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CCTV News      May 28,2015,Thursday

The No Smoking Law in China will be

carried out next Monday in Beijing.All indoor

public places and many outdoor public places,

violators (违者) will face fines of up to 200 yuan.

CCTV News      May 31,2015,Sunday

Su Bingtian broke record at Saturday’s IAFF

Diamond League 赛) in Eugene,

United States.He finished third in 9″99,behind

Americans Tyson Gay in 9″88 and Mike Rodgers

in 9″90.Liu Xiang said,“You are great!You became the first

Asian\|born person in the men’s 100 meters.”

CCTV News        June 2,2015,Tuesday

It’s reported that the first two deaths from an

outbreak of MERS (中东呼吸综合症) on June 1st

in South Koren.So far,the number of new

confirmed(感染)cases is 25 in total.

CCTV News            June 4,2015,Thursday

The big ship Dongfang Star( 星) with 458

people sank in Yangtze River after being caught in

a strong cyclone at 21:28,June 1.So far,only

fourteen people were saved,however,the rescue(搜

救)are still continuing.

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1.When will the No﹣Smoking Law be carried out in Beijing? B

A.May 31,2015         B.June 1,2015

C.June 2,2015          D.June 4,2015

2.Who became the first Asian born person in the men’s 100 meters? C

A.Tyson Gay.          B.Mike Rodgers.

C.Su Bingtian.        D.Liu Xiang.

3.How many people died from the outbreak of MERS in South Korea on June 1st? B

A.1                     B.2

C.14                    D.25

4.What caused the big ship to sink on Yangtze River? D

A.Hitting another ship. B.Carrying too many people.

C.The wrong driving.      D.A sudden strong cyclone.

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1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 试题分析: 1.因为第一则新闻时间是May 28,2015,Thursday(2015年5月28日,星期四),其中说将于“next Monday”(下周一)出台该法律,由此可推测出时间是在6月1日,故选B. 2.因为第二个新闻中“You became the first Asian person in the men's 100 meters.”可知此处的you为苏炳添,故选C. 3.由第三则新闻第一句话中的“two deaths”,可知是死了两人.故选B. 4.本题问“什么造成了长江上的大型轮船的沉没?”A.Hitting another ship.撞上另一艘船;B.Carrying too many people.载了太多的人;C.The wrong driving.驾驶失误;D.A sudden strong cyclone.突然发生的飓风.从第四则新闻中的“after being caught in a strong cyclone at 21:28,June 1”可知是突遇飓风.故选D. 【点评】本题考察关于新闻的理解,做此题可以运用寻读的阅读方法,带着问题去找答案. 考点:广告布告类阅读.


When I was a junior high school student in 1980,God gave me a gift,it was happiness.

One weekend,I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside.On my way home a car ran over me and cut off my_______ because of its high speed.

Several days later when I woke up at the hospital,I realized I had to spend the rest of my life _______   arms.How sad I felt at that time!Even I was full of fears._______ slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it.I couldn’t get my arms back even though I _______ every day.

However,it’s easier _______ than done.It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness_______.I got so much from my paststory.From then on,I could treat my life with a _______ mind.But in our dailylife,I often see my classmates_______ about little things:They get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes_______ they don’t have a mobile phone but_______have,and so on.But I only_______life.I was lucky to realize from an accident:It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have_______.We should always think of what we have.So why are so many people unhappy?Someone may say,“My whole life would improve_______I have a new car.”But when you get the car and what _______?For awhole week you are walking on air.Then you go right back to being  unhappy.

Happiness depends on what we have!It’s in our heart.It’s a state of mind,even though you own the whole world,you may still feel _______.Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感 激) and taking pleasure in what you really have.

1.A.feet         B.legs           C.arms           D.ears

2.A.with          B.without       C.for           D.on

3.A.Or            B.But            C.So             D.Once

4.A.cried         B.laughed       C.sat           D.stood

5.A.dreamed       B.acted         C.called         D.said

6.A.strongly     B.especially   C.completely   D.similarly

7.A.crazy        B.normal        C.full          D.special

8.A.get excited   B.get nervous    C.get serious   D.get worried

9.A.early         B.first          C.fast          D.late

10.A.the other    B.one another    C.other          D.others

11.A.hate        B.dislike       C.enjoy          D.save

12.A.lost        B.had           C.found         D.spent

13.A.because     B.as             C.if             D.whether

14.A.happens      B.takes place    C.used          D.uses

15.A.funny       B.happy         C.excited        D.unhappy.



﹣Could you please sweep the floor?I’m going to cook dinner.

﹣.I’ll do it at once,Mom.( 

A.I’m afraid not          B.You’re kidding

C.It’s a shame            D.My pleasure



﹣Excuse me,do you know

﹣Sure,there is a bookstore down the street near here.( 

A.where can I get some postcards

B.where I can get some postcards

C.how can I get some postcards

D.when I can get some postcards



﹣China is getting better and better at making high technology products.

﹣That’s right.People around the world can hardly avoid products made in China.( 

A.not buying       B.not to buy

C.to buy           D.buying



﹣Which song do you like better,Lucy?

﹣I prefer the song Little Apple can attract many people.( 

A.which            B.who

C.whom             D.where



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