满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--_______ do you want to join our sports...

--_______ do you want to join our sports club?

--Because I want to________.

A. How, learn swimming    B. Why, learn singing

C. What, relax            D. Why, be a swimmer


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——你为什么想要加入我们的体育俱乐部?——因为我想要成为一名游泳者。How如何; why为什么;What什么;learn swimming学习游泳;learn singing学习唱歌;relax放松;be a swimmer成为一名游泳者。根据Because I want to可知此处对原因提问,故用疑问词why。根据want to join our sports club是想要加入体育俱乐部,因此是成为游泳者。故选D。 考点:考查疑问词的用法。  

Can you _______. And do you like ________?

A. swim, swim          B. swimming, swimming

C.swim, swimming      D. swim, swimming




春节是中国最重要的节日之一,所以有很多的外国人对于中国非常感兴趣,其中之一就是Jack 他想多了解一些有关于中国这个传统佳节的一些知识,请你以Lucy的名义根据下面表格中所给的信息并结合自己的经历写一封信给他介绍有关于中国春节的一些知识。开头已经给出, 字数不少于100字。


January 1st lunar calendar


dumplings, fish ….

Activities :

……. have special dinner

…….watch spring festival gala

…….receive presents


Meaning :

….. sharing and spreading love











Dear Jack,

I am happy to receive your letter and glad to tell you something about our Spring Festival.












In my  ___1.____ (观点), Norman Bethune is one of the greatest heroes in China; He came to China when it was at___2.____(战争)with Japanese. He was ___3._____实在的确great, because he could continue to work without ___4.___休息so that he could save those who are either ___5.___(垂死的), or sick. And ____6.____(除了) that ,he made lots of inventions , ___7.____之中 which were some special medical ___8.___工具. However, sadly, he died for our Chinese people because of a cut during an operation. Anyway, ____9.___不管什么he did for our Chinese people, we will remember him and he is one of the ___10.___标志 that shows the friendship between China and Canada



用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每词仅用一次。

natural      silent     band       speech    invention


1.The king always makes a ________ before a big festival.

2.TFboys is a famous _________, because they sing popular songs.

3.The room is _________, because there is nobody there.

4.Yang Dang Mountain is a __________ wonder.

5.Dr Norman Bethune has made a lot of _________, and they saved lots of people during the war.





1.Bill would like to go to the USA one day. He likes Lincoln, Washington and other presidents. He wants to know more about this country.

2.Linda enjoys delicious food. She often helps her mother with meals. She’d like to learn how to make dishes.

3.Tony’s hobby is to take photos. He hoped to do it better.

4.Mei Langfang is Chris’s favorite star. He likes Chinese traditional music. He often watches plays at the theater or on CCTV-11.

5.Maria is good at drawing. She wants to learn how to make films like Mickey Mouse.

A. Beijing Opera

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B. American History

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C. English Film

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D. Cooking

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E. Photography

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F. Cartoon Making

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