满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

- _____is the new supermarket from your ...

- _____is the new supermarket from your home?

-Quite near. Just go ____the road and turn right.

A. How long; cross     B. How far; cross

C. How far; across     D. How long; across


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-这家新超市距离你家多远?-很近。就穿过这条街然后向右转。How long 多长时间;How far 多远,提问距离;cross动词,穿过;across介词,穿过。根据句意可知选C。 考点:考查疑问词和介词。  

-Is the computer on the desk _____?   –Yes, you’re right. They share it.

A.  Jack’s and his brother’s

B. Jack and his brother

C.  Jack and his brother’s

D. Jack’s and his brother



We all have fun _____ different activities after school.

A. to do          B. doing      C. does    D. will do



-_____ having dinner in a Western restaurant?

-Good idea! Let’s go.

A. Why not      B. Why don’t you

C. What about    D. Shall we



-Do you know _____ man in black?

-Which one?  _____ one outside the classroom? He’s ____ new teacher.

A. a; the; a       B. a; the; the

C. the; a; a     D. the; the; a



单词辨音 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项,并将该选项填入答题卷上相应的空格内。 (5分)

1.A. palace     B. Japan     C. policeman      D. station

2.A. check        B. college         C. below        D. remember

3.A. sign      B. quite      C. miss      D. invite

4.A. postcard    B. opera      C. video      D. zero

5.A. future       B. study       C. under       D. run

6.A. everything      B. other       C. south       D. birthday

7.A. bank        B. fun      C. England       D. uncle

8.A. grow       B. cow       C. window       D. know

9.A. card       B. forward      C. artist       D. hard

10.A. machine      B. China       C. bench        D. beach



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