满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was the final game for my eight-year-...

    It was the final game for my eight-year-old son’s soccer team. Near the end of the match, the score was two to one, my son's team being ahead. Parents surrounded the playground, offering  _________.

There were less than ten seconds_________and the ball stopped in front of my son's teammate, Mickey. With cheering shouts_________the field, Mickey went back a little and kick the ball with everything he had. All around me the crowd became crazy and _______.Mickey had___________

Then there was a complete_________.Mickey had scored, but in the wrong gate, the_________went into the gate of my son’s team, ending the game in a draw(平局). You see, Mickey has a serious_________in his head, which makes his IQ lower than that of normal children of the same age. And for him, he didn’t understand what a wrong goal was. All goals were_________by a happy hug from Mickey. He had been known to hug the players whom he was fighting against when they scored.

The silence was__________broken when Mickey, his face________with joy, caught my son, hugged him and shouted,“I scored! I scored. Everybody won! Everybody won!”For a moment I held my breath, not sure how my son would do or say. In fact, I didn’t __________to worry at that time. I watched through tears. When I found my son raised his hand and started call out__________,“Well done, Mickey!” Soon, members from both teams got around Mickey, __________him on his goal

Later that night, when my daughter asked __________ had won, “Everybody won”. I smiled and replied.

1.A.encouragement B.instruction C.management D.competition

2.A.useful B.alive C.gone D.left

3.A.between B.against C.across D.past

4.A.excited B.interested C.surprised D.embarrassed

5.A.checked B.scored C.returned D.tired

6.A.independence B.victory C.silence D.relation

7.A.ball B.guide C.player D.crowd

8.A.idea B.mistake C.illness D.sense

9.A.wasted B.celebrated C.remembered D.reminded

10.A.partly B.seriously C.deeply D.finally

11.A.covered B.filled C.appeared D.shared

12.A.choose B.forget C.mean D.need

13.A.strongly B.softly C.wildly D.privately

14.A.pushing B.complaining C.interviewing D.congratulating

15.A.who B.which C.when D.where


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A 【解析】 本文讲述了作者观看儿子比赛,儿子的队友进了乌龙球,但是队友们并没有责备他,而是为他加油,作者明白了享受比赛比赢得比赛更重要。 1. 句意:家长们围住了操场,给孩子们鼓励。 encouragement鼓励;instruction说明;management管理;competition竞赛。根据Near the end of the match,可知,接近比赛的尾声,家长们都围着操场给孩子们加油鼓励,所以空格处填encouragement。故选A。 2. 句意:剩下不到10秒钟,球在我儿子队友米奇的前面停下了。 useful有用的;alive活着的;gone离去的;left剩下的。根据Near the end of the match及所给选词,可知,离比赛结束还有不到10分钟,所以空格处填left。故选D。 3. 句意:欢呼声穿过整个球场,他稍微退了几步,用他所有的力气踢这个球。 between在……之间;against反对;across穿过;past路过。根据cheering shouts及the field,可知,此空表示“欢呼声穿过整个球场”表示从球场上面穿过,所以空格处填across。故选C。 4. 句意:我周围的人变得疯狂和兴奋。 excited兴奋的;interested感兴趣的;surprised惊讶的;embarrassed尴尬的。根据Mickey had scored,可知,米奇进球了,所有的人都变得疯狂和兴奋,所以空格处填excited与and前的crazy形成并列关系。故选A。 5. 句意:米奇进球了。 checked检查;scored得分;returned返回;tired疲倦。根据下文Mickey had scored,可知,米奇成功进球了,所以空格处填scored。故选B。 6. 句意:然后全场一片寂静。 independence独立;victory胜利;silence寂静;relation关系。根据Mickey had scored , but in the wrong gate,可知,米奇把球踢进了自己队的球门,所有人被这个结果震住了,全场一片寂静,所以空格处填silence。故选C。 7. 句意:米奇进球了,但是进了自己队的球门,球进了我儿子队伍的球门,以平局结束这场比赛。 ball球;guide导游;player比赛者;crowd人群。根据Mickey had scored , but in the wrong gate,可知,米奇把足球踢进了我儿子队伍的球门,所以空格处填ball。故选A。 8. 句意:你看,米奇脑袋有严重的疾病,导致了他的智力低于同龄普通儿童。 idea想法;mistake错误;illness疾病;sense 感觉。根据which makes his IQ lower than that of normal children of the same age,可知,他患有严重的疾病才会导致他的智商低于同龄的儿童,所以空格处填illness。故选C。 9. 句意:米奇会用拥抱来庆祝所有的进球。 wasted浪费;celebrated庆祝;remembered记得;reminded提醒。根据a happy hug from Mickey,可知,这种拥抱是庆祝的一种方式,所以空格处填celebrated,此处指米奇不能分辨哪个进球是自己队的。故选B。 10. 句意:沉默最终被米奇打破,他的脸充满了愉悦,抓住我的儿子,抱着他并喊着,“我进球了!我进球了。每个人都赢了,每个人都赢了!” partly部分地;seriously严重地;deeply深深地;finally最终地。根据Then there was a complete silence.Mickey had scored, but in the wrong gate,可知,当所有人看到米奇踢进了乌龙球时,全场一片寂静,最终这种沉默被米奇打破了,所以空格处填finally。故选D。 11. 句意:沉默最终被米奇打破,他的脸充满了喜悦,抓住我的儿子,抱着他并喊着,“我进球了!我进球了。每个人都赢了,每个人都赢了!” covered覆盖;filled充满;appeared出现;shared分享。根据I scored!I scored,可知,米奇还在为自己进球而感到高兴,所以空格处表示“脸上充满着喜悦”,故空格处填filled。构成搭配be filled with。故选B。 12. 句意:事实上,我不需要担心。 choose选择;forget忘记;mean意义;need需要。根据下文“Well done, Mickey!”可知,作者听到儿子对米奇的鼓励,认为刚才根本无需担心儿子会做出什么样的反应,所以空格处填need。故选D。 13. 句意:当我发现儿子举起手,并疯狂地喊出:“做得好,米奇!”时,我含着泪看着他们。 strongly强烈地;softly柔和地;wildly疯狂地;privately私下地。 根据call out(大声喊)及“Well done, Mickey!”可知,这种球场上的叫喊声通常是很疯狂,所以空格处填wildly。故选C。 14. 句意:很快,两队的队员都围着米奇,祝贺他的进球。 pushing推;complaining抱怨;interviewing采访;congratulating恭喜。根据“Well done, Mickey!”可知,听到作者的儿子高喊“做得好,米奇”,其他的队员也过来向米奇表示祝贺,所以空格处填congratulating。构成congratulate sb. on sth.就某事祝贺某人。故选D。 15. 句意:那天晚上,当我的女儿问谁赢了,我笑着回答“每个人都赢了。” who谁;which哪一个;when何时;where哪里。根据Everybody won,可知,是作者的女儿询问谁赢了,所以空格处填who。故选A。

How do you find the TV play In the Name of People?


A.Just a minute B.That’s right C.By chance D.It’s fantastic



We'd better       when he is thinking, as he prefers to solve problems on his own.

A. let him down

B. cheer him up

C. leave him alone

D. ring him up



The program has helped out thousands of homeless children since the government ________it

A.starts B.had started C.will start D.started



How about some more ice-cream?

No, thanks. It's very good, but I have to       my weight, you know.

A. prevent    B. watch    C. refuse    D. keep



The population of our city has increased       40% compared with       of 3 years ago.

A.by; that B.to; those

C.with; ones D.of; it



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