满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



1.Eva, 14, Illinois. Whatever I do, I always think about if other people will like it. How can I stop worrying about what they think?

2.Erica, 9, Texas. My dream is to be on the Olympic team for gymnastics(体操).My dad thinks I started too late and I’ll never be able to make it. He puts me down, but I want his support. What should I do?

3.Ashley, 12, Wisconsin. What should I do if I failed a test? I am afraid to tell my mom because she might get mad and I can’t play soccer. And soccer is like the world to me.

4.Jessica, 11, Canada. I just moved and I’m kind of shy, so how do I make new friends?

5.Linus, 14, LA. My parents have made all the decisions in my life for me. My mom even decides which sock I should wear.

A. You should tell him about your dream and that if you work really hard it might happen even though you started late. The sooner you tell your dad how you feel, the sooner you will be able to work on making your dream come true.

B. Nobody knows you at your new school. You have nothing to lose, so gather up all your courage and go over to someone who looks nice and say hi. You can break the ice by asking about your teacher and other kids in your class. Good luck!

C. It is better to tell your mom the truth than for her to find out another way. When you tell her, explain why you failed. Ask her for help, so you will do better in your tests and meanwhile have time for playing soccer.

D. Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think. The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Always act strong and confident. Just relax.

E. Try to talk with your parents about it. Tell them you are old enough to make some decisions on your own and you need to learn to decide gradually. Show them you can do something independently.

F. Don’t talk to your mom about it. Don’t think about the test. What is done is done. Work hard from now on and try to pass the test next time.

G. It is normal to feel nervous when you are on stage. Don’t worry about what the audience think about you. Just relax and enjoy yourself on stage.



1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.E 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文给出了五位青少年的不同困惑,同时也给出了专家的七种建议。要求将相关信息匹配起来。 1. 建议D说你自己去,不要在乎别人怎么想。你越想越差得。总是坚强和自信。放松点。所以选D。 2.埃里卡说他的梦想是参加奥运会体操队。他爸爸认为他开始得太晚了,他永远不会成功。他希望他的父亲支持。他应该做什么。建议A说你应该告诉他你的梦想,如果你真的努力工作,即使你起步晚也会成功。你迟早会努力让你的梦想成真。所以选A。 3.艾希礼说如果他考试不及格他应该是什么?他害怕告诉他妈妈,因为她可能会生气不让他踢足球。而足球是他的全部。建议C说应主动告诉妈妈,当你告诉她,解释你为什么失败。请她帮忙,所以你会在测试中表现得更好,同时有时间踢足球。所以选C。 4.杰西卡说他有点害羞,所以他怎么交新朋友?建议B说没人知道你在新学校。你有什么可失去的,所以鼓起你的勇气。你就可以打破僵局。祝你好运!所以选B。 5.莱纳斯说他的父母已经作出了所有的决定。他我妈妈甚至决定他应该穿袜子。建议E说尝试与你的父母谈论它。告诉他们你大了你可以自己决定啦。告诉他们你可以独立地做某事。所以选E。 考点:七选五。

In October 2012, I joined an organization to volunteer to work in Thailand. When I arrived in Thailand, I thought I would be taken to an orphanage(孤儿院). However, I was told that I had to go to the place where I would live by train alone. And then I knew that my job was to teach English in a school instead of working at an orphanage.

The next day I went to the school and met the kids I would teach. In the classroom, the kids looked at me, saying nothing. No one could speak English. But from their eyes, I knew they were really nervous to learn English, It seemed like a big challenge for me, but that was just what I wanted.

Although I loved the kids and the challenge, my life in Thailand was quite hard at first. I was alone and there was nobody I could talk to. However, I didn’t give up. If I had been afraid of difficulties, I wouldn’t have traveled all the way from England to Thailand to be a volunteer. Little by little, I learned some Thai(泰国语)and started to fall in love with Thailand. Every time I saw the kids’ pleasure of learning English, I was happy and felt that what I was doing was really worthwhile.

Now I’m working in a hospital in Thailand. If you also want to be a volunteer like me, don’t worry too much about the food or the place where you live. After all, as a volunteer, the most important thing is to help people who need help!

