满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

一Do you believe that paper is made _____...

一Do you believe that paper is made ________ wood?

一Yes,I do.And you can see that books are made ________ paper.

A.from;from     B.from;of

C.of;from    D.of;of


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:一你相信纸是用木材做的吗?一是的,我相信。你可以看出那书是由纸做的。be made of 由……制成(能看出原材料);be made from 由……制成(看不出原材料)。第一个空,“纸是由木头制成的”,看不出原材料,所以用 from第二个空,“书是由纸做成的”,能看出原材料,所以用of。因此选C。 考点:考查介词。  

Music isn’t Sally’s main interest,_______ she wants to see some Beijing Opera today.

A.but       B.so       C.or     D.and



The children stood in ______ circle and danced to music.

A.a       B.an       C.the     D./



写 作(共1题,满分20分)

班会课(theme class meeting)上同学们就 “老人摔倒,要不要扶”一事,展开了激烈的争论,有的认为要扶,有的说不能扶,怕被讹。最后大家一致认为:

1. 尊老爱幼,助人为乐是中华民族的传统美德;

2. 号召人们不要把金钱看得太重,要尊重事实;

3. 社会需要雷锋精神,我们应该向雷锋学习;

4. 只有我们自己发扬助人为乐的精神,与人为善,我们才能得到别人的帮助和尊敬,才能在互动的真诚中感到真正的快乐。

请你以We should learn from Lei Feng. 为题目,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,谈谈这件事及你在日常生活中是如何帮助他人的。

We should learn from Lei Feng











Why do leaves change color in the fall? To answer this question, we first have to understand what leaves are and what they do. Leaves are nature's food factories. Plants take water from the ground through their roots. They take a gas called carbon dioxide from the air. Plants use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into oxygen(氧气)and glucose(葡萄糖). Oxygen is a gas in the air that we need to breathe. Glucose is a kind of sugar. Plants use glucose as food for energy and as a building block for growing. The way plants turn water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and sugar is called photosynthesis(光合作用). That means "putting together with light." A chemical called chlorophyll(叶绿素)helps make photosynthesis happen. Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color.

(83)随着夏天的结束秋天的到来,天变得越来越短。This is how the trees "know" to begin getting ready for winter.

During winter, there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis. The trees will rest, and live off the food they stored during the summer. They begin to shut down their food-making factories. The green chlorophyll disappears from the leaves. ( 84)As the bright green goes away, we begin to see yellow and orange colors. Small amounts of these colors have been in the leaves all along. We just can't see them in the summer, because they are covered up by the green chlorophyll.

1.What do the plants change water and carbon dioxide into with the help of the sunlight? (no more than 5 words )


2. What gives the plant green color? (no more than 2 words )


3.Translate the underlined sentence into English.


4.Translate the underlined sentence into proper Chinese.


5.What does this passage mainly tell us? (no more than 15 words)






leaf, then, large, learn, ones, grow, thick, flowers, means, took, easy, our


Everyone loves oranges. They are sweet and juicy. They’re in sections (分瓣), so it is 1.________ to eat them. Some oranges do not have any seeds. Some have a 2._________ skin(果皮), and some have a thin skin.

The orange tree is beautiful. It has a lot of shiny green 3._______. The small white flowers smell very sweet. An orange tree has 4._______ and fruit at the same time.

There were orange trees twenty million years ago. The oranges were very small, not like the 5.________ today. The orange trees probably came from China. Many different kinds of wild oranges 6._________ in China today. The Chinese started to raise orange trees about 4,400 years ago.

Farmers in other parts of Asia and the Middle East 7.________ to raise oranges from the Chinese. 8.________ they taught Europeans. The Spanish planted orange trees in the New World (North and South America). They9._________ them to Florida first. Oranges are a very important crop to Florida today.

In English, orange 10._________ both a fruit and a color. We use the name of the fruit for the color.



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