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A serious problem for today’s society is...

A serious problem for todays society is who should be responsible(有责任的) for our elderly and how to improve their lives. It is not only a financial(财务的) problem but also a question of the systerm we want for our society. I would like to suggest several possible ways to this problem.

First, employers(雇主) should take the responsibility for their retired(退休的) employees. To make this possible, 1% of profits(利润) should be left for this purpose. But when a company must take life-long responsibility for its employees, it may suffer from a commercial(商业的) disadvantage because of higher employee costs.

Another way of solving the problem is to return the responsibility to the individual(个人). This means each person must save during his working years to pay for his years of retirement. This does not seem a very fair model since some people find that its difficult for them to pay for their daily life without trying to earn extra to cover their retirement years. This means the government might have to step in to care for the poor.

In addition, the government could take responsibility for the care of elderly. The government could provide more money through government taxes to increase the level of pensions(养老金). Whats more, some institutions(社会福利机构) should be created for senior citizens, which can help provide a comfortable life for them. Unluckily, as the present situation in our country shows, this is not a truly practical answer. The government doesnt have enough money to care for the elderly, particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young.

One further solution is that the government or social organizations set up some working places especially for the elderly where they are independent.

In short, all these measures have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we are expecting to combine(结合) these measures so that we can provide the care we hope to give to our elderly generations.


The elderly should be __1.__ more care of.


Who should be __2._ to improve the lives of the elderly?

__3.__ to the problem

__4.__ should give 1% of profits to their employees, but this may cause a commercial __5._.

Some individuals should save during his working years to pay for

The years when he is retired, but the others have _6.__ paying for

their daily life.

More 7._could be provided through government taxes to increase the level of pensions. However, when the government is busy trying to look after the young, it can hardly _8._ to care for the elderly.

Workplaces for the elderly should be __9._ by the government or social organizations.


We are expecting to combine(结合) these measures in __10.__ to provide the care for the elderly.


1.taken 2.responsible 3.Suggestions / Solutions 4.Companies / Employers 5.disadvantage 6.difficulty / trouble 7.money 8.afford 9.created 10.order 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍的是当今社会的一个严重的问题是谁应该为我们的老人负责和如何改善他们的生活。作者就这个问题给了一些建议。 1.句意:老人应该被照顾好。根据句意,故填taken。 2.根据A serious problem for today’s society is who should be responsible(有责任的) for our elderly and how to improve their lives.可知当今社会的一个严重的问题是谁应该为我们的老人负责和如何改善他们的生活。根据句意,故填responsible。 3.句意:解决这些问题的建议。根据句意,故填Suggestions / Solutions。 4.4】根据First, employers(雇主) should take the responsibility for their retired(退休的) employees. To make this possible, 1% of profits(利润) should be left for this purpose.可知雇主应该为他们的退休员工负责任。让这成为可能,1%的利润应该给他们的雇员。根据句意,故应该填Companies / Employers。 5.5】根据it may suffer from a commercial(商业的) disadvantage可知也可能会引起商业的劣势,给商业带来不利因素。根据句意,故填disadvantage。 6.6】根据This does not seem a very fair model since some people find that it’s difficult for them to pay for their daily life without trying to earn extra to cover their retirement years.可知这种模式似乎很不公平,因为有些人发现在没有赚取额外收入,他们来支付他们的日常生活是很困难的。根据句意,故填difficulty / trouble。 7.7】根据The government could provide more money through government taxes to increase the level of pensions(养老金).可知政府可以通过政府税收提供更多的钱来提高养老金水平。根据句意,故填money。 8.8】根据The government doesn’t have enough money to care for the elderly, particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young.可知政府没有足够的钱来照顾老年人,特别是当它忙于照顾年轻人的时候。故应该填afford。 9.根据One further solution is that the government or social organizations set up some working places especially for the elderly where they are independent.可知另一个解决方案是,政府或社会组织为独立的那些老年人设立了一些工作的地方。根据句意,故填created。 10.根据Therefore, we are expecting to combine(结合) these measures so that we can provide the care we hope to give to our elderly generations.可知因此,我们期望结合这些措施使我们能够为老年人提供关心。根据句意,故填order。 考点:考查任务型阅读。


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I am Alice. I like Wechat. It is fast, convenient and fashionable. And you can use it for free. It can be used in my mobile phone. It has hold-to-talk voice messaging function. I am a fan of Leehom. Wang. Through Wechat, Leehom Wang often says something to me. Its amazing.


