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Do you like Dinosaur Island? The film Di...

Do you like Dinosaur Island?

The film Dinosaur Island? I went with my younger brother Dave to see it last Friday. I had a great time, but he closed (闭上) his eyes in many parts because the dinosaurs (恐龙) looked so real and he didn't laugh once. I thought the story was really exciting. The beginning and the ending were excellent! 


I saw the advertisement (广告) for the film Dinosaur Island on TV. It looked great but it wasn’t as good as I hoped. I loved the beginning but the second half was boring, I think. I wouldn’t go and see it again. I like films about teenagers and their lives much more. I also like reading books about teenagers. I'd like to be a writer and write for teenagers one day.


I didn’t want the film Dinosaur Island to end because I liked it so much! I read this story before I saw the film. I usually enjoy the books more, but this time was “ ” . I really loved the film! I read all about how they made the dinosaurs on the Internet after I went to see it. I think most young people will love seeing this film!


1.What might Dave think of the film Dinosaur Island?

A.Boring. B.Funny. C.Exciting. D.Scary.

2.What does Robert want to be in the future?

A.A writer. B.A scientist. C.A film maker. D.A TV reporter.

3.The best word for “ ▲ ” is “_____”.

A.serious B.common C.popular D.different

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?

A.George often watches films at home.

B.Robert is interested in films about teenagers.

C.Dave went to see the film Dinosaur Island yesterday.

D.Andrew didn't laugh once when he saw the film Dinosaur Island.

5.What question might the three boys answer?

A.Where do you usually watch films?

B.What kind of films do you like most?

C.Why did you go to see the film Dinosaur Island?

D.What did you think of the film Dinosaur Island?


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。叙述了几个孩子对电影Dinosaur Island的看法。George觉得这个故事很激动人心。开头和结尾都很精彩! Robert喜欢开头,但觉得下半场很无聊,不会再去看了。Andrew真的很喜欢这部电影! 1.考查细节理解。由第一段中Dave的表现“He closed (闭上) his eyes in many parts because the dinosaurs (恐龙) looked so real and he didn't laugh once.”可知,他认为Dinosaur Island令人害怕。故选D。 2.考查细节理解。由第二段的最后一句“I'd like to be a writer and write for teenagers one day.”可知,他想成为一名作家。故选A。 3.考查推理判断。由上文句意“我经常更喜欢这些书”和but可知,这次是“不同的”。故选D。 4.考查推理判断。由第二段中“I like films about teenagers and their lives much more.”可知Robert对有关青少年的影片很感兴趣。故选B。 5.考查主旨大意。三个自然段的内容都是表达了对电影Dinosaur Island的看法,因此,问题可能是What did you think of the film Dinosaur Island?故选D。

    Who is playing the piano?

Annie White is learning to play the piano, but the Whites don’t have a piano at home. A neighbor has an old piano and she says that Annie can have it.

It is a Sunday morning. Mr. White and three neighbors take the piano to the Whites’ house. She is very happy. Annie’ s baby sister Jane also likes the piano. In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. White go to a party. Little Jane goes to bed first. At nine o’clock Annie goes to bed, too.

But what is that? She sits up in bed and listens. It is her piano. Someone is playing it. Well, in fact, someone is making a lot of noise on it! It is Jane, of course! So Annie goes to Jane's room. Jane is sleeping.

Then Annie hears the piano again! Who can it be? Are her parents back? She calls, “Are you there, Mom and Dad?” There is no answer.

Now Annie is . Someone is playing her piano. Who can that mysterious (神秘的)piano player be? With all her courage (勇气)she goes to the living room again. Do you know what she sees? Puddles, the family cat, is walking up and down the piano!

1.Annie’ s piano is from her_____.

A.teacher B.neighbor C.mother D.grandfather

2.In the evening, Annie’s parents are out for a ________.

A.meal B.walk C.party D.lesson

3.The best word for “ ” is “_____”.

A.funny B.scared C.happy D.excited

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Annie and her sister share a room.

B.The piano is at Annie’s mother's room.

C.Annie goes to bed at ten o’ clock in the evening.

D.At first, Annie thinks her sister is playing the piano.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A.A happy family

B.A wonderful night

C.A lazy but cute cat

D.A mysterious piano player



A famous actorRobert De Niro

Robert De Niro is an American actor. He’s acted in a lot of famous films. He is one of the greatest actors in film history.

