满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Will Helen come to meet us today ? — S...

Will Helen come to meet us today ?

She’s not very busy these days, so she ____come today.

A. may      B. may not       C. must            D. mustn’t


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--海伦今天会来和我们见面吗?--这些日子她不忙,所以她今天可能来。 A. may可能,表示猜测;B. may not不可以;C. must表示猜测,一定是;D. mustn’t禁止,不许可。结合句意,故选A 考点:考查情态动词的用法。  

Every year there are about _______ people waiting for their trains back home in the railway station before Spring Festival comes.

A. five thousand of  B. five thousand

C. thousand of       D. five thousands of



--- Did he tell you anything ________?

--- Yes, he told us the ________ of learning English well.

A. important; important     B. importance; important

C. importance;importance    D. important; importance



--- I had _______ bad headache. Do you have _______ address of People’s Hospital?

--- I’m sorry to hear that. Here is ________ address.

A. a; an; the       B. the; an; an

C. a; /; the         D. a; the; the



书面表达 (5分)



1. 我住在离学校不远的小镇上,乘公交到市中心只要半小时;

2. 镇上有许多免费的(free)公园,你可以闻到花香,听到鸟儿歌唱;

3. 我最喜欢的地方是体育中心,我经常在那儿锻炼;

4. 还有一个社区中心,我们家乡的人都很友好、善良;

5. 我认为是居住的好地方,希望你尽快来玩。

Hi, I’m Li Hua






Most people have jobs. They go to work nearly every day. Some people are lucky. They have very interesting jobs and they make a lot of money. Most people are not so lucky. Their jobs are a bit boring and they don’t get well paid.

The most interesting jobs are often the most difficult. People take a long time to learn how to do them. Doctors study for at least six years after finishing school. Airline pilots study longer. They have to learn to fly small aircraft first, and then slowly move up to bigger aircraft. Most airline pilots are more than 30 years old.

Some young people have interesting and well-paid jobs. Many successful athletes are young. Football and tennis stars are usually under 35. Older people usually cannot play these sports very well. They cannot move fast enough. Golf, however, is a good sport for older people. Many successful golfers are quite old.

Most people work until(直到) they are 60 or 65 years old. Then they retire and have a lot of free time. But some people never retire. These people usually have very interesting jobs. Writers, artists, musicians and actors usually work until they die. Their work is their life.

Title of the passage

Different kinds of 1.

What to do?

Most people   2. nearly every day.

What kind of jobs?

Lucky people have   3.  and well-paid jobs.


Some jobs take a long time to learn because they are   4.  .

How old?

Most airline pilots are 5.  30 years old.

Airline or aircraft?

The word 6.  refers to(指代) a plane or other vehicle that can fly.

Get a lot of money or move fast?

Young tennis players are successful because they can move    7.  .

What kind of sport?

Golf is a good sport for 8. people because they don’t have to move very fast.

Change jobs or stop working?

They retire and have much free time. ‘Retire’ means to stop   9.  .

Which word in the passage above?

The word 10. means a person who is trained (受训) in exercise or sports.



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