满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Sun Yang is a tall man short black hair....

Sun Yang is a tall man   short black hair.

A. of B. has  C. like  D. with


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:孙杨是个高大的长有短黑头发的人。这里缺少个介词,介词引导的短语作后置定语;with有,具有,根据句意,故选D。 考点:考查介词用法  

-What does your brother   ?

-He is of medium build.

A. look like B. look after

C. look for D. look at



My friend Bob has   short hair and   big nose.

A. a; a  B. an; an  C. the; the  D. /; a



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选词填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

because   on  happily  played  spend  drove  fun  our  photos  help

My family went on a trip last Saturday. We didn’t   1. much money and really had a good time.

In the morning, my father   2. us to a science centre in our city. We didn’t spend any money on the tickets 3. it is free. There is a children’s area in the science centre. My brother and I saw different kinds of animals and did some interesting things. We both had a lot of   4. playing together in the science centre. Then we took 5. car to a park near the science centre. My parents set up the tent first, and then we had a picnic 6. . After the picnic, my father started to read newspapers and my mother   7.  games with me. After we got back home in the afternoon, I turned   8.  the computer and copied (拷贝) all the photos we took that day. My mother even wrote some words for our   9.  . She hoped those photos and words would   10.  us remember the happy time.2




1.Can you tell me how____________ (finish) the work quickly?

2.It’s a good idea ____________ (get) there before 8:00 in the morning.

3.Why not____________(listen) to music on the Internet now?

4.Do you enjoy___________(fly) kites when you are free?

5.Mike advised me__________ (buy) a glass for my father on Father’s Day.

6.Lily writes as__________ (good) as Lucy.

7.It was cold yesterday. But it is much___________(cold) today.

8.Who runs _______(fast), Tom or Jim?

9.Gymnastics is __________(exciting) than football.

10.We practice ____________(speak) English every day.



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