Robert De Niro was born (出生) in 1943 in New York City. He left high school at the age of sixteen. He wanted to have a career (职业)in acting. He dreamed of appearing in Hollywood films.

His first major film role came in 1973. It was in the film Bang the Drum Slowly. Later, he got a role in the film The Godfather Part II. He won his first Oscar (奥斯卡金像奖)for this role. After this, he got many other important film roles.

On his way to career success, he became good friends with a director Martin Scorsese. They began to work together often. Their first film together was Mean Streets in 1973. It was a big success. In 1980he acted in the film Raging Bull. Scorsese was the director again. And for this role, Robert De Niro won his second Oscar.

His acting career continued. In 1990s2000s and 2010s, he kept acting in a lot of films.

1.When did Robert De Niro leave high school?

A.In 1943. B.In 1946. C.In 1959. D.In 1963.

2.Robert De Niro's first major film role was in________.

A.Raging Bull B.Mean Streets

C.Bang the Drum Slowly D.The Godfather Part II

3.What do Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese have in common?

A.They are both successful.

B.They were born in the same year.

C.They are both friends of a famous director.

D.They shared the same dream when they were small.

4.What does the underlined word “continued” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?

A.浪费 B.消失 C.改善 D.继续

5.The writer writes this passage to_____.

A.show what a good friend is like

B.tell the life story of Robert De Niro

C.teach others how to be a good actor

D.ask people to see Robert De Niro’s films



    Trip to New York

Did you take a trip to New York? Yes, I did. In fact, I1.(live) in the city for one year. It is a busy city with many tall buildings and all kinds of people from different countries. There are many famous places 2. (visit), like Broadway, Central Park and Times Square. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is also a world-famous place. I3. (like) collections of ancient works of art so I often4.(visit) it. There you can also5.(see)some Chinese ancient paintings. Sometimes I6.(go) shopping on New York’s Fifth Avenue. I7. (buy) many nice things there. Besides, it8.(be) wonderful to look at the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.

There is a movie about New York. Its name is The Day After Tomorrow. I like it very much, but I9. (not like) the ending! If things are like what the ending of the movie10.(play), it will truly be a bad dream.



II Divo

II Divo is a band (乐队)in the UK. It’s famous on television shows such as Britain’s Got Talent. There are _____ people in the band. They are Carlos Marin, Urs Biihler, Sebastien Izambard and David Miller. It’s one of the most  ____ bands these years.

People all around the world _____ II Divo’s songs. And they are popular with people ____  all ages. You can ______both young and old people in their concerts (音乐会). You can relax your mind and body by listening to their music, ______it’s enjoyable to listen to it after a busy day.

As for me, I ______like listening to their music. I think their music is very beautiful and peaceful (平静的).The first song I listened to by II Divo was Pour Que Tu M Aimes Encore.  ____ sang it in French.

How _____ it sounded! Mama is one of my favorite songs. It is a sad song, and it is wonderful. I ____ to hear their new album (专辑) soon.

1.A.two B.three C.four D.five

2.A.serious B.popular C.boring D.natural

3.A.enjoy B.miss C.study D.sell

4.A.over B.for C.of D.on

5.A.see B.act C.stop D.teach

6.A.but B.so C.or D.if

7.A.hardly B.sometimes C.ever D.really

8.A.He B.She C.They D.We

9.A.poor B.nice C.full D.hard

10.A.forget B.dislike C.move D.hope




Every school has notice boards (公告板). Let’s see what is on the notice board of this school.

Class Announcement

Testing dates:

The English test: June 14

The physics test: June 15

The Chinese test: June 16

Parent meeting:

The next parent meeting is at 6 pm on Friday, June 21 in the meeting hall.

After-school program

You can still stay at school from 3:30 pm to 6:00pm every weekday.

3:30-4:30 Homework

4:30-5:00 Reading

5:00-6:00 Activities

If you have any questions, you can call at 6689-7459 for more information.



1.The_____ test is on June 15.

A.English B.Chinese C.physics D.chemistry

2.The next parent meeting is______.

A.at 6 p.m., June 22 B.at 6 p.m., June 21 C.at 7 p.m., June 22 D.at 7 p.m., June 21

3.Students can do their homework______ at school.

A.from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. B.from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

C.from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. D.from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

4.Students can______ from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm at school.

A.do their housework B.play computer games

C.do some reading D.do some sports

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The Chinese test is on June 13.

B.The next parent meeting is in the gym.

C.The after-school program is two hours every time.

D.The after-school program is from Monday to Friday.



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