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When we talked about NBA, many people wi...

When we talked about NBA, many people will think of Yao Ming. There is no doubt that Yao Ming is a Chinese hero. On October 16,2013,Yao Ming announced(宣布) he would open the NBA Yao School. This was really exciting news!

Looking at the name of the school, many people would think that the school is going to train NBA talents. But that is not truth. The NBA Yao School provides after-school boys and girls over 16 years old who are very good at playing basketball. The school aims to teach the importance of teamwork, leadership(领导素养) and communication in a fun basketball environment.

Yao is quite glad to be a part of the school, because it has always been his dream to positively (积极地) influence young people’s life through sports.

Now, basketball fans in China are looking forward to getting basketball training, and the NBA Yao School is a great choice. In the school, students have chances to meet NBA stars. The stars can offer suggestions on how to play basketball well.

The school’s first program opened at the Wukesong Basketball Park in February, 2014. If you want to know more information about the school, you can visit www.nbayao.com.

Read and tell true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.

1.The children under 16 years old can’t be students in the NBA Yao School..

2.The school provides only after-school basketball training programs.

3.Yao Ming opened the NBA Yao School on October 16, 2013.

4.The school aims to teach the students how to play basketball.

5.The students there have chances to meet NBA stars and learn something from them.


1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 【解析】 试题分析:本文报道了在2013年10月16日,姚明宣布将要开办NBA姚明学校。这所学校向学生提供学校业余篮球训练和健康项目,其目的是要讲述在一个有趣的篮球环境中的团队精神、领导素养和交流的重要性。这所学校的学生将有机会见到NBA篮球明星,并且可以向他们学习如何打好篮球。第一期项目将于2014年2月在五棵松篮球公园召开。 1.细节理解题。根据Its students include boys and girls over 16 years old who are very good at playing basketball.可知NBA姚明学校的学生应是在16岁以上,16岁以下是不可能进入的。故为T。 2.细节理解题。根据The NBA Yao School provides after-school basketball training and health programs.可知这所学校提供学校业余篮球训练和健康项目,因此本题说只提供学校业余篮球训练是与文中不符的,故为F。 3.细节理解题。根据On October 16, 2013, Yao Ming announced(宣布) he would open the NBA Yao School. 可知在2013年10月16日,姚明只是宣布将要开办姚明学校,并不是在这一天学校开学。故此处与文中不符,故为F。 4.细节理解题。根据The school aims to teach the importance of teamwork, leadership(领导素养) and communication in a fun basketball environment.可知这所学校的目的是要讲述在一个有趣的篮球环境中的团队精神、领导素养和交流的重要性。不是教授如何打篮球,故此处与文中不符,故为F。 5.细节理解题。根据In the school, students have chances to meet NBA stars. The stars can offer suggestions on how to play basketball well.可知在这所学校里,学生有机会见到NBA篮球明星,并且可以向他们学习如何打好篮球,故此处与文中意思一致,故为T。 考点:新闻报道类短文阅读。

Choose the best response from A to F according to the sentence given.

A: Jenny, do you have an interesting story about yourself?

B: Oh, yes. 1._____. One day I found a bottle of ink in the living room, and I drank it.

A: You drank it? That’s terrible.

B: Yes, I did. I drank it up.

A: Oh, no! 2.______.

B: When my sister saw me, she was very surprised. So she told our mother. My mother took me to the hospital at once.

A: How did you feel after you drank the ink?

B: 3.______ I stayed in the hospital for two days. What about you, Tina? Did you get into any troubles when you were young?

A: 4.______. One day when I was four years old, I ate a spoon of salt. 5._____.

B: How did you like it?

A: It was terrible.

A. What happened then?

B. It was delicious.

C. Yes, I did

D. I felt so sick.

E. I thought it was sugar.

F. It happened when I was three years old.

G. When were you born?



When I was seven years old, my family made me an ant farm. First, we put clean sand in a thin        box. Then we waited for the ants to arrive.

After the ants in the glass farm, they started to make tunnels. I was _       _ that each one knew exactly what to do. Each had _       own job.

On the fifth day a tragedy(悲剧)happened. I put face to close to the glass farm. When I knocked it over. All the tunnels fell down. Although the ants remained alive after their earthquake, one by one they began to die. I was scared as I watched them give up _       their tunnels to carry the bodies to a corner of the farm. My mother said that the ants were dying of        _ . They simply couldn’t stand that their tunnels were gone, although much time has passed. I still _       _ that ant farm. Mom had hoped it would teach me about natural world, but it  _       me much more.

Over the years, I came to realize the importance of _       . Working together, the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselves. I also learned that they should be admired(钦佩) for their hard work.

But there was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently. Adversity(逆境) is a natural part of life and must        . Unlike the ants, we can’t give up when we are sad. We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone. We have to realize that if a tunnel is gone. We must build _       .

Giving up. I say it is not a good choice.

1.A. glass        B. paper       C. rubber        D. plastic

2.A. happy       B. angry       C. sorry         D. amazed

3.A. it           B. its         C. their          D. theirs

4.A. build       B. built         C. building        D. to build

5.A. cold        B. earthquake    C. illness         D. sadness

6.A. have        B. build        C. miss          D. remember

7.A. told         B. taught       C. said to         D. spoke to

8.A. teamwork    B. lives        C. the farm        D. the tunnels

9.A. accept       B. accepted     C. be accepted     D. have accepted

10.A. one         B. other        C. the other       D. another



I really like the photo of my family ______ my sister took in the city park last year.

A. which        B. who         C. what      D. whom



----I’d like to visit Kate tomorrow. Do you know______ ?

---- Sorry, I don’t know her address, either.

A. why she lives there        B. who she lives with

C. where she lives           D. how she lives



In order ______ for the meeting, my sister forced herself to get up early this morning.

A. not to be late    B. not being late

C. to be late              D. being late



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