1.What did the writer think she would do in Thailand at first?

A. Teach in a school.

B. Work at an orphanage.

C. Provide service for volunteers.

D. Work in a hospital.

2.How did the writer feel when she started her job on the first day?

A. She wasn’t interested in it at all.

B. She wanted to go back home.

C. She felt her job was very easy.

D. She thought it hard but interesting.

3.The underlined word “worthwhile” means “________” in Chinese.

A. 值得的   B. 费力的   C.无聊的    D.轻松的

4.Which of the following is RIGHT about the writer?

A. She may come from England.  

B. She can only speak English now.

C. She doesn’t like teaching children very much.

D. She thought her volunteer experience was terrible.

5.The writer tells us her experience as a volunteer to ________________.

A. explain that being a volunteer in a strange country isn’t a good idea

B. tell people not to worry about their food and housing conditions

C. explain that it’s very important for children to learn English

D. show that a volunteer should face difficulties bravely(勇敢地)



We spoke to three students from around the world about different national holidays. There are different customs for each festival.

Tan Xiaodong, 15, Hong Kong, China

“It’ll soon be the Chinese New Year. Before it, we’ll clean the house and decorate it for good luck. Every shop is going to close for a few days and we’ll go out a lot to celebrate on the streets. We might go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival.”

Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia

“Australia Day is on 26th January and it’s an important holiday here. We always have a Monday off, so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach parties or street parties and there’s lots of music and dancing. What fun!”

Amy, 14, New York, the US

“The first Thanksgiving was celebrated hundreds of years ago when Europeans who came to America thanked God for his help. It’s still a very important day for family members to be together. This year we’re going to visit my grandparents and we’ll eat a delicious meal of turkey. Thanksgiving is on the 4th Thursday in November every year.”

1.How many festivals are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two.   B. Three.    C. Four.    D. Five.

2.During the Chinese New Year, tourists can ________.

A. do a lot of shopping

B. eat turkey

C. decorate the house for good luck

D. see lion and dragon dances

3.On Australia Day, family members often ________.

A. have a meal in the countryside

B. go to a swimming pool

C. have a party at school

D. clean the house and dance

4.What do you think a turkey is in this passage?

A. A country.    B. A festival.

C. A bird.       D. A kind of drink

5.From the passage, we can learn that _________.

A. Australia Day is an important day for family members to get together

B. Different festivals have different customs

C. Many people go out for a picnic with friends before the Chinese New Year

D. The first Thanksgiving was born a hundred years ago



What does “self-control” mean? Suppose you have a ticket for an exciting film which you want to see very much, but unluckily you have to study   an exam tomorrow. What will you do? See the film   study for the exam? If you can give up seeing the film and work hard at your   , it means that you have self-control. Self-control is not something that you have at birth. It needs to be cultivated in your life.

Often, young children are easily   when their needs or wishes are not met at once. Almost daily, children see a lot of food, toys and activities that are attractive to them. Many time children do not know how to   their frustration(挫折) when they are told “no” or “later”. Also, sometimes young children do not understand    they are not allowed to do anything. In order to have positive experiences at home and at school, children need to learn   to properly deal with their feelings when they cannot have something. These skills will increase children’s self- control.

Don’t go to bed late because of a nice TV program, or you may go to school   and it is a waste of time. Every one of us has some hobbies, a few of which may   us from making progress in life. We must use our   to become free of them.

1.A. for    B. at    C. on   D. about

2.A. and       B. while   C. but   D. or

3.A. school   B. lessons  C. films   D. listening

4.A. happy   B. upset   C. tired   D. excited

5.A. begin with  B. play with  C. deal with  D. do with

6.A. what       B. which   C. why   D. who

7.A. skills   B. lessons  C. ways   D. strategies

8.A. early       B. late   C. on time  D. slowly

9.A. leave   B. make   C. keep   D. push

10.A. decision   B. energy   C. knowledge  D. self-control



Could you please tell me ________? I want to send two letters to my friends.

A. where the post office is

B. how can I get to the post office

C. where is the post office

D. how I can get to the cinema



The ________ you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.

A. careful           B. much careful

C. more careful      D. most careful



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