满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---How do you study for a test? ---_____...

---How do you study for a test?    ---________.

A. At school

B. In the library

C. By reading the textbook

D. For making word cards


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你怎样为考试而复习?-我是通过读教材复习的。At school.在学校;In the library.在图书馆;By reading the textbook.通过读教材;For making word cards.为了制作单词卡片。根据题干的意思可知,How这里问的是学习的方式,故回答的时候用By…。故选C。 考点:考查介词短语。  

---Why don’t you listen to tapes to improve your listening skills?   ---It’s _______ difficult for me ______ follow.

A. to, too       B. too, to

C. so, that      D. such, that




2015年4月19日,扬州鉴真国际半程马拉松赛暨全国半城马拉松锦标赛圆满结束,你有幸参与其中。请你以“2015 Yangzhou International Marathon”为题,写一篇100词左右的英文报道。内容提示如下:






途经很多风景名胜, 可以沿途欣赏美景。




我参加了半程马拉松(half Marathon),班中同学组织了志愿者在沿途中鼓励我,为我加油,最终我跑完了全程,取得了较好的成绩!







2015 Yangzhou International Marathon

2015 Yangzhou International Marathon was a big success.
















Language is a way to communicate with each other.We started to l  1.  language when we were born.However, people are used to speaking their native language, so immigrants (移民) are having many problems between the first generation (第一代) and the second generation because they don’t have the s  2.  native language.Also, the second generation is losing their identity (身份).Especially in America, there are many immigrants that came from different c  3. to succeed in the States.Because they suffer in lots of areas such as getting a j  4.  and trying to speak English, they want their children to speak English, not only at school, but also at home in order to be more s  5. .Because of this situation, their children are losing their identity, and even more, they are ignoring (忽视) their p  6.  who don’t speak good English.

I think most immigrants are trying to keep their native language in their new country, but this doesn’t help very much in getting a good job.My aunt t  7.  Korean to her children not to help them succeed in the US; she did so, h  8.  , to help them get a Korean identity.Though the second generation is born in the new country, they often get confused about their identity because they look different from o  9.  .My cousins told me that when they visited Korea a few years ago, they felt different from other Koreans.

We must realize that language is important and v  10. for many reasons.Immigrants should make an effort not to be ignored by their children and to make their children understand their background by teaching them the parents’ language.




Summer is coming soon.When is the best time for swimming in the day in summer?

If you would like to swim indoors, a good time in the day is the early hours the body has the most energy to use because the body has woken up and will be ready for all kinds of different activities of the day.The body is going to work with enough energy and therefore a person will feel more comfortable if he swims during the early hours of the day.

Swimming early in the day can also be good for anyone who plans to swim outdoors.The conditions outside will be excellent: the water will not be too cold or too hot, and the air will be just clean and fine.Everything is suitable.

Usually, it is not a good idea to swim later in the day because one’s body is tired after work for a whole day and also the weather conditions can be the worst in the later parts of the day.

However, there are still some exceptions.Different people feel different and one’s body acts differently at different times of the day.When a person is feeling active and is not tired at all after work, it may be a better time to swim for him than for others.If he is alert (警觉的) that time, he is safe in the water.

In a word, the best time can change for every person.The person’s body condition decides when the best time for swimming is.

The best time to 1.  in summer

In the early hours of the day

A good time (indoors)

The body has the most energy then

●After   2.  up, people are ready for different activities

●The person will feel more comfortable with  3.  energy

A good time 4.

The conditions outside will be 5.  .

●The water is neither too cold nor too hot.

●The 6. is clean and fine.

Later in the day

Usually not a good time

●The body feels   7. after a day’s work.

●The weather conditions are the   8.  during the day.


Later in the day can be a

good time for some


●People’s   9.  conditions are different.

●The body acts differently at different times of the day.


The best time to swim in the day in summer should be 10.  according to the body conditions of the swimmer.



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