满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子 1.请等一下,你回去的时候,可以顺便...

完成句子  按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子


       a minute, please. When you go back, would you       a      for me?


Linda will have a bike                   the day after tomorrow.


The teachers help us                                     .


Who             us           the zoo?


My schoolbag is ______ ________          .

6. 我打算去拜访我的邻居们。

I ____________18__________________________________________________________.


1.wait, take, message 2.of her own 3.with all kinds of problems 4.will, show, around 5.different from yours 6.am going to visit my neighbors 【解析】 试题分析: 1.wait a minute等一下,是一个固定的短语,这里是一个祈使句,故wait用原形;take a message for sb.给某人捎口信,是一个固定的短语,would表示请求,后跟动词原形。 2.根据句意可知,这里我们需要填的是属于某人自己的这个短语,即of one’s own。这句话的主语是Linda,故应该填的是of her own。 3.根据句意可知,这句话中我们可以使用短语help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事。all kinds of是固定的短语,各种各样的,后跟名词复数。 4.根据句意可知,这句话应该使用一般将来时态,故用will+动词原形;show sb. around是固定短语,带领某人参观。 5.根据句意可知,这里我们需要填的是和……不同这个短语,即be different from;而且这里是我的书包和你的书包不同,因此这里用名词性物主代词yours,指代your schoolbag。 6.根据句意可知,这句话我们应该使用be going to 结构,表示打算做某事;visit my neighbors拜访我的邻居们。 考点:汉译英。

句型转换 根据括号内的要求改写句子,在答题卷相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一词。(本大题共5分,每格0.5分)

1.My sister and I live in the same bedroom. (同义句转换)

My sister       a bedroom       me.

2. Her bicycle isn’t working well. (同义句转换)

                        her bicycle.

3.Mr Li asks a computer engineer to check his computer. (对划线部分提问)

      does Mr Li ask a computer engineer to       ?

4.These are my bananas. (对划线部分提问)

             are these?



动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。(本大题共8分,每小题1分)

1.Ann and her family like watching TV and ______(chat) in the living room.

2.Daniel’s mother is very busy in China and seldom___________(fly) back to England.

3. Does it take you twenty minutes ______(go) to work by car every day?

4.----Who _________ (teach) them Chinese next term?

----I think Mr. Zhang is.

5.Are you afraid of __________ (study) English?

6.The cotton clothes will make him ________(feel) comfortable.

7.Jim is always the first _____(come) to school in the morning.

8.Do you know how_____(look) after a dog well?




1.The ___________(四十九) student comes from the USA.

2.Many people in ___________( west ) countries like Chinese food very much.

3.The mobile phones on the table are those ___________( engineer ).

4.My iPad is           (break). I can’t listen to music any more.




1.Many _______(参观者)come to visit the small town every year.

2. Do you know any_______(信息)about the new kind of computer?

3.Do you often use ___________( ) when you have dinner?

4.English people often go to the _____(剧院)to watch plays and shows.



任务型阅读  阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一词。(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)

I am Lily. I have a piece of good news to tell you. We have a new apartment(公寓).The rooms are small, but they are all comfortable. There are more rooms here than in our old apartment. This is good because now I have my own room. In the old apartment, I must share a room with my sister.

My bedroom is my favourite in our apartment. I can be alone in it. I can read and draw. I can listen to music. I can play games and send my friends e-mails on my computer.

My second favourite room is the kitchen. I like helping my mother cook my meals. She is a very good cook and often teaches me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Morocco food. It is delicious.


Lily’s apartment

The old apartment

It has fewer rooms and I share a room   1.    my sister.

The new apartment

The rooms are small, but they are all   2.   .

·My favourite room is my  3.  .

I can be    4.    in it.

I can read and draw. I can listen to   5.  .

I can play games 6.   my computer and send e-mails   7. my friends.

·The   8.  is my second favourite room.

I can help my mother with   9.    .

My mother’s Morocco food is   10.     .



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