满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分) 1.An...

动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)

1.Ann and her family like watching TV and ______(chat) in the living room.

2.Daniel’s mother is very busy in China and seldom___________(fly) back to England.

3. Does it take you twenty minutes ______(go) to work by car every day?

4.----Who _________ (teach) them Chinese next term?

----I think Mr. Zhang is.

5.Are you afraid of __________ (study) English?

6.The cotton clothes will make him ________(feel) comfortable.

7.Jim is always the first _____(come) to school in the morning.

8.Do you know how_____(look) after a dog well?


1.chatting 2.flies 3.to go 4.is going to teach 5.studying 6.feel 7.to come 8.to look 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:Ann和她的家人喜欢在起居室里看电视和聊天。chat 聊天,是一个动词。这句话中使用的句型是like doing sth.喜欢做某事,因此这里应该用动名词形式,故填chatting。 2.句意:Daniel的妈妈在中国非常忙,她很少飞回到英国。fly 飞,是一个动词。根据句意可知,这句话使用的是一般现在时态,而且句子的主语Daniel’s mother是第三人称单数形式,故填flies。 3.句意:每天要花费你多长时间开车去上班?go to work去上班。这句话中使用的句型是It takes sb.+一段时间 to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间。因此这里应该用动词不定式的形式,故填to go。 4.句意:-下个学期谁教他们语文?-我想是张老师。teach教,是一个动词。根据句意和句中的next term可知,这句话说的是将来的事情,故应该用一般将来时,故填is going to teach。 5.句意:你害怕学英语吗?study学习,是一个动词。这句话中使用了短语be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事,故这里填动名词形式studying。 6.句意:棉质的衣服会使他感觉舒服。feel感觉,是一个动词。这句话中使用的句型是make sb. do sth.使某人做某事,因此这里应该用动词原形feel。 7.句意:Jim总是早上第一个来到学校。come来,是一个动词。这句话中使用的句型是the first to do sth.第一个做某事的人,因此这里填动词不定式to come。 8.句意:你知道怎样照顾一只狗吗?look after 照顾,是一个固定的短语。这句话中使用的句型是疑问词+动词不定式的形式,在句中做宾语,故填to look。 考点:动词填空


1.The ___________(四十九) student comes from the USA.

2.Many people in ___________( west ) countries like Chinese food very much.

3.The mobile phones on the table are those ___________( engineer ).

4.My iPad is           (break). I can’t listen to music any more.




1.Many _______(参观者)come to visit the small town every year.

2. Do you know any_______(信息)about the new kind of computer?

3.Do you often use ___________( ) when you have dinner?

4.English people often go to the _____(剧院)to watch plays and shows.



任务型阅读  阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一词。(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)

I am Lily. I have a piece of good news to tell you. We have a new apartment(公寓).The rooms are small, but they are all comfortable. There are more rooms here than in our old apartment. This is good because now I have my own room. In the old apartment, I must share a room with my sister.

My bedroom is my favourite in our apartment. I can be alone in it. I can read and draw. I can listen to music. I can play games and send my friends e-mails on my computer.

My second favourite room is the kitchen. I like helping my mother cook my meals. She is a very good cook and often teaches me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Morocco food. It is delicious.


Lily’s apartment

The old apartment

It has fewer rooms and I share a room   1.    my sister.

The new apartment

The rooms are small, but they are all   2.   .

·My favourite room is my  3.  .

I can be    4.    in it.

I can read and draw. I can listen to   5.  .

I can play games 6.   my computer and send e-mails   7. my friends.

·The   8.  is my second favourite room.

I can help my mother with   9.    .

My mother’s Morocco food is   10.     .



Americans think much about time. From childhood(童年)they learn to value(珍视)time. As children their parents and teachers ask them to be on time to go to school, to work and to do everything. When they are having a good time, they say that time goes easily. When a person is dying(死亡), they say he is living on a borrowed time.

Time is money. Time is knowledge(知识). Time is everything in America. A working American often works hard for eight hours a day or forty hours a week. This is the working time. In his free time or on Saturday and Sunday, he also works hard for more money. In the street you seldom see a man walking slowly. They walk very fast.

They love time because time can bring them money and lots of things. But sometimes they also hate time, because they feel they are the servants(仆人) of the clock.

1.What do the Americans mean by "Time is money"?

A. It is not easy to make money.

B. It takes quite a lot of time to make money.

C. Working hard can bring people health.

D. If someone has time and works hard, he can make much money.

2.Americans think it wrong _____________.

A. to work late

B. to get up early

C. to be late for school

D. to be on time to do everything

3.This passage says that a dying person___________.

A. is having a good time

B. is living on a borrowed time

C. thinks time goes easily

D. is saving time

4.From this passage we can be sure that

A. Americans live a hard life

B. Americans always walk fast

C. Americans live in a quick rhythm (节奏)

D. Americans are good at saving time

5.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Americans’ ideas about time

B. Never waste time

C. Time is money

D. Learn to be on time



Mike gets up at half past seven. He has an egg and some milk for breakfast. Then he goes to school. When he is on his way to school, he is thinking, “ I tell my teacher that my mother is ill on Monday. I tell him my bike doesn’t work on my way to school on Tuesday. What should I say today? Mike thinks it over, but he doesn’t have a good idea.

“May I come in?” says Mike at the door.

“Oh, my boy,” says Mr. Brown. “Please look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now?” “It’s eight ten,” says Mike. Mr. Brown is not happy and says, “You are late for class three times this week. If all the students are like you, the clock is no use, I think.” “ You are wrong, Mr. Brown,” says Mike. “If I don’t have the clock how do I know I am late for school?”

1.What does Mike do?

A. A student    B. A teacher

C. A worker      D. A cook

2.What day is it today?

A. Monday     B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday     D. Thursday

3.What time does Mike get to his classroom today?

A. At 7:30      B. At 8:10

C. At 8:20        D. At 8:30

4.The Chinese meaning of the word “use” is “__________”.

A. 生命        B. 价格         C. 傻瓜         D.用途

5.How many times is Mike late for class this week?

A .Once        B. Twice

C. Three times        D. Four times



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