满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

– Could you turn ______ the music, Tony?...

Could you turn ______ the music, Tony?Grandpa is sleeping.

Sorry, dad. I will do it right away.

A. on     B . up    C. down    D. over


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你能把音乐关小点吗,托尼?爷爷正在睡觉。–对不起,爸爸。我马上关小。Turn on开;turn up放大;turn down关小;turn over翻转。结合语境可知该选C。 考点:考查副词。  

Where’s my notebook?

Sorry. I’ve taken ______ by mistake.

A. mine       B. his       C. hers       D. yours



Bob looks very happy today because he got ______ “A” on his Chinese test.

A. the      B. an    C. a     D. 不填





Some students’ ideas


Other students’ ideas


Your idea



1. 所写内容必须包括表格中的内;

2. 词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Last week we discussed about if we should help the old who fell down.








A: Hi, Tom. 1._______________?

B: Sure. It’s a long time since I last went shopping.

A: Look, Tom! These sweaters are really nice. 2.___________________?

B: I like the blue one better.

A: The blue one? 3. ______________________?

B: It looks cool. And blue is my favorite color.

A: Well, I like the yellow one better. 4..____________________.

B: I agree. Let me see how much it is. Wow, it’s $499! 5.__________________?

A: Uh, no. That’s so expensive! Let’s walk around and try to find another one.

B: OK. But Let’s have something to drink first. I’ll treat you.





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What would life be like if you give up using your cell phone? Will it become boring?

Twenty-eight eighth-graders in San Francisco will tell you it can ___1.____be rich and colorful.

These students took part in their ___2.____“tech-free” challenge. They couldn’t use cell phones for two weeks from Nov 11 to Nov 22.

The idea was to help students ___3.____how technology has affected their lives, said the principal (校长).

Uhl __4.______a survey on technology usage among the eighth-graders before thinking of the challenge. She found that 84 percent of the ___5._____said they didn’t like it “when everyone was on their cell phones”, ___6.______they didn’t know what to do about it. The answer was actually easy to stop constantly (频繁地) __7.___ cell phones.

To help students understand the point, Uhl created the activity. It was ___8.___welcomed among students.

“I wanted to sign up for the tech-free challenge because it was just really a good idea to do it,” said Joe Bevilacqua. “I wanted to get __9._____to my family. And it really worked. I started to hang out with ____10.___family more. We watched more family movies and we played a lot of board games.”



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