满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In western countries, people like to kee...

In western countries, people like to keep quiet when they are in public. If there is someone talking and laughing loudly in a restaurant, the waiter will stop him at once .Which fits the western customs?

A. a : Sorry, sir. You have to speak in a low voice.

b: What? It’s just my case

B a: You shouldn’t speak so loudly. Or you must go away.

b: Sorry ,I won’t do that again

C a: Excuse me, please speak in a low voice.

b: I’m sorry for that. I won’t do that again.


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查交际用语。句意:在西方国家,当人们在公共场合的时候,他们都喜欢安吉。如果有在一个餐厅里人大声说笑,服务员会马上阻止。以下哪个符合西方的习俗呢?分析各个选项中的对话,可知C选项中前者的用语很有礼貌,而后者的回答也很得体。根据句意,故选C。 考点:交际用语  

–I wonder when she ________ us in the activity tonight.

Don’t worry. I believe when she _______ her work, she will come as soon as possible.

A. will join in, will finish    B. will join, finishes     C. joins, is finishing



It’s true that we don’t know what we have been missing until it_______. Cherish(珍惜)what we have today.

A reaches                  B gets              C arrives



Do you want to get ________to eat after school?– Could you speak more slowly, please?

I’m sorry. I _________ you wanted to eat something after school.

A. anything, asked that    B. something, ask if     C. something, asked if



There is ________ canal. And it goes all around the Forbidden City.

A. 52- meters -wide        B. 52 meters’ wide      C. a 52- meter-wide



There is no need ________when you drop chopsticks. Everyone knows you’re not Chinese.

A. to be embarrassing       B. to be embarrassed      C. to embarrass



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