满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词汇运用(10分) 1.How many of you want to be _...


1.How many of you want to be ___________ (技师) in the future?

2.They are sitting on different ____________(长椅).

3.There is a dog lying in the _________(角落)of the room.

4.We are__________(幸运) enough to get the tickets for the opera show.

5.Daniel is polite and friendly. He is a good friend of _  ____(我的)

6.The ___________(twelve) student comes from the USA.

7.In           (west) countries, people don’t like talking about age.

8.His           (neighbour) flats are large. They all have big balconies in their flats.

9.I need someone to fix the ________ ( break) TV set.

10.The first __________ (visit) to Hai Nan are very poor and hard-working.


1.engineers 2.benches 3.corner 4.lucky 5.mine 6.twelfth 7.Western 8.neighbors’ 9.broken 10.visitors 【解析】 试题分析: 1.有how many来修饰,故此处用复数名词engineers。句意:在未来你们中有多少人想成为技师? 2.有different来修饰,故此处用复数名词,故为benches。句意:他们正坐在不同的长椅上。 3.in the corner of在角落里,故此处为corner。句意:有一只狗躺在房间的角落里。 4.be lucky to do sth“足够幸运做某事”,故此处为形容词lucky。句意:能买到这场戏剧表演的票,我们是足够幸运的。 5.此处表示我的好朋友中的一个,故用名词性物主代词mine。句意:丹尼尔礼貌而且友好。他是我的一个好朋友。 6.有定冠词the来修饰,并且修饰单数名词,故用序数词twelfth。句意:第十二名学生来自美国。 7.修饰名词countries,故用形容词Western。句意:在西方国家,人们不喜欢谈论年龄。 8.根据they可知此处指的是复数名词,故用neighbors。修饰名词flats,故用名词所有格形式。复数名词的所有格在s后加’。故此处为neighbors’。 句意:他邻居的公寓大。他们的公寓里都有大阳台。 9.修饰名词TV set,故用形容词broken。句意:我需要有人来修理这个坏了的电视机。 10.根据位于are可知此处的主语是复数名词,故为visitors。句意:第一批去海南的游客非常贫穷,而且工作努力。 考点:词汇。

If you are a visitor,you may look for the post office in a foreign country.Can you imagine (想像)how those people will tell you the way?

In the countryside of American Middle West,people will tell you,‘Go north three  miles.Turn east,and then go another two miles.’

While in Los Angeles,California,the American people have no idea of the distance on the map.‘How far is the post office?’ you ask.‘oh,’ they answer,‘it is about ten minutes by taxi from here.’But in fact,they don't know how far it is.

In Greece(希腊),a Greek will often say,‘Follow me.’Then he'll go with you through the streets of the city to the post office.

In many places, people usually say ‘Sorry,I don't know’ when they can't tell you the way.However,in Mexico(墨西哥),the people think ‘I don't know’ is not polite(有礼貌的).They usually give an answer, often a wrong one.

So you must be careful of their habits (习惯) when you are asking the way in a foreign country.

1. In      ,the people don't tell you the direction but lead(引导) you to the post office.

A. Japan  B. America     C. Greece    D. Mexico

2.You will often lose your way in         because the people can't

give you the right direction.

A. Japan    B. America   C. Greece    D. Mexico

3.The underlined word ‘distance’ means‘         ’ in Chinese.

A. 方向  B. 地方      C. 距离      D. 终点

4.           countries are mentioned(提到) in the passage?

A. Two   B. Three   C. Four    D. Five

5.What do people usually do if they don't know the way?

A. They lead you to the place.

B. They give you a wrong answer.

C. They say nothing.

D. They say ‘Sorry,I don't know.



Mr. Smith drives his car to meet his friends at the station. When he finds there is still quite some time to go before the train arrives, he wants to take a short sleep. He is going to sleep when a young lady comes and asks him the time. Mr. Smith opens his eyes and answers, “Half past eight.” With a “Thank you” the woman leaves. In a short time, this happens three more times, so Mr. Smith writes “I don’t know the time!” on a piece of paper and puts it on the window of his car. But only a few minutes later, an old man comes and wakes him up. “Hi, young man. I can tell you the time. It’s nine o’ clock.”

1.Mr. Smith goes to the station ________.

A. drives his car     B. by his car

C. in car      D. in a car

2.After he arrives at the station, he wants to ________.

A. tell the time      B. have a short sleep

C. ask the time      D. chat with others

3.Mr. Smith wakes up _______ times.

A. three   B. four  C. five  D. one

4.Mr. Smith writes a note on ________.

A. a piece of paper    B. the window of his car

C. his car      D. the wall

5.The old man wakes Mr. Smith up because _________.

A. the old man wants to know the time

B. Mr. Smith doesn’t know the time

C. the old man wants to tell him the time

D. Mr. Smith’s friend arrives



Things are always changing ______the clock, the weather, and even me. Nothing can always stay ________. My life is full of changes. Sometimes I don’t feel good about ______, but later things become better.

My pet cat, Taffy, runs away. We look for her all over the house but we cannot ______ her. I miss her a lot and I am sad. Dad tells me that we can get another one. That makes me ______ again, but I will always remember Taffy.

My best friend, Robin, just moves away. The moving van(搬运车) takes away everything and the house is ______. Maybe I can not see her any more. Robin now lives at the foot of the hills far away from here. Mums says we can take ______ there and play with Robin again.

The day I start the new school year, I am afraid of all my new classmates in my class. I am afraid they ______ like me. Now I am happy because I have lots of new friends. I love my class and my teacher.

Isn’t that wonderful? Yesterday I looked in the mirror(照镜子). My ______ looked like a Halloween pumpkin ______ I lost (失去) my first tooth. I had a big surprise when I woke up(醒来) this morning.

1.A. likes        B. like  C. as   D. are like

2.A. nothing    B. the same C. different  D. time

3.A. me     B. him  C. her   D. them

4.A. look at      B. listen  C. find   D. follow

5.A. sad     B. happily  C. happy   D. sadly

6.A. old     B. broken  C. bright   D.empty(空的)

7.A. a bike        B. a boat      C. a walk  D. a train

8.A. not     B. aren’t  C. can’t   D. won’t

9.A. face     B. eyes  C. ears   D. mouth

10.A. because  B. so  C. but   D. or



--- Could you tell me the way to the post office?

--- ________.

A. Yes, I could              B. Go away

C. No problem                D. Yes, please



The room there _______ many books inside.

A. is       B. are     C. has     D. have



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