满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完型填空。 There was a man playing the piano ...


There was a man playing the piano in a bar. He was a good piano player and _______played in this bar. People_______ come in just to hear him play. But one night, a customer(顾客)told him he didn’t want to hear him just play the piano any more. He wanted him to sing a song. The man said, “I don’t sing.” _______ the customer was persistent(偏执的). He told the bar owner, “I’m tired of listening to the piano. I want that man to sing!” The bar owner shouted, “If you want to get paid, sing a song. Our customers are asking you to sing!”

So the piano player sang a song in public _______the first time. And everyone was surprised by his song-Mona, Mona Lisa. He got lots of applause(掌声)that night. He had _______ a talent(才能)for singing, but he was just sitting on his talent for the _______years! If without the chance, he would live the _______ of his life as a no-name piano player in a no- name bar. However, now he _______ one of the most famous singers in America and he’s the shinging star for his fans.

You, too, have skills and abilities. Maybe your talent isn’t as great as the singer above, but it may be better than you think! So, in your life, you should be _______ to try doing different things and _______what talents you really have! Living life is all about striving forward(奋勇前进). So why not do what one can, to become the greatest one can be? Choose, face and truly live!


1.A. never                  B. hardly                C. always

2.A. used to                B. are used to          C. were used to

3.A. So                    B. But                   C. Or

4.A. at                     B. for                  C. on

5.A. so                     B. such                  C. very

6.A. pass                   B. past                 C. passed

7.A. rest                   B. part                 C. end

8.A. became               B. has become            C. will become

9.A. brave enough           B. enough brave         C. bravely enough

10.A. be sure              B. make sure             C. be sure of


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了一个无名的钢琴手在一个酒吧演奏钢琴的时候,在客人的强烈要求下唱歌,结果一唱成名的故事。 1.never从不; hardly几乎不; always总是,根据文章的内容,可知道这个钢琴手开始在那个酒吧里一直都是弹钢琴的,故选C。 2.used to do sth.过去常常做某事,be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,根据句意,故选A。 3.根据当时的语境,可知列车很快就要来了,因此,他的生命即将在几秒钟内受到威胁。故选B。 4.for the first time是固定搭配,意思是“第一次”,根据句意,故本题选B。 5.分析文章,可知该空格后面是一个名词,故用such,意思是“如此的”,故选B。 6.pass是动词,意思是通过;past是副词,意思也是通过。分析句子,并根据上下文的意思,可知要用副词,故选B。 7.rest剩余的; part部分的;end结尾。根据语境,可知作者要说的是那个钢琴手在他剩下的人生中都在无名中度过。故选A 8.根据语境,可知那个人已经成为了一名著名的歌手了,故要用现在完成时,故选B。 9.在英语中,形容词要放在enough的前面,可知选A。 10.在英语中,make sure是固定搭配,意思是“保证,确保”。根据句意,故选B。 考点:人物传记/故事类阅读

Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?

A. Somewhere.         B. Importance.            C. Wheelchair.



Now every family in Harbin uses natural gas.(天然气) But the price of it  will be higher in May,. If each month Jin’s family uses the same units of natural gas, they will spend _____more IN THIS YEAR.

The Price of Natural Gas for Our Life

Used to be:  2.00 / unit

From May 1, : 2.80 / unit

Total (used to be in each month)¥ 30

Total (in each month from May):¥ ?

A. 12                 B. 144               C. ¥96



Listening is the most important skills in learning English. In order to improve our listening, we should _______.

(1) Listen to the English tapes or CDs when we have time

(2) Watch English movies once a week

(3) Talk to foreigners and listen to their replies carefully

(4) Listen to the teacher in class carefully and we needn’t listen to our classmates when they are speaking.

(5) Stay up late to listen to English materials every day.

A. (1) (2) (3)      B. (1)(3)(5)      C. (2)(4)(5)



In western countries, people like to keep quiet when they are in public. If there is someone talking and laughing loudly in a restaurant, the waiter will stop him at once .Which fits the western customs?

A. a : Sorry, sir. You have to speak in a low voice.

b: What? It’s just my case

B a: You shouldn’t speak so loudly. Or you must go away.

b: Sorry ,I won’t do that again

C a: Excuse me, please speak in a low voice.

b: I’m sorry for that. I won’t do that again.



–I wonder when she ________ us in the activity tonight.

Don’t worry. I believe when she _______ her work, she will come as soon as possible.

A. will join in, will finish    B. will join, finishes     C. joins, is finishing



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