses. Was this the same person who had seen their good     and hired them? Do they remember how happy they were to be     for the job? How did these wonderful people become terrible bosses?

He said I looked at him and asked if he had     said thank you to his boss for the opportunity to make a living. He answered no.

He told me his     changed that night. He went back to work with a     card to his boss. He had been the manager for 8 years. He said he owed it all to me: I had taught him to look at life from different perspectives and I had taught him to express gratitude.

1.A. shoutingB. smiling C. lookingD. knocking

2.A. Suddenly B. LuckilyC. FinallyD. Firstly

3.A. rememberedB. seen C. dislikedD. forgotten

4.A. their B. ourC. hisD. my

5.A. moreB. most C. fewD. fewer

6.A. teachersB. wives C. bossesD. children

7.A. stoodB. sat C. walkedD. rested

8.A. down B. rightC. leftD. up

9.A. special B. different C. strangeD. same

10.A. miss B. considerC. like D. thank

11.A. qualities B. tastes C. looks D. skills

12.A. found B. refused C. chosen D. trained

13.A. neverB. alwaysC. sometimesD. ever

14.A. lifeB. luckC. salary D. job

15.A. sorry B. post C. thank-youD. greeting


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了在我们的生活中,要学会从不同的角度看问题,这样我们就可以更好的理解别人。同时我们要对别人心怀感激之情。 1.大喊;B. smiling微笑; C. looking看着;D. knocking敲,句意:他站在那里,微笑着看着我们,好像他对我很熟悉。根据句意此处指“向我微笑”,故选B。 2.突然; B. Luckily幸运的是;C. Finally最后;D. Firstly首先,句意:最后我问他是否认识我。根据句意及语境“最后”是finally,故选C。 3.记住;B. seen看见;C. disliked不喜欢;D.forgotten忘记,句意:他笑着说我可能忘记了他。根据句意及上下文此题选D。 4.他们的;B. our我们的;C. his他的;D. my我的,句意:他说十二年前他曾上过的我的压力管理课。根据句意及语境“我的”应选D。 5.不定代词与语境理解。A. more更多的;B. most大多数的;C. few 几乎没有的;D.fewer更少的,句意:我问这组人他们第一压力是什么,他们大多数的人,包括他,都说是他们的老板。根据句意及上下文“大多数的”应是most of them,故选B。 6.名词与语境理解。A. teachers老师;B. wives妻子;C. bosses老板;D. children孩子,句意:我问这组人他们第一压力是什么,他们大多数的人,包括他,都说是他们的老板。根据句意及上下文此题选C。 7.站立;B. sat坐下;C. walked步行;D. rested休息,句意:我站在椅子几分钟,然后我邀请每个人做同样的事情。根据句意及上下文此处指站在椅子上,故选A。 8.副词与语境理解。A. down下;B. right右;C. left左;D. up上;句意:我想让他们从上面来看这个房间。根据句意及语境此题选D。 9.形容词词与语境理解。A. special特别的; B. different不同的;C. strange奇怪的;D. same相同的,句意:我让这个小组考虑一下从不同角度看时这个房间时有什么不同。根据句意及上下文此题选B。 10.思念;B. consider认为,考虑;C. like喜欢;D. thank感谢,句意:然后我让他们考虑他们的老板的情况。根据句意此题选B。 11.名词与语境理解。A. qualities品质;B. tastes 味道;C. looks相貌;D. skills技巧,句意:这是不是当初看到他们好的品质并雇用他们的同一个人?根据句意及上下文此题选A。 12.发现;B. refused拒绝;C. chosen选择;D. trained训练,句意:他们是否记得当时他们被选择来做这工作时他们是多么的高兴。根据句意及语境“选择”应是答案C。 13.副词与语境理解。A. never从不;B. always总是;C. sometimes有时;D. ever曾经,句意:他说我看着他并问他是否曾经为获得这个谋生的机会向老板说声感谢。根据句意此处指曾经,故选D。 14.名词与语境理解。A. life生活; B. luck运气;C. salary薪水;D. job工作,句意:他告诉我他的生活那晚上改变了。此处指生活态度改变,所以选A。 15.法与语境理解。A. sorry道歉;B. post邮寄;C. thank-you感谢;D. greeting打招呼,句意:他拿着给老板的感谢卡片回去工作。根据句意及语境此处是对老板的感谢,故选C。 考点:人生百味类短文

--Hi, Bob. Long time no see. ____?     --I've just bought a new car. It's great.

A. What's new          B. What's wrong        

C. How are you         D. What about you



Maria’s teacher wanted to know______ .

A. how long she spends on her homework

B. when the speech will begin

C. why didn’t Mike come to the meeting

D. what she was doing these days



— Hi, Jack. What’s that on the desk?

— Oh, it’s the new backpack        my mom gave me for my birthday.

A. when            B. what 

C. which         D. where



— ______do millions of online users visit the home page of the government for?

— To read the news and search for the information they need.

A. When             B. Where            

C. Why              D. What



With the help of the smart phones, you ____ video chat with your friends on the phone.

A. can              B. must               

C. need              D. should



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