满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mrs Brown is an old woman. She lives in ...

Mrs Brown is an old woman. She lives in a t__1.______far from London and she doesn’t know London very well. One day, she goes to London to see her son , but she can’t find her w__2.__.Just then she sees a man n ___3.____ the bus stop. “ I can ask him the way.” She says to herself. “Excuse me, will you please tell me the way to King Street?” The man smiles with no  a___4.___. Then he puts his hand into his p__5.____, takes out a piece of paper and lets her read it. On the paper are these words, “Sorry, I don’t know English. I am from R___6.__.” Mrs Brown still thanks him and goes on. She s __7._at the street corner,(角落)and doesn’t know what to do. Just then a p_____8.__ comes and asks if(是否) Mrs Brown need any h__9.______. Mrs Brown tells him the whole thing, so he d___10.____her to her son’s home at last.


1.town 2.way 3.near 4.answer 5.pocket 6.Russia 7.stays 8.policeman 9.help 10.drives 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是Brown夫人是个老人,她对伦敦不是很熟悉。有一次她想去伦敦找她的儿子,但是她迷路了,没有人能帮助她。正当她不知道该怎么办的时候,一个警察帮助了她。 1.句意:Brown夫人老了,她住在远离伦敦的一个城镇,她不很了解伦敦。town城镇。根据文意可知,这句话告诉我们Brown夫人居住的地方,故应该填town。 2.句意:一天,她去伦敦找她的儿子,但是她迷路了。way方向,方式。根据上句话she doesn’t know London very well可知,Brown夫人不大了解伦敦,所以她迷路了。find one’s way找到…路。 3.句意:这时她在公交车站附近看到了一个人。near在……附近。根据上下文的意思可知,Brown夫人迷路了,她想找人问路,这时在车站附近她看到了一个人,故填near。 4.句意:这个人笑了笑没有回答。answer 回答。根据文意可知,Brown夫人向那个那人问路,但是那个人只笑了笑,没有回答。故填answer。 5.句意:然后他把手伸进他的口袋里,拿出一张纸让她读。pocket口袋,是一个名词。根据句意可知,那个男人没有回答,而是在口袋里拿出一张纸。故填pocket。 6.句意:对不起,我不会说英语,我来自俄罗斯。Russia俄罗斯,是一个国家的名字。根据句意可知,这个男人不会说英语,而且这里的单词是大写开头的,因此应该是一个国家的名字,故填Russia。 7.句意:她呆在街道的角落里,不知道该怎么做。stay停留,呆。根据文意可知,Brown夫人不认识路,也没有帮助她,所以她就呆在街道的角落里。这篇短文用的是一般现在时态,并且这句话的主语she是第三人称单数形式,故填stays。 8.句意:就在那时一个警察走过来了,问她是否需要帮助。policeman警察,根据文意可知,能帮助Brown夫人的应该是警察,空前有a,故用单数形式。 9.句意:就在那时一个警察走过来了,问她是否需要帮助。help帮助。根据文意可知,Brown夫人迷路了,她呆在大街上的角落里,警察过来应该问她需不需要帮助。故填help。 10.句意:Brown夫人告诉了她整个事情,最后警察带着她去了她儿子的家。drive开车,驾驶。根据文意可知,警察知道了Brown夫人的难处,他开车送她去了她儿子的家。句子的主语he是第三人称单数形式,故填drives。 考点:阅读填空。

完成句子 10分


There’s ________ _________ ________ your fridge.

2.无锡以太湖而闻名。Wuxi  is  _______ ________Tai Lake.

3.和他们分享我们的故事很有趣。________ our _______ ________ _______ is fun.


The mother is still ________ ________ her________child.

5.义务工作者遍及全世界。Volunteers ________ _______ _______ the world.


It _______ about three ________ ______ ________ ______ Shanghai.



动词填空 10分

1.Why not _____________(row) a boat on the lake?

2.Each of your ideas _______ (sound) great and interesting.

3.Who_______________(fix) your computer this afternoon? An engineer is.

4.Keep quiet. A group of students _____________(plan) a day out.

5.I hope they __________(not be) late for school again.

6.We are looking forward to _________ (stay ) here for our winter holiday.

7.______________(jog) every day is very important for the old.

8._______ (not miss) the opera shows in the local theatre.

9.My grandfather goes to the park to hear the birds _______(sing) in the early morning.

