满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Stop eating chocolates, my boy. They a...

— Stop eating chocolates, my boy. They are bad for your teeth.

— Thank you for your          .

A. effort                B. email                  C. advice


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---停止吃巧克力,我的孩子。他们对你的牙齿有害处。---谢谢你的建议。故选C. 考点:考查名词的用法。  

—Who would you like to see you off at the airport?

        . A “good-bye” at home is enough.

A. Nobody           B. Somebody                 C. Anybody



Yesterday afternoon David hurried to school         his chemistry book, so he had to share Betty’s.

A. for                B. with                     C. without



每年的8月8日是“全民健身日“。 为了让这项运动更加深入人心, 某英文杂志的栏目正在以”Let’s Do Exercise Together”为题,向广大中学生征文。请你根据下面表格中的要点提示写一篇文章,向该栏目投稿。








参考词汇:keep fit,  train a person’s character,  on foot,  PE class,  climb mountains



Let’s Do Exercise Together

It’s very important for us to do exercise.











(Eric came back home from school on Friday evening.)

Eric:Hi, Dad!  I’m back.

Dad:Hmm, Eric!  How was your study this week?

Eric:Pretty good.  And I have good news to tell you.  Do you want to know?

Dad:Of course.  1.                                ?

Eric:I won the first prize in the English speech contest.

Dad:Well done.  2.                             your science?  Any progress?

Eric:Yes, Dad!  At least I tried my best and learned a lot from my mistakes.

Dad:Good!  I’m sure that you can catch up with your classmates very soon.

Eric:Thank you, Dad!  I’ve been busy these days and I feel tired.  3.               tomorrow?

Dad:A picnic?  Why not?  We all need to relax ourselves.

Eric:Great!  4.                         ?

Dad:Let’s go to Central Park at 8:00 in the morning.


Dad:The radio says it’s a find day.  Finish your homework first and we can help mum to something for the picnic.

Eric:That’s wonderful, Dad.




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One day a visitor came to Nasreddin’s house.  “I am your cousin1.  Konya,” he said, “and I have brought you a duck to2.  the visit”  Nasreddin was3.  .  he asked his wife to cook the duck, and served the visitor a4.  dinner.

The next day another visitor arrived.  “I am the friend of the man who brought you the duck.” He said. Nasreddin invited him in and gave5.  a good meal.  The next day another visitor arrived, and said he was the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the duck.  Again Nasreddin invited him in for a meal.    6.  , he was getting a bit angry. 7.  seemed to be using his house as a restaurant.

Then another visitor came, and said he was the friend of the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the duck.  He was8.  in.  Nasreddin’s wife brought some9.  to the table and the visitor tasted it.  “What kind of soup is this?  It10.  just like warm water.”  “Ah!” said Nasreddin, “That is the soup of the soup of the soup of the duck.”



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