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In 50 years of traveling, Colin McCorpuo...

In 50 years of traveling Colin McCorpuodale has visited every country in the world except three. And everywhere he goes he sends himself a postcard. He always chooses a postcard with beautiful scenery (风景). Usually he writes just a short message to himself. However he wrote an interesting story on his latest one from the Malians Island.

Mr. McCorpuodale lives in London. On one of the walls in his room you can see a large map of the world. There are hundreds of little red pins (大头针) stuck in it. “These pins mean a lot to me. says Mr. McCorpuodale “I follow the rule. I’m allowed to stick one in only if I’ve been in a place for more than 24 hours.

Naturally Mr. McCorpuodale has his favorite places. New Zealand he describes as “a wonderful country”. About China he says “This is the country in the world which is completely different. There is no European influence.

Wherever he goes Mr. McCorpuodale takes with him a photo of his wife a candle a shirt with a secret pocket and a pen.

So why does he do it? For the postcards or the travels? Mr. McCorpuodale laughs “Neither. Only for the meaningful life. ”

1.What did Mr. McCorpuodale write about on his latest postcard?

A. Malians Island.     B. An interesting story.

C. Beautiful scenery.  D. His favorite places.

2.On a wall in Mr. McCorpuodale’s room there ______.

A. a map of the world

B. a postcard to himself

C. a message to himself

D. a photo of his wife

3.According to Mr. McCorpuodal there’s no European influence ______.

A. in New Zealand   B. in America

C. in Australia   D. in China

4.Wherever Mr. McCorpuodale goes he always takes something with him EXCEPT______.

A. a candle      B. a special shirt

C. a postcard    D. a pen


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:在五十年的旅行中,科林参观了世界上除三个国家以外的每一个国家。无论他走到哪里,他都送给自己一张明信片。他总是选择有美丽的风景的明信片。通常他对自己写的只是一个短消息。然而在他最后的一张来自马来亚岛的明信片上写了一个有趣的故事。 1.B 细节理解题。根据第一段末he wrote an interesting story on his latest one, from the Malians Island.可知在他最后的一张来自马来亚岛的明信片上写了一个有趣的故事。所以选B。 2.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中On one of the walls in his room, you can see a large map of the world.可知在他的房间里的一面墙壁上,你可以看到一个大型的世界地图。所以选A。 3.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中About China, he says, “This is the country in the world which is completely different. There is no European influence.可知关于中国,他说,“这是完全不同的国家。没有欧洲的影响。”所以选D。 4.第四段中Wherever he goes, Mr. McCorpuodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle, a shirt with a secret pocket and a pen. 的描述可知科林不论走到哪里,都随身带着他妻子的照片,一根蜡烛,一件有秘密口袋的衬衫和一支钢笔。所以选C。 考点:故事类短文阅读。


Where to eat

There are a number of different places to eat in the shopping center.

The Noodle House is small but very popular. The noodle soup tastes very good and the fried noodles with roast pork are delicious. Everything is clean and the staffs are friendly. Prices are good too but you may have to wait quite a long time as the restaurant is so busy.

Roma is a new restaurant. It is very smart but the pizzas here do not taste good. We didn’t eat our fish as it smelled bad. The waiters looked angry and we thought it was very expensive. This restaurant has to improve.

The Tokyo Restaurant has been here for many years and the staffs bow to customers when they enter and are very kind. The fish is very fresh and most of the food is delicious. The amount of food you get is quite small but it always looks nice on the plate.

The Golden Dragon is a large Chinese restaurant. It has a lot of different food. The sweet and sour pork is excellent the Beijing Duck is famous and the winter melon soup is good. Go there for a really good meal but expect to pay a lot. Prices are high.

The Come in Coffee Shop is very modern. There are many sorts of coffee and if you like sweet things wait until you taste their cakes and cookies! You can also have sandwiches. I enjoyed the egg sandwiches a lot. They have modern music playing but it is very noisy so it is quite difficult to have a conversation.


1.How many places can you eat in the shopping center?

A. 2      B. 3      C. 4       D. 5

2.Which restaurant has to improve?

A. Roma.                  B. The Golden Dragon.

C. The Tokyo Restaurant.   D. The Come in Coffee Shop

3.Where can you eat Beijing Duck?

A. At The Noodle House.

B. At Roma.

C. At The Tokyo Restaurant.

D. At The Golden Dragon.

4.What can you have at The Come in Coffee Shop?

A. Pizzas and fish.         B. Pork and duck.

C. Cakes and sandwiches.    D. Noodles and pork.





Fishing with Grandpa

One day my grandfather went fishing and let me go with him. He handed the rod (钓竿) to me held my ______and taught me how to throw my line into the water. Our bobbers floated (浮标漂浮着) together as we sat there hoping for a bite. The sun ______ us. We sat and talked “I remember when I could sit here and watch the fish______ in the water” he said. “Sometimes they’d jump out and ______ beside me. I didn’t need a rod and bait (饵) at that moment. ” “We have to be ______” he continued “The fish may come or they may not. It doesn’t matter. We’re out in the ______. It’s a beautiful day. We’re lucky to have the warmth of the sun. If it had rained we wouldn’t be here. ” He sat against a tree. “Yes it’s a ______ day” he said. I watched our bobbers. ______ fish pulled them under that day. It didn’t matter. I was with Grandpa. I felt grown up. Just being with him was special. He was well loved by everyone and I wanted to ______ him when I grew up. He’d worked hard all his life for what little he had but he could still find time to laugh. He was a relaxing man. In the short time we had together he ______me many things how to hold a rod the value of a good time the value of a good friend respect for my elders and the importance of working hard and living harder. The list is long.

1.A. feet           B. legs          C. arms            D. ears

2.A. warmed         B. heated        C. shone           D. brightened

3.A. running        B. going          C. lying          D. swimming

4.A. stand          B. sleep          C. land          D. sit

5.A. excited       B. sad           C. worried         D. patient

6.A. day            B. sun          C. water          D. pool

7.A. funny        B. great          C. big           D. busy

8.A. Many           B. Enough         C. Some           D. No

9.A. look after    B. learn from     C. be like        D. care for

10.A. taught        B. gave           C. ask           D. wish



––Can you tell me ________ to China?

––Sure. Next week.

A. when you will go         B. when will you go

C. when you went             D. when did you go



To make Beijing more beautiful a lot of flowers and trees ________ every spring.

A. plant      B. are planted   C. planted      D. were planted



Tony knows China very well because he ________ in China since 2003.

A. works     B. was working

C. will work   D. has worked



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