满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Your handwriting is better than _______...

—Your handwriting is better than ________ of________ in your class.

—I’m glad to hear that.

A. it; anyone’s  B. that; anyone’s

C. it; anyone else’s   D. that; anyone else’s


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---你的书法比你班上的其他任何一个人的都好。---听到这么说我很高兴。that代替前面的handwriting,排除A、C;作比较应该把自己排除在外,应用anyone else;故选D。 考点:考查代词。  

—Would you like black or white coffee?     —Well, I ________ coffee ________ milk.

A. prefer; to   B. like; better

C. prefer; with   D. would rather; than



The young man complained       the manager        the noise there.

A. of; to   B. to; about

C. of; about  D. to; with



Qinghu Lake is _______ attractive place. It’s such _______ nice place that many tourists come here every year.

A. a; a    B. an; /   C. the; /    D. an; a




假如你叫 Tom,请以My hometown为题写一篇80词左右的文章,包含下列要点,语句通顺。

1. 我将带你参观我的家乡,泗阳是我的家乡。

2. 泗阳是一个美丽的城镇,空气清新,河水干净;泗阳也是一个现代化的城镇,有许多高楼,如购物中心,电影院;泗阳因杨树(poplar)而闻名,每年,很多游客来泗阳。泗阳人友好且乐于助人,他们总是乐意帮忙!

3. 我住在泗阳中心的一所公寓里。我喜欢住在这里,我认为……




“Come here, Li lei!” says the mother, “Give me your school report(成绩单).” Li Lei gives it to his mother.

“Oh, you fail(不及格) again,” says his mother,

“You aren’t good at your lessons. Why not1. s____ hard at school?” “I’m sorry, Mum,” says Li Lei, “I’ll do well in my lessons2. a_____ you buy me a computer!”

“Really?” asks the mother.

“Yes,” answers Li Lei, “My teacher 3.s____ computer can make people clever.”

“All right,” says the mother, “Let’s go to the shop and buy one.” When they come into the shop, the girl in the shop asks, “Can I help you?”

“Yes, please,” answers the mother, “I’d like to have a look at your computers.” “There are 4.m_____ kinds of computers,” says the girl, “What kind of computer do you like, madam?”

Li Lei looks at the computers and asks, “Do you have a computer that can do homework f5.____me?”



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