10.Daniel and Mark ________(learn) to design clothes on the computer at the moment.



Shows at the Palace Museum

The Palace Museum is a wonderful place to visit. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see . Come to visit the Palace Museum.



Things to see


Opening time

10:00 a.m.

Taihe Palace

Golden throne

Grow-ups: ¥15.00

Children over 12:


Under 12  Free

Discount(折扣) 20% on Saturday

9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m.-

5:00 p.m. on Saturday

Not open on


10:30 a.m.

Zhonghe Palace

Works of art

11:00 a.m.

Baohe Palace

Works of art

1:00 p.m.

Jingren Palace


1:40 p.m.

Yonghe Palace


2:30 p.m.

Huangji Palace

Chinese paintings

4:00 p.m.

Fengxian Palace

Clocks and watches

Notices: Keep quiet.

Keep the museum clean.

Don’t forget to buy some souvenirs(纪念品) for your friends and families.

Do not take any photos.

Do not touch anything.

1.The Palace Museum opens _____ days a week.

A. five   B. two   C. seven   D. six

2.Mr Wu wants to visit the Palace Museum with his two students this Saturday. The two students are both 14. How much are the tickets together?

A. ¥ 31.00   B. ¥ 28.00

C.  ¥ 15.00  D. ¥ 7.00

3.Which of the following can you do at the shows?

A. Don’t keep museum clean.

B. To take a few nice photos.

C. To buy some souvenirs.

D. To touch the golden throne.

4.How many kinds of things can you see at the shows?


5. When and where can you see the clocks and watches on Saturday?




Paris is a very beautiful city but l will not call it the most romantic(最浪漫的)city at all! It is difficult to find a hotel! That is quite funny.Some policemen help us and then we find a hotel! The hotel is on the sixth floor and it is tired to climb up the stairs(爬楼)!The room is very simple(普通的)but it has a big bathroom.We go out for a walk to visit the city. The Louvre Museum is our favourite one. There are some wonderful works of art there. The Eiffel Tower looks so cool from a far place, but when we get close to it, it doesn't look so good. We also don't feel well about the expensive food. Most of the time, we enjoy Paris, but the weather is not always good. It often rains. We feel a little difficult because not many people can speak English and we can't speak French. But I'm still(仍然)glad that this is the beginning of our travel.

1.Who help the writer find a hotel?

A. Some students.  B. Some policemen.

C. Some workers.  D. Some farmers.

2.There is a big_______ in the room of the hotel.

A. bedroom     B. sitting room

C. bathroom     D. kitchen

3.How does the Eiffel Tower look from a far place?

A. Cool.       B. Short.        C. Pretty.      D. Bad.

4.What can we know from the passage?

A. The writer doesn't go to the Louvre Museum.

B. The writer can speak English and French.

C. It never rains when the writer stays in Paris.

D. The writer thinks food is not cheap in Paris.

5.The passage mainly(主要)tells us_______.

A. Paris is not a good place to travel

B. the writer is looking for a good hotel

C. the writer starts travelling from Paris

D. it is important for people to speak French



A man comes home from work late. His 5-year-old son is     for him.

“Daddy, can you give me $ 10?” his son asks.

The father is very     and says,” If you want to buy a toy, you can go to your     and go to bed.”

After about an hour, the man    , “Maybe he really needs to buy something. He doesn’t ask for money very     .”Then the man goes to the little boy’s room.

“I am too tired and not very happy. Here’s $10,” says the man.

The little boy      up, smiling, “Oh, thank you, Daddy!” he says.

Then , from under his pillow(枕头) he takes out some     .Then the man starts to get angry again. “Why do you want more money if you already have some?” he asks. “     I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little boy answers. “Daddy, I have$20 now. Can I      an hour of your time? Please     early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”

1.A. waiting       B. asking        C. looking   D. working

2.A. happy        B. tired          C. angry    D. sad

3.A. room         B. school        C. shop     D. home

4.A. says          B. asks         C. thinks      D. hopes

5.A. late           B. early        C. much       D. often

6.A. stands         B. sits          C. looks     D. puts

7.A. toys          B. books        C. food       D. money

8.A. Because       B. So           C. But       D. Or

9.A. have          B. make         C. do        D. buy

10.A. go to work    B. come home    C. go to bed   D. go shopping



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