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I am David. I love Microblog. I update my Microblog when I am free. We can share instant(即时的) messages with each other. I often look through Yao Chens Microblog. She has many followers. I make many friends with them. I often write something on my Microblog, for example, Im in blue today. I didnt pass the exam. Then many friends comfort me. I share my birthday party, my new phone, my new coat, etc with my friends. It is fun.

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Im Lily. I dont like Wechat or Microblog. I dont believe them. There are so many crimes(犯罪) on Wechat. Many people are cheated(欺骗) because they believe in other people they meet on Wechat easily. It is not a real world. As to Microblog, I dont think it is a good way to make friends. And you should write something no more than 140 words. I like keeping diaries. I dont want to my secrets known by others. I am a low-key(低调的) girl.

1.Who loves Microblog?

A. Alice.   B. David.  C. Lily.   D. Leekom Wang.

2. What does Alice think about Wechat?

A. Its fast and convenient.

B. Its fashionable but slow.

C. Its safe and useful.

D. Its fun but expensive.

3.Why doesnt Lily believe Wechat?

A. Because many people are cheated on Wechat easily.

B. Because she doesnt like to say anything to her friends.

C. Because she doesnt think it is a good way to make friends.

D. Because she prefers keeping diaries to showing secrets to others.

4.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Wechat has hold-to-talk voice messaging function.

B. David can share his feelings instantly on Microblog.

C. Lily prefers reading to writing.

D. There is a word limit on Microblog.

5. From the passage we can learn David is ________.

A. a helpful boy       B. an open-minded boy

C. a stupid boy         D. a lazy boy



Do you like to eat sushi(寿司)? Many people are afraid to eat it, because they think the bacteria(细菌) in it might make them sick. However, a new study shows that sea bacteria are good for people. The study finds that a special enzyme(酶) from sea bacteria is helpful to humans. It helps people to get more energy from food.

To peoples surprise, the enzyme is present only in the Japanese. The Japanese traditionally like to eat food rich in seaweed(海藻). And the seaweed is rich in this kind of enzyme.

However, the enzyme isnt present in all the Japanese. During the study, just 5 out of 14 Japanese had the enzyme. All the Americans studied didnt have the enzyme.

The number is small, said researcher Mirjam Czjzek. But we can say that this enzyme is present only in the Japanese and not in the North Americans.

Then some people think that maybe other people are able to get the enzyme if they eat a lot of seaweed. The study suggests that they collect uncooked seaweed to make their sushi.

Restaurant sushi is often cooked, which will destroy the enzyme. So, if you want to get that enzyme, you can travel to Japan to have a taste of the real sushi.

1. Sea bacteria are _______ for people.

A. helpful  B. harmful  C. important  D. necessary

2. Why do the Japanese have the special enzyme?

A. Because they eat a lot of seaweed.

B. Because they were born with such an enzyme.

C. Because they get more energy from food.

D. Because they like to eat food full of bacteria.

3.Which of the following is FALSE?

A. The Japanese have a diet rich in seaweed.

B. All the Japanese studied have the special enzyme.

C. All the North Americans studied dont have the enzyme.

D. The enzyme helps people to get more energy.

4.According to the study, about _______ of Japanese have the enzyme.

A. 5%   B. 14%   C. 35%   D. 60%

5.Which of the following food has the enzyme?

A. Restaurant sushi.    B. Restaurant seaweed.

C. Uncooked seaweed.   D. Seaweed soup.



Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the listeners, but then stopped for a while. He had forgotten her name.

Barbara hid her valuable things when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldnt remember where shed put them.

Perhaps youve had such experiences like these. Most people have. But most of them havent realized that they have a memory problem. Neither do they know a simple but important fact: Memory can be improved. If youll just accept that, the following will show you how.

First, relax. If you are over worried about remembering something, youll forget it. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you wont remember things. When you forget something, dont follow up with sayings like Oh, my God! I always forget things! Such words will have a bad result on you and your memory.

But relaxing isnt enough. To improve your memory, youll need to take an active role. Like your body, your memory can be made strong through exercise. Look for opportunities to exercise your memory. For example, if youre learning a language, try to actively remember a lot of new words.

If you dont take notice of things actively, you wont remember them. So, you can make pictures of what you see in your mind every day. For example, dont just put your keys down! If you want to find them again, make a mind picture of the place where youre putting them.

1.The first two paragraphs just tell us ________.

A. Barbara was a very rich person

B. Mark often forgot his friends names

C. examples of memory problems

D. language problems of two persons

2. When you forget things, you ________.

A. must be too careless

B. shouldnt lose heart about your memory

C. must accept the fact

D. shouldnt take notice of the result

3.The word opportunities in the fifth paragraph means ________.

A. places   B. activities  C. positions  D. chances

4. According to the passage, ________ can make your memory better.

A. realizing your memory problems

B. talking to your friends

C. making mind pictures of what you see

D. doing sports every day

5.The purpose of the passage is to help you ________.

A. to improve your memory  B. to introduce the guest

C. to remember new words D. to forget unhappy things



Do you sometimes try something new and expect to be successful for the first time? Are you angry with ____ if you arent?

Do you know a baby how to learn to walk? When a baby falls, the loving parent ____ him, Thats OK. Try again. Can you imagine if after many falls, the parent ____ the baby and says, Well, I guess youll ____ be good at walking. and doesnt let the child continue to try?

Remember the first time you ____ your bike? I do. I didnt lose my ____. I went back and tried again. Didnt you?

When I was a kid, my dad told me, you know, I ____ 4 UP(一种汽水饮料), but it wasnt very good. I went back to the lab and ____ 5 UP and still, it wasnt right. ___ I tried 6 UP, but it didnt succeed. So I stopped. If I went on ____, may be 7 UP would be the hit! Time after time, he said, he ____ too soon. He told me, If I had tried one more, I could have been a rich man.

Thomas Edison ____ over a thousand ____ before he found the filament(n.电灯泡的)灯丝 material that would make an electric light bulb shine.

____ we try something new, we need practice. No matter how well we plan, there are times unexpected problems developing.

Failure is ____ not an option(选择). It is a chance only for those who try.

1.A. you        B. yourself     C. yours           D. your

2.A. obeys      B. beats         C. encourages      D. hates

3.A. picks up  B. dresses up    C. cleans up       D. looks up

4.A. nearly    B. always       C. never           D. often

5.A. fell off B. fell down    C. fell from      D. fell over

6.A. confidence B. chance      C. dream           D. plan

7.A. produced  B. invented     C. thought        D. wanted

8.A. started with B. came up with  C. looked forward to D. was willing to

9.A. Finally   B. First         C. Luckily         D. Second

10.A. try      B. trying       C. to try         D. tried

11.A. gave out  B. gave up       C. gave away      D. gave in

12.A. fail      B. fell          C. failed         D. felt

13.A. times     B. time         C. money           D. chance

14.A. Whenever B. Whatever      C. However         D. Whichever

15.A. truly     B. really       C. hardly          D. easily



What ________ it is to have a picnic in ________ weather!

A. a great fun; so fine    B. a great fun; such a fine

C. great fun; so fine a    D. great fun; such fine



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