满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据每题汉语提示,完成下列句子 。(每空0.5分,共4分) 1.迈克尔在上学的路...

根据每题汉语提示,完成下列句子 。(每空0.5分,共4分)


Michael meets his teacher ______ his ________ to school.


Could you ask him ________ ________ me back on Sunday?


Thanks for teaching ________ English so ________.


The boy _______ green doesn’t like fish ______ chicken.


1.on, way 2.to call 3.us, well 4.in, or 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据句意可知,这里我们需要填写的是在去学校的路上,on one’s way to 是固定的短语,意思是:在去……的路上,后跟表示地点的名词。 2.根据句意可知,这里我们需要填的是叫他打电话,这句话中使用的句型是ask sb. to do sth.,要求某人去做某事,根据这个句型我们可知,这里应该用动词不定式,故填to call。 3.us我们,是人称代词宾格形式,在句中做动词teaching的宾语;well副词,好,在句中修饰动词teaching,表示教得好。 4.……颜色的衣服,后跟颜色,in green这个介词短语在句中做后置定语,修饰The boy;or或者,连接fish和chicken,用于否定句中,肯定句中用and。 考点:汉译英。


Alice is from __1.__ ['iŋglənd].She comes to China with her p_2.__.She studies in a high _3.___in Fuzhou, Fujian. Alice often ___4.__ up at 6:30 in the morning. She usually has a glass of milk, an egg and some __5.__ (不同的) kinds of food for breakfast. It’s a q__6.__ to seven in the morning now. Alice has breakfast. “Have a cake, Alice. It’s very ___7.__ [nais],” her mother ___8.___(说). “No, thanks, mom, I __9.___ to go now. ___10.__(课)begin at 8:00.




1.He needs three kilos of rice.  (对划线部分提问)

___________ ___________ kilos of rice does he need?

2. Those are orange knives.  (改为单数句)

____________ an orange ________

3. What do you think of this shirt, madam?  (改为同义句)

______ do you ______ this shirt, madam?

4.Is this your bag? (写出该句的答句)

No, ______ not ________.

5.Tom does his homework every day.  (改为否定句)

Tom ______ _______ his homework every day.






A. Would you like some juice?

B. What about something to eat?

C. How about you?

D. May I help you?

E. I dont like it at all.

F. OK. Thank you.

G. Would you like something to drink?

Waitress: ____1.____

Jack: Yes. Er… What would you like, Tom?

Tom: I don’t know.

Jack: Well, ____2.___What about a glass of milk?

Tom: No, thanks. I think I’d like a glass of apple juice. ___3._____

Jack: Apple juice for me, too. ____4.__

Tom: Some bread. Two glasses of apple juice and some bread, please.

Waitress: __5.____




1.The girl_______ _______ me is my good friend. (紧邻)

2.Do you want the book? Er, it’s too dear, I’ll ______ _______it.  (考虑)

3.Help_______ _______some bread, Lucy and Lily.  (随便吃)

4.It’s very ________ _______ you to help me with my English.  (真好)

5.It’s time ________ _________.  (吃午饭)




fly     cook    like    something     mean

1.You don’t want to buy ________. You can say“I’m just looking.”

2.They can cook nice food. They’re great _________.

3.What does“Are you kidding?”_______ in Chinese?

4.He often ______ a kite with his pet dog in the park.

5.He’s very tall ______ his father.



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