满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

你想邀请朋友参加你的生日聚会,可以这样说: Would_____________...




Would you like to come to my birthday party? 【解析】 句意:你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗? 根据中文提示可知,英语中问别人“是否愿意做某事”的结构是“Would you like to…?”;“来参加”是come to;“我的生日聚会”是my birthday party。故答案为Would you like to come to my birthday party?  













    You have lots of things you'd like to do. But sometimes it's hard to get to the finish line-just like your goal. How can you break your bad habits and develop good ones? 1. Here are a few opinions we often get from kids, followed by ideas that might help.

● I can' 't get away from screens.

2. If you usually spend time lying on the sofa and watching TV programs or a video when you're bored, go somewhere else instead. Take a book to your room or your violin to the backyard. Or ask if you can help cook in the kitchen.


Start with "showing up. " Then take one small step or do one tiny task, followed by another and another. For example, how do I practice the piano? First sit at it. Then play one note at a time.

Starting with a super-simple step often helps. Why? It's easy, quick, and gets you in action. 4.

● I have no time.

Take a look at the choices you make about how you spend time. Do those choices show what's important to you? Can you spare 10 minutes a day to work on a goal? Let's suppose you want to be singer. 5. Talk with a parent about why your goal counts. Discuss whether you can let go of something less important to free up time to achieve it.

A.Then keep taking steps.

B.I can't start such a huge goal.

C.And how can you try to reach your goals?

D.To change a habit, try changing where you spend your time.

E.Is it more important to practice singing than play video games?



    Frank and his brother Jack lived near the ocean. Frank was outgoing while Jack was shy. They liked doing different things. Frank was famous for organizing games of beach volleyball, football, and any other sport imaginable. Jack preferred to draw, paint, or build sandcastles(沙堡).

Frank didn't understand why Jack would rather do artistic things than play ball. He believed sports often allowed many kids to play together. That was when Jack's idea hatched. He would show Frank what doing things together looked like!

After Jack finished creating a special sandcastle with stairs, towers and walls, he took pictures of it. Then he painted colorful posters featuring(突出)his sandcastle and the question, "Can you top this?" He hung his posters everywhere in town, announcing his plan for a day of sandcastle artistry-all ages welcome.

When Frank saw poster, he not so nicely told Jack that no one would come. Still, shortly after sunrise on Saturday, Jack was on the beach digging in the sand. By mid-morning, four kids were sculpting(雕塑)the sand alongside him. By noon the number had increased a lot.

After Frank came back from his ball game, he went to check how his brother's plan turned out. He couldn't believe what he saw. At least 30 people were building a city of sandcastles, and everyone was chatting and laughing and working together! It was the most beautiful thing he had seen on the beach.

"I guess you've proved me wrong," Frank said. "You should make this sandcastle day a yearly tradition!" Handing Frank a shovel(铲子)with smile, Jack got started together with his brother on their super creation in the sand.

1.What does the underlined word "hatched" in Paragraph 2 probably mean in Chinese?

A.产生 B.改变 C.消失 D.中断

2.What helped people know about Jack's plan?

A.Beautiful towers. B.Colorful posters.

C.A town building. D.A sandcastle day.

3.When learning about Jack's plan, Frank was ________.

A.doubtful B.interested C.satisfied D.nervous

4.What can we know about Jack's idea?

A.It came from picture. B.It needed 30 people's support.

C.It proved Frank right. D.It did work well.

5.Which of the following best describes Jack?

A.Honest. B.Creative. C.Outgoing. D.Caring.



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