满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mel Kiser was driving along a busy highw...

Mel Kiser was driving along a busy highway in Columbus, Ohio. He saw an armored truck (运钞车)a few cars ahead of him. Suddenly the back door of the armored truck___     , and a blue plastic bag fell out of the truck. A car in front of Mr. Kiser hit the bag. And money spilled (洒落)out of it. Then another bag fell out of the truck, and another. Money was____     __ everywhere.

At first, drivers thought the ___     _ papers on the highway were leaves. Then they realized that the papers were not leaves—they were money! Drivers quickly stopped right in the middle of the highway and jumped out of their cars. They began ____     _ money! They were putting ten, twenty, and one-hundred-dollar bills into their pocket. Mr. Kiser also got out of his car. He took hold of a bag of money, put the bag in his car, and drove away.

Later, Mr. Kiser____     the money. He had$57000. For the next two hours Mr. Kiser thought about the money. He ____     about spending it. He needed a new TV set for his house. He wanted to take a vacation in Florida. But he decided to return the money. He drove to the police station and gave the police the$57000. There other people____     _ money, too. But most of the money—almost one million dollars were still missing. The truck company____     a 10 percent reward. “If you return $1000, for example, we will pay you$100,”the company said.

Then the company got some ___     _ . A man telephoned and said, “I was driving along the highway when I saw the traffic jam and the money. People were___     _ everywhere. I had a camera in my car and I took some pictures. Would you like the pictures?”

“Yes!” answered the truck company. The company gave the pictures to the police. The police looked____     _ at the pictures. They looked at the cars, the license plates, and the people's ____     . They tried to find the people who had taken the money, but they didn't have much ___     _.

One man who had taken money___     _a Columbus newspaper. The man did not give his name. “I took two bags of money,” he said, “I'm going to take this money and ____     Columbus. I have enough money for the rest of my life. ”

1.A. broke          B. dropped         C. shut         D. opened

2.A. lying           B. falling             C. flying          D. showing

3.A. green          B. yellow             C. red            D. white

4.A. looking for      B. picking up         C. putting away    D. laughing at

5.A. spent           B. hid               C. counted        D. exchanged

6.A. complained     B. dreamed          C. worried         D. cared

7.A. made           B. received          C. refused         D. returned

8.A. paid            B. offered           C. accepted        D. wasted

9.A. help            B. trouble            C. money         D. time

10.A. running        B. jumping           C. watching        D. stealing

11.A. quickly        B. carelessly          C. angrily          D. closely

12.A. pockets         B. faces             C. names          D. ages

13.A. chance         B. fun               C. luck           D. experience

14.A. visited         B. helped            C. telephoned      D. invited

15.A. leave          B. buy               C. traveled        D. developed


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:梅尔凯瑟沿着俄亥俄州哥伦布繁忙的高速公路行驶。他看见一辆运钞车在他前面。突然运钞车的后门开了,一个蓝色的塑料袋掉了出来。钱到处飞。 1.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:突然运钞车的后门开了,一个蓝色的塑料袋掉了出来。 Broke打破;dropped掉下;shut关;opened开。根据下一句and a blue plastic bag fell out of the truck.的描述可知运钞车的后门开了,所以选D。 2.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:钱到处飞。 Lying躺;falling落下;flying飞;showing表现, 显露。联系前面的句子A car in front of Mr. Kiser hit the bag. And money spilled (洒落)out of it. Then another bag fell out of the truck, and another.可知该选C。 3.A考查形容词及语境理解。句意:起先司机以为公路上绿纸片是叶子。green绿的;yellow 黄的;red红的;white白的。根据leaves可知该选A。 4.B考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:他们开始捡钱!looking for寻找;picking up捡起,拾起;putting away放好;laughing at嘲笑。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 5.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:后来,凯瑟先生数那钱。spent 花费;hid藏;counted 数;exchanged交换。联系下句He had$57000.可知该选C。 6.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:他梦想怎样花那钱。complained 抱怨; dreamed梦想;worried 担心;cared小心。联系下句He needed a new TV set for his house. He wanted to take a vacation in Florida可知该选B。 7.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:在那儿其他的人也在还钱made制造;received接受;refused拒绝; returned归还。联系上句But he decided to return the money.结合副词too可知该选D。 8.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:卡车公司决定提供百分之十的酬金。paid 付款;offered提供;accepted接受;wasted浪费。根据句意结合语境可知该选B。 9.A考查名词及语境理解。句意:后来公司得到了一些帮助。Help帮助;trouble麻烦;money钱;time时间。联系后文A man telephoned and said, “I was driving along the highway when I saw the traffic jam and the money. People were_50_ everywhere. I had a camera in my car and I took some pictures. Would you like the pictures?”可知该选A。 10.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:人们在到处跑。 running 跑;jumping跳;watching看;stealing偷。根据句意结合语境可知该选A。 11.D考查副词及语境理解。句意:警方密切关注这些图片。quickly 迅速地;carelessly粗心地;angrily生气地; closely密切地。根据句意结合语境可知该选D。 12.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:他们看着车、车牌、和人的脸。 Pockets口袋;faces脸;names名字;ages年龄。根据语境可知该选B。 13.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:他们试图找出拿钱的人,但他们并没有多少幸运。chance机会;fun乐趣;luck幸运;experience经历。所以选C。 14.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:一个拿了钱的人打电话给哥伦布报社。visited参观,拜访;helped 帮助;telephoned打电话;invited邀请。联系下句The man did not give his name. “I took two bags of money,”可知该选C。 15.我要拿走这些钱,离开哥伦布。leave 离开;buy买;traveled 旅行;developed发展。根据句意可知该选A。 考点:故事类短文。

--What were you and the policeman talking about?   --He asked me_______.

A. why was I staying there

B. what I have been

C. how could he get through the building

D. whether I could help him



It is usually quite warm in my hometown in March, but it_______ be rather cold sometimes.

A. must        B. can        C. should          D. need



--What do you do in the club?     --One of my job is to_______ the prizes to the winners.

A. hand out        B. hang out

C. put out         D. get out



--Why are you taking a basket with you for shopping?

--The stores doesn't_______ plastic bags for shoppers to protect the environment.

A. sell          B. support

C. provide        D. collect



--What should I buy here? --If you have friends who smoke, Winston is a well-known ____ of cigarette here.

A. sign          B. type

C. brand品牌    D. example



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