满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



choose ; consider ; need; kind; keep; important; like; provide; time; human

Do you know that pigs are the fourth most intelligent animal on the planet? They are the fourth on the list after   1.   , primates(灵长类动物), dolphins and whales. Most of us can’t    2.   a whale or a dolphin as a pet, so if intelligence(聪明的) is rated high on your choice of pet, you really should    3.  pot-bellied(大腹便便的)pigs .

Before getting a pig , you need to consider if you can   4.  it with a healthy environment. Of course, they are not a good    5.   if  you live in an apartment . If you do not have   6.  to spend with your pig, it may develop a lot of troubles---pigs love rooting and digging. It’s   7.   to provide it with time, attention and encouragement.

Being highly intelligent, pigs can be trained to do tricks just   8. dogs. They can even be house trained in the same way as a dog. You just 9. a little patience and time and before you know it. Your pig will know not to make a mess indoors. They respond to praise and   10.  , so always praise your pig if it has done well.


1.humans 2.keep 3.consider 4.provide 5.choice 6.time 7.important 8.like 9.need 10.kindness 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:你知道猪是地球上第四个最聪明的动物吗?在名单上他们位于人类、灵长类动物、海豚和鲸鱼之后,排在第四位。我们大多数人不能喂养鲸鱼或海豚作为宠物。但可以考虑大腹便便的猪。 这当然需要一点耐心和时间。 1.根据句意:在名单上他们位于人类、灵长类动物、海豚和鲸鱼之后,排在第四位。结合所给词汇可知该填写humans,人类。 2.根据句意:我们大多数人不能喂养鲸鱼或海豚作为宠物。结合所给词汇可知该填写keep,喂养。 3.根据句意:你真的应该考虑大腹便便的猪。结合所给词汇可知该填写consider,考虑。 4.根据句意:在得到一头猪前,你需要考虑你能否提供一个健康的环境。结合所给词汇可知该填写provide,提供。 5.根据句意:当然,他们不是一个好的选择,如果你住在一个公寓。结合所给词汇可知该填写choice,选择。 6.根据句意:如果你没有时间和你的猪消磨时光,它可能会有很多麻烦……。结合所给词汇可知该填写time,时间。 7.根据句意:提供时间,关注和鼓励它是重要的。结合所给词汇可知该填写important,重要的。 8.根据句意:猪可以被训练的像狗一样做把戏。结合所给词汇可知该填写like,像。 9.根据句意:只是在你知道它之前你需要一点耐心和时间。结合所给词汇可知该填写need。 10.根据句意:他们会以赞美和慈善回报。结合所给词汇可知该填写kindness,慈善。 考点:短文填空。

How often do you exercise? A new study found that one third of the kids from 12 to 15 weren’t getting enough physical activity. The results were      about 800 kids.

Doctors suggested an hour or more of physical activity every day. According to the      , only 1 in 4 of the US kids exercised enough.

Few      in the survey met the doctors’ ideas about physical activity that raises the heart rate and makes people become     . However, most of those kids said they did less than an hour of exercise the week before. Overall, about 25%     they got an hour of that kind of hard exercise every day. Kids     reported they usually did most of the activities outside of school gym class----       for boys and running for girls.

The study found that       teens were less active than normal-weight girls and boys. Overweight girls were kind of less active than normal-weight girls,       levels were similar among overweight and usual-weight boys. The study also said that the obesity rate for children aged 2 to19       17%, or about 12.5 million kids.

“There’s always room for improvement,” said Tala Fakhouri,     was the lead writer of the report. She also said the results provided useful information to       fitness campaigns such as Let’s Move, which was started by the First Lady Michelle Obama in 2010. To encourage kids to eat right and get in shape, the First Lady      schools and held exercise events. She also called on schools to offer regular     classes.

Fakhouri suggested kids who got physical education at school may get     grades. She said schools could do more to help by not cutting rest and giving kids more time for physical activity.

1.A. depended on   B. kept on      C. set up       D. helped with

2.A. work       B. study       C. lesson       D. subject

3.A. adults     B. boys       C. girls       D. kids

4.A. thinner    B. heavier      C. stronger      D. weaker

5.A. said      B. told       C. spoke       D. talked

6.A. too        B. also       C. hardly       D. either

7.A. chess      B. painting      C. basketball      D. singing

8.A. overweight    B. thin       C. tall        D. short

9.A. and      B. so       C. or       D. but

10.A. were     B. was       C. had       D. did

11.A. which    B. what       C. this       D. who

12.A. ask for     B. agree on      C. help with      D. talk about

13.A. built      B. went       C. visited          D. travelled

14.A. English    B. gym      C. math       D. physics

15.A. less      B. lower       C. better           D. worse



John is preparing his tomorrow’s speech, for he has been chosen _________ a member of the English Speech Club.

A. as         B. in        C. on         D. at



---So many problems! I’m tired.

---You should try to _________ them by yourself. You are not a child any longer.

A. get into         B. get off

C. get over       D. get on



You can’t move in right now. The house _________.

A. has painted       B. is painted

C. is being painted      D. is painting



---We have decided to go to Nanchang by bike next month. ______ you ____ the news?

--- Not yet. And I hope to go there with you together.

A. Do, hear of       B. Have, heard of

C. Will, hear of      D. Had, heard of



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