满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 (5分) 假如你是李丽,打算向你的朋友Simon介绍你的家乡。请根据下...

书面表达 (5分)


1. 我的家乡在无锡的东面。是一个美丽的、现代化的城镇。这里的人们善良、乐于助人。

2. 有一座小山,一个很大的湖泊。空气清新,绿树环绕。

3. 很多家庭拥有汽车。我们也可以乘地铁去市中心。

4. 我认为……(用一句话表达你对家乡的感受或看法。)

Dear Simon,

I’d like to tell you something about my hometown.




I hope you can visit my hometown one day.


Li Li


Dear Simon, I’d like to tell you something about my hometown. My hometown is in the east of Wuxi. It’s a beautiful and modern town. People here are kind and helpful.There is a hill and a big lake in my hometown. The air is fresh. There are green trees around it.Many families have cars. We can also go to the city centre by underground. I think my hometown is a good place to live. I hope you can visit my hometown one day. Yours Li Li 【解析】 试题分析:这篇作文要求我们以李丽的身份给你的朋友Simon介绍一下自己的家乡,题目中给我们列出了具体的写作提纲,我们可以把这些提示用正确的英语表达出来。短文主要包括四个方面,一是家乡的位置和家乡的人们;二是家乡的环境;三是家乡的交通,最后是用自己的话表达对家乡的感受或看法。写作时,我们除了要注意要点全面之外,还要尽量使用平时积累的好的短语和句型,使文章意思连贯,表达流畅。这篇作文我们应主要使用一般现在时态。 写作亮点:这是一篇不错的范文,短文中作者按照题目列出的提纲介绍了自己的家乡,要点全面,意思完整。短文中作者使用了正确的时态和人称,也用到了一些较好的句型和短语,还使用了there be这个句型,表达非常准确。文章中的好句如There is a hill and a big lake in my hometown、We can also go to the city centre by underground、I think my hometown is a good place to live、I hope you can visit my hometown one day等。 考点:提纲类作文。  

缺词填空  (5分)

A: Excuse me, can you tell me w 1.   is the way to the police s 2.   ?

B: Yes. First, walk s  3.   on. Then when you go to the street c  4.  , turn right into Garden Street. Walk two h  5.  metres and take the first t 6.   on the left, you’ll see the police station on your right.

A: Sorry. I can’t r  7.   it. Could you say it again?

B: OK. you can take the bus there. F 8.  me. I’ll take you t  9.   the bus stop.

A: Thank you very much!

B: You’re w  10. .



完成句子 根据所给的汉语和句子,用英语完成下列句子,一空一词。(10分)


These birds are very beautiful and can _________ _________ __________.


Walk _________ the road, and you’ll find the hospital _________ your _________. You won’t ________ it.

3.你能请他给我回电话吗? 我有重要的信息告诉他。

Can you ask him ________ ________ _________ ________? I’ve some important _________ for him.


You can enjoy Wuxi opera in our ________ _________ here.

5.Jack 住在一个离市中心30公里远的城镇。

Jack lives in a town 30 ________ ________ the city _________.


There’s ________ _________ with my washing machine. Is anyone good at ________it?



动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 (5分)

1.I’d like to take you to go on a trip. Remember _________ your money! (take)

2.The teachers in our school each _________a computer. (have)

3.She’s lucky ________her lost wallet. (find)

4.---Where are the teachers?  ---They __________the lessons carefully in the office. (prepare)

5.The old song, Yesterday once more, always makes me ________of my friends. (think)

6.They _________the wonderful film Fast & Furious 7 next weekend. (watch)

7.My daughter is looking forward to _________a bike for her birthday. (get)

8.---Can the girl in a red dress over there_________ a boat on the lake? (row)

---Of course she can.

9.Let’s visit the museum tomorrow. There’re many nice works of art ________. (see)

10.What a fine day! Why not ________the hill with us? (climb)



根据句意和所给句子,用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (5分)

1.There are two ________ at the foot of the hill. Which one should we take?  (path)

2.I’d like to invite you to my _________ birthday party. (twelve)

3.My favourite place in our school is the library. What about _________? (you)

4.Are the cars over there the __________? (policeman)

5.He’s an artist. Many people like his Chinese __________. (paint)



根据句意和所给汉语注释,在空格内写出单词的正确形式。 (5分)

1.Would you please tell me the _________of China and Japan? (首都)

2.The old man likes __________his stories with his grandchildren. (分享)

3.Don’t tell _________about it. It’s only between you and me. (任何人)

4.Mr. Black has a farm and he _________many sheep on it. (饲养)

5.How many bones are there in _________long necks? (长颈鹿)



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