满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空(共10分) The word “sandwich” is an Eng...


The word “sandwich” is an English word. Sandwich was an English    . He lived in England about two     years ago. Sandwich had a lot of     . He     very rich(富有的). But he liked    cards for money. He often played     day and night.     day he played for twenty-four hours without    . He did not     the card table to eat. He asked his man    him some meat and     . So he    some meat between two pieces of bread. He did not want to stop     cards. From the14 of this man, Sandwich, we have the word “sandwich”    .

1.A、place     B、book     C、man

2.A、hundred    B、hundreds    C、hundred of

3.A、bread      B、money        C、cards

4.A、is         B、was         C、had

5.A、playing    B、play      C、played

6.A、every           B、one     C、all

7.A、Next                B、One              C、Some

8.A、stop              B、to stop            C、stopping

9.A、leave                B、put               C、show

10.A、to bring              B、to take             C、bringing

11.A、milk               B、fruit              C、bread

12.A、puts               B、put              C、putting

13.A、to play              B、play              C、playing

14.A、name              B、bread              C、cards

15.A、today              B、at school            C、this year


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文介绍的是三明治的由来,三明治在两百多年前是一个人的名字,他喜欢玩牌,有一天他整日整夜的玩,让他的仆人把饭送到牌桌,他把肉放在面包中间,由于他的名字是三明治,所以这种吃法也就成了今天的三明治。 1. 书,C、man人,故选择C。 2. 3. 面包, B、money 金钱,C、cards卡片。故选择B。 4. 过去时,C、had动词过去时。故选择B。 5. doing是喜欢做某事。是一种长期的爱好。故选A。 6. day and night,词组的意思是整日整夜,A、every每个,B、one一个,C、all所有,三者以上都。故选择C。 7. A、Next 下一个,B、One一个,C、Some一些。故选择B。 8. 9. 离开,B、put放下,C、show展示。故选择A。 10. sb to do sth,要求某人去做某事。A、to bring带来, B、to take 带走, C、bringing现在分词形式。故选择A。 11. meat between two pieces of bread,把肉放在面包中间,A、milk 牛奶,B、fruit 蔬菜,C、bread面包,故选择C。 12. 动词原形或过去式,C、putting动词现在分词。故选择B。 13. doing sth是停止做某事,stop to do是停下来去做另一件事。故选择C。 14. 15. 今天,B、at school 在学校,C、this year今年,故选择A。 考点:故事类短文。

I’m going to keep on       him.

A、help     B、helping    C、to help



He always tries to face any       when he met some        things.

A、danger, dangerous

B、danger, danger

C、dangerous, danger



Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon       sound and music.

A、with      B、in     C、of



Walt Disney made 87 cartoons        , he became         .


B、successful, successfully




They are trying        what is going on around the world.

A、to look for

B、to find out

C、find out



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