满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分) On the eve of gradua...


On the eve of graduation, many classmates were busy looking for jobs. So was I. It's very difficult to find a job in the big city. I had been____for many times until I found a want ad for an editor  (编辑). "If you could find more than 10 ____ words in the newspaper, you can work for us as an editor." I loved ____ and had written several little articles for the newspaper. So I decided to have a ____. It was the final date when I saw the newspaper. I told one of my roommates the news happily. After he ____ what I said, he smiled and said, "Today is April Fool' s Day. It may be just an April Fool's ____. A fool may take it seriously." I was very ____ after hearing that, but I still wanted to have a try. It ____ me the whole morning to find twelve wrong words in the newspaper. I ____ at the editorial department in the afternoon and got the job.

I got a lesson from the experience: something that others said was____ may be not impossible. As long as you believe it, you may make impossibility possible.

1.A. refused   B. considered       C. expected

2.A. important   B. correct        C. wrong

3.A. reading   B. writing      C. listening

4.A. look    B. try     C. chance

5.A. read    B. saw     C. heard

6.A. joke            B. note     C. result

7.A. excited   B. unhappy    C. bored

8.A. spent   B. took     C. cost

9.A. got    B. reached    C. arrived

10.A. real    B. impossible       C. possible


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲了在我找到一份编辑的工作前,我被拒绝了很多次。最终通过我的努力,得到了编辑这份工作。通过这次经历我得到了一个教训:别人说的不可能的事也许是可能的。只要你相信,你就能把这不可能实现。 1.我已经被拒绝了很多次,直到我找到了一个招聘编辑的广告。A. refused拒绝;B. considered考虑,思考,认为;C. expected期望。故选A. 2.如果你在报纸上找出10处以上错误的单词,你就可以作为一名编辑在我们报社工作了。A. important重要的;B. correct正确的;C. wrong错误的。故选C。 3.我喜欢看书,并且已经在报纸上发表过几个小文章了。看书是read books。故选B。 4.A. look看;B. try试一试;C. chance机会。根据上文我喜欢看书,故选B。 5.A. read看,读;B. saw看到;C. heard听见,听到。故选C。 6.A. joke笑话;B. note笔记;C. result结果。根据句意,故选A。 7.A. excited兴奋的;B. unhappy不高兴的; C. bored无聊的。根据上文,这好像是愚人节的玩笑。故选B 8.spend人作主语,宾语是时间和金钱,结构是人+spend+时间/金钱+on+名词,人+spend+时间/金钱+(in)V-ing;pay,付款人作主语,常用词组pay for;take 花费时间事物作主语,常用句式it+takes+sb+ ST+to do sth;cost,物作主语,只能花费金钱。故选B。 9.下午我到达了编辑的公寓,我得到了这份工作。arrive at到达。故选C。 10.通过这次经历我得到了一个教训:别人说的不可能的事可能不是不可能的。只要你相信,你就能把这不可能实现。A. real真的; B. impossible不可能的;C. possible可能的。故选B。 考点:故事类短文。

The kids found it hard to ________ because there is a party in the next room.

A. keep still

B. make a mess

C. in silence



Tom Sawyer is very _______ because he is willing to do things which are difficult or dangerous.

A. hard-working

B. brave

C. polite



The APEC meeting is the main _______ of Beijing now.

A. survey

B. director

C. event



When the right chance _______, she will take it.

A. comes along

B. pass out

C. join in



To be a(n) _______ person means to be well-known among a group of people.

A. celebrated   B. important    C. lucky



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