满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填入...



Everybody wants to learn English well but many find it not easy. They can _______ three hours on English every day, but _______ they get is not the same. I have been studying English for many years. I am very glad to share my _______with you. I like English . Only when you want to do something can you do it _______. Eight years ago, my English teacher took me into the English _______. I feel _______ because I met a good teacher. Her teaching style was great and we were _______ and excited in classes. So I can say, when I first met English, it _______ me very much.

For some students, to remember the new words is the biggest _______ , because the words are _______ than those I learned before. In fact, words come along with sentences. Of course, it is necessary that you should_______ them now and then, or you will forget them easily. When _______ English books, I always write some special and important phrases down on the notebook so that I can find them when I _______. If you want to study English _______ than others, you must study harder than others, and you must spend more time. Don’t be_______ .

We still have so much to learn about English. It is endless.

1.A. spend         B. use         C. take           D. study

2.A. how          B. where        C. what         D. when

3.A. enjoyment     B. solution      C. secret         D. expensive

4.A. slowly        B. well          C. carefully      D. badly

5.A. world         B. countries    C. books        D. class

6.A. lucky         B. frustrated    C. excited        D. unhappy

7.A. noisy         B. active        C. tired          D. nervous

8.A. troubled     B. interested    C. helped        D. liked

9.A. success       B. hobby         C. problem       D. task

10.A. more boring  B. shorter      C. more difficult D. easier

11.A. copy         B. memorize      C. write         D. read

12.A. buying       B. borrowing     C. writing       D. reading

13.A. study        B. speak        C. build         D. review

14.A. quicker    B. deeper       C. better         D. easier

15.A. late       B. nervous      C. afraid        D. lazy


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该短文讲的是有关英语学习方法的问题,很多人感到英语学习不是很容易,文中作者和大家分享了他学习英语的经验。 1.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:他们能每天花费三个小时学习英语。spend度过;use使用; ake带走;study 学习。spend…on在……上花费,是一个固定结构,此题主语是人,所以选A。 2.C考查疑问词及语境理解。句意:但他们的收获却不一样。how怎样;where哪儿;what什么;when 何时。所填词作动词get的逻辑宾语,所以用what,故选C。 3.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:我很高兴和你们分享我的秘诀。enjoyment享受;solution 答案;secret秘诀;expensive昂贵的。根据语境应该是分享学习英语的秘诀,所以选C。 4.B考查副词及语境理解。句意:只有你想做什么事情的时候你才能做好。slowly慢地;well 好地;carefully仔细地;badly坏地。根据句意及语境是把事情做好,所以选B。 5.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:八年前我的英语老师把我带进了英语的世界。world世界; countries国家;books课本;class班级。根据句意此处指英语的世界,所以选A。 6.A考查形容词及语境理解。句意:我很幸运我遇到了一位好老师。lucky幸运的;frustrated沮丧的;excited激动的;unhappy不高兴的。根据语境是“幸运的”,所以选A。 7.B考查形容词及语境理解。句意:她的教学风格非常独特,我们在课堂上很积极也很激动。 noisy吵闹的;active积极的;tired疲劳的;nervous紧张的。根据句意及语境应选B。 8.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:当我第一次看到英语,它就使我很感兴趣。troubled麻烦; interested感兴趣 helped帮助;liked喜欢。根据句意是英语使作者感兴趣,所以选B。 9.C考查名词及语境理解。句意:对一些学生而言,记住新单词是最大的问题。success成功; hobby爱好;problem问题;task任务。根据句意是记单词成为问题,所以选C。 10.C考查比较级及语境理解。句意:因为这些单词比我以前学习的更难了。more boring更无聊;shorter更短;more difficult更困难;easier更容易。根据句意及语境应选 C。 11.】B考查动词及语境理解。句意:当然你应该不时地去记忆它们是很有必要的。copy复制; memorize记住;write 写 read读。根据语境是记忆单词,所以选B。 12.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:我读英语书的时候总是把特殊和重要的句子记在笔记本上以便于我复习的时候能找到它们。buying买;borrowing借;writing写;reading读。根据句意是读书的时候,所以选D。 13.D考查动词及语境理解。句意:我读英语书的时候总是把特殊和重要的句子记在笔记本上以便于我复习的时候能找到它们。study学习;speak说;build建造;review复习。根据句意及语境是复习,所以选D。 14.C考查比较级及语境理解。句意:如果你想比别人英语学得更好。quicker更快的;deeper更深的;better更好的;easier更容易的。根据句意是比别人学得更好,所以选C。 15.考查形容词及语境理解。句意:不要太懒惰。late迟到;nervous紧张;afraid害怕;lazy懒惰。根据上下文是要努力学习英语并要花费时间,所以是不要太懒,所以选D。 考点:考查教育类短文。

Lucy finally found _________exciting to have conversations with friends in Chinese.

A. that            B. it              C. this            D. one



The teacher asked the students______.

A. if they were interested in dinosaurs

B. when was Albert Einstein born

C. what they will do with the computers

D. how many trees they have planted



Have you found the poor dog yet?

Yes. But he was ____ when we found him. The bad weather killed him.

A. dying             B. died                C. dead               D. die



The Dai people were celebrating the Water Festival, _____ they were having!

A. What fun    B. How funs

C. What a fun  D. How a fun



Can we visit Hong Kong this summer holiday?

I wonder    it is the best time to go there.

A. if          B. when           C. what          D